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After a year...

Taehyung was inside a bar in Paris he didn't want to go here if it's not for his co-workers. They insisted that he should come and he felt ashamed if he turned them down for the hundredth time. He was not used to these kinds of things, so he just roamed around the bar looking for a quiet place to rest.

He has been finding a place to stay but the bar was just too alive for his liking. He found an empty seat and settled there. He really wants to go home. He doesn't want to be around people he doesn't even know.

"Excuse me, Kim Taehyung?"

He looked up and noticed a familiar face in the crowd.


He instantly got up and hugged his best friend.

"I didn't know you were here! You should've told me."

"Excuse me! You never told anyone that you'll be going to Paris!" Jimin exclaimed to him.

He giggled at him. It was true though he doesn't want anyone to know where he's going. After graduation, he left on the next day.

"Come on Tae, I'm with our friends. We should catch up."

He has no choice but to go along. His hands were grabbed by Jimin and he practically dragged him towards where they are going. His heart skipped a bit when he saw someone he's been trying to forget throughout the whole year. The other male didn't notice him right away since he is on Jimin's back.

"Jimin what took you so long?

"Oh, Jin look who I found!"

Jimin shoved him towards Jin. This is their first time seeing each other after the kiss that they shared. He was fidgeting while standing there in front of Jin.

"Hi, Jin. Long time no see. Ummm and Jimin, I thought you're with our friends? Where are the others?"

Taehyung tried to divert the topic. It was awkward for him. He can't still look straight through Jin's eyes.

"Did I say that? I'm sorry I'm only with Jin. My bad. Well, I think it's a good reunion for the both of you, after all, he's your long-time crush, Tae."

At this moment Taehyung wanted to strangle Jimin's neck because of humiliation.

"Stop it Jimin. It was a long time ago! Can't we just move on?"

He yelled at his friend. It was not loud to be embarrassing nor offending, it's just a simple warning.

"Okay okay. I'm sorry. I'll leave you two for a while, catch up with each other, okay?"

Jimin ran away from us. That brat! Still hasn't changed.

"Taehyung, take a sit. Are you planning to just stand there the whole night?"

I was started upon hearing his voice. I hurriedly took a sit to the chair next to him. I was feeling really nervous now. Of all places, he decided to appear here in Paris, here in the same bar that he is in!

"So, how's life Taehyung? Are you doing good?"

Is this true? Kim fucking Seokjin is talking to me?

"Y-yeah I'm good. I-i design clothes now for a company here."

Why the hell am I stuttering? I've done more embarrassing things before but I did not get ashamed, why now?

"Hey, are you nervous? Why are you stuttering?"

"Nothing. I'm fine."

Where the hell is Jimin? I need him here or else I'll die of a heart attack.

"Don't be afraid of me. I don't bite. It's just me." Jin said.

That's the point! It's you. It's because you're you that's why I'm afraid. Afraid that my buried feelings will come back to life again. And yes, you don't bite but you always know how to scar my whole being.

I wanted to yell out those words but I can't find my voice so I just sat there in silence waiting for Jimin. When Jimin returned nothing changed much. We talked about random things, well they talked, I only listened to them only answering when I needed to. Tonight is a long-ass night and Jimin teasing me every now and then is not helping at all. I just wished this night to be over.


Jin, I can't understand you! 😂

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