Chapter 39

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I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a month. At lot has been going on and I haven't had the time to write a solid chapter that I like. However I did manage to finish a chapter at my one shot stories about Bellamy and Clarke, which I had started on a while back. With that said, here's the next chapter and I hope that you will enjoy reading it. 

Clarke's POV:
It's the end of the summer. Bellamy is officially back in New York and his internship is over since school starts again. It's only six days until our first day back. So what better way to start of the new school year than a big party? That's what everyone thinks except for me. I haven't been to one since the inccident there I was taken back to my hometown. And I'm not exactly planning on going to that party. Even though I know that it would be fun to spend some quality time with my friends. 

Instead of going to the party, Bellamy suggested that we should do something. Just, him, me and Mallory. And I love that idea. It's so much better then a party. Anyway, Bellamy had booked a hotel room at a resort in California. We'll be staying there for four days. 

At first we had though of it just being Bellamy and I. After talked we decided that Mallory should come too. It will be like our first offical family trip together. We had taken Bellamy's car, loaded it with our bags and left our apartment. 

We're about an hour away from the resort that we're going to and Mallory is asleep. Bellamy and I are talking about what we should do then we get there. 

-Why don't we start with unpacking and then going to the restaurant to eat something? After that we can go swimming in the pool? Bellamy suggests and I agree with him. We can do exactly whatever we want without having our friends near us questioning our decisions. 

Two hours later, we have checked into the hotel and unpacked a few things. Such as clothes, towels and swimsuits. After doing that Bellamy, Mallory and I are leave the hotel to go down to the nearest restaurant at the hotel. 

I really hope that this is going to be a great last vacation before school starts again. Last school year was crazy and I have high hopes that this is going to be a better year. For me, Mallory, Bellamy and all our friends who has been supporting us through everything. 

-What do you want to eat? Bellamy asks Mallory has he's reading what's on the menu for her. They are the cutest little duo. 

-Pancakes. Lots of pancakes. Mallory says with a big smile on her lips. 

Then we'll order a lot of pancakes. What do you want, princess? Bellamy asks when our eyes meet. I look through the menu one last time before I decide what to get. 

-I'll get a chicken sallad. I say. The waiter walkes forward our table. He takes our orders and tells us that they will come out with our food soon. We're sitting at the table talking a little while Mallory is on my phone playing some kids game.

-You only got two more semesters in college before you graduate. We haven't really talked about your plans after. Unlike you I got two more years left. I'm so proud of you, and you know that. I'm just wondering what might happen. I say calmly. 

-Do we really need to talk about that now, on our vacation? Bellamy asks.

-I guess no. It's just something that's been on my mind lately. I admit. 

-Okay, there might be a chance that I will get a job in New Jersey. There I had my internship. I would love to take it. I liked working there, a lot. However if they offered me a job and I said yes, I would be away five days a week while you have your classes. It will be really hard for you taking care of Mallory on your own. On the other side you have proven everyone that you can handle both work, school and taking care of her on your own. With a little help from others though. If they don't offer me a job there, I will just look for one in New York. I can't guarantee that it always will be easy. I can promise you, no matter what, I will always be here, supporting and loving you, forever. Bellamy says. I'm amazed how he always can say the right things to make me feel better. I guess it's a gift that he has.

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