Chapter 26

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Bellamy's POV:
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I can't believe this is happening. What does he mean with Clarke gone missing? I should never have let her go alone to that stupid party. I should have let Octavia babysit Mallory tonight so that I could have gone with her. 
Thinking back to them Raven came here earlier she was acting weird. Why didn't I ask her if there were something wrong? I just want to leave the apartment, go outside to Murphy's car there Raven is and scream all kind of mean words to her. 
They are friends. How could Raven do such a thing to Clarke, to my princess. I need to take a few deep breath because I don't know the whole story. 
-Drag her sorry little ass up here. NOW! I say harsh to Murphy. All he does is look down on the ground as he leaves the apartment. They better hope that Clarke is okay. As I'm phasing around the apartment waiting for them to come I realize that this isn't all Raven's fault. There is someone else who got Clarke. I can't put all the blame on Raven. However she got a big part in this and it's something I don't take lightly on. If you mess with my family. You're messing with me and you will be sorry. 
-You tell me from the beginning what the hell happened. I growl as I'm sitting on the oposite side of the livingroom. Raven and Murphy has taken a seat on the sofa. 
-Yesterday three guys approached me. Somehow they knew that I'm friends with Clarke. Raven starts. 
-Your friendship is on thin ice right now. Let along ours. I say harsh. 
-Anyhow I was alone, no one were near or could see us, so they cornered me. All three of them looked pissed. Like three mad men. I'm not one to get scared. If you had seen them you would understand. They told me to get Clarke to the party tonight. I should get her drunk. She doesn't drink and you can't fool Clarke Griffin. If I didn't they would hurt the one I care the most for. Accidently Murphy's name slipped out and well, they told me that if I didn't get Clarke there they would put Murphy in the hospital. So I made a decision. Clarke or Murphy. So I choose the man I love. You should have seen Clarke's facial expression when she figured out I had a part in all of this. Raven says with tears in her eyes. I'm furious but I know that I can't go all crazy and destroy things in the apartment. Even how much I wanted to take out my anger. I couldn't because there's a child sleeping a few rooms down the hallway. I'm not going to wake up Mallory. Mallory, oh my, how I'm I going to explain this to her in the morning? She is still so little and wouldn't understand.
-Did you ever think about Mallory? Clarke's daughter, huh? If I don't get Clarke back, you're the reason Mal doesn't have her mother. You led Clarke into the hands of the man who once took advantage of her. I say harsh. By Murphy and Raven's facial expressions I don't think that Clarke ever told them the whole truth. Frankly I don't think they deserve it now. 
-Bellamy! That's enough! Murphy screams at me. 
-She told me that you shouldn't worry and take care of Mallory for her. Raven whispers. 
-Leave right now! Maybe you should start thinking about what you're going to tell Clarke, if I get her back. I say and slam the door close. I hope I didn't wake Mallory up. I really hope not. I go back into the livingroom and pick up my phone. Then I dial my sisters number. 

Octavia's POV:
My brother called me in the middle of the night. The first three times I ignored it. Until the forth time. I'm really tired and just want to sleep. 
-What? I mumble as I try not to wake Lincoln. 
-I need your help with Mal. Bellamy says. I can hear in his voice that he's there's something wrong. However I don't put much thought into it. 
-Ask Clarke for help. I mumble. 
-For crying out loud, she's missing. Please O, just get over here. I hear my brother saying on the other side of the line. I can't believe what I'm hearing. How? What? When? Why? There's so many questions going through my mind right now. As much as these news breaks my heart I can't imagine what Bellamy is going through right now. 
-Right, I'll be there soon. Keep it together, for Mal. I say before I hang up. Five minutes later I'm dressed and have managed to wake Lincoln up. I'm heartbroken over the news. I have to pull myself together for Bellamy, Clarke and Mallory.
When Lincoln and I arrive at their apartment I hug my brother. His eyes are red. He must have been crying. We sit down and Bellamy tells us everything that he knows. I don't want to believe what I'm hearing. 
All kind of memories is coming back now. I regret being mean to Clarke when we first became friends. That I was so hard on her. I should have treated her better from the start. Then I remember something Clarke told me when she first had gotten mad at my brother, this was obviously before they became friends. No one messes with Clarke because she has anger issues. However she has learned to control her issues and goes on medication. 
-I know for a fact that Clarke is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. I got faith in her. I tell my brother and give him another hug as I try to ensure him of it. 
-As much as you're going to hate this, go to bed and sleep. Tomorrow we're going to deal with this. I never make promises that I can't keep. But this I promise you big brother, we're going to get Clarke back. Lincoln and I will be here for you all the way. I tell Bellamy. We both know exactly who got her and they are no match for Miss Clarke Griffin. 

Clarke's POV:
I was sitting in the backseat of the car. We have been driving for a long amount of time right now. I really need to pee but the didn't listen or bother to stop. I knew better than trying to fight them right now. I still remember how they work since I used to hang out with them before things got out of control and I became pregnant. I look out the car window and things is starting to come together. We're in Washington. Just great. Perfect even. In all seriousness I don't want to be here. I just want to get over with everything and go back home. 
-Washington huh? What are we doing here? I thought that you wanted to see your daughter. I say.
-Actually I don't want anything to do with her. She was an accident. This is all about you princess. Billy says and laughs. It's one of those annoying evil laughs. He doesn't scare me. 
-Right, so why kidnapp me? I ask calmly. 
-Kidnapp you? You came on your own. Billy says. He really must be out of his own mind. 
-Just tell me what you want with me so that we can get over with this shit. I say and cross my arms over my chest in annoyence. 
-Don't you get it princess? You're mine and I got you back now. I didn't force you. Remember that I love you. Billy says. He really must be sick. What even makes him think that I love him? 
-You did kidnapp me because I didn't want to come with you guys. I don't love you and I never did. So now when we have settled this, can I go home? I ask. I know that they won't leave me alone. Still, why not ask? I know exactly what I'm doing. 
-You are on your way home. We're going to my place. Billy says. Wow, he really is smart. Bringing me to the most obvious place of them all. My dear old friend, Wells Jaha, lives on the same block as stupid Billy. His perfect little plan to kidnapp me isn't going that well. 
-Okay. I say. I say and turn way face away from the car window. My eyes meet Billy and I can see that he's shocked. 
-You gave in that easily? He says. 
-I mean, you are three guys against one girl. I wouldn't have a chance getting out of here anyway. I say and stare right at him. That was one big lie. I can get out of his place easily. I've been there many times before. 
-If I'm coming home now, does that mean that I can hang out with my old friends? I haven't seen Wells in ages. Don't you remember that he's like a brother to me? I ask innocent.  
-No. Billy says. 
-Come on. Please, just let me visit him tomorrow. I promise to be good. Just for five minutes. Simon can come, right Simon? You know how important family is. I say. I smile at the three boys. Neither of them are that smart. Obviously we got Billy. He finished high school but never got into college. Simon however got into college but dropped out because it got "to hard".  Hyde did the same as Simon. He dropped out too. But from high school. I'm the lucky one. I'm going to graduate college and get myself a well paid job so that I can make sure that my daughter has a bright life ahead of her. 
-Five minutes. But that's it. Billy says. He's so dumb that it's actually funny. Don't get me wrong. I still have all of this and want to get back home. This is going to be so much easier than I though. I really hope that Bellamy doesn't do anything stupid because I'm going to be with him in just a few days and I'm going to make sure of it. 

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