Chapter 2

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~ Clarke ~
It was monday again and I hadn't seen Octavia or any of my what so called "new friends" since the party. I don't know if they were kidding about me getting to be one of them. Maybe I should just try to make other friends? 
As I thought that Miller walked around the corner with one of his friends. I believe his name is Murphy. I've learned that his not the nicest person but he would do anything for his friends. so yeah, I don't know what I feel about him. But that doesn't matter. 
-Ahh, it's blondie. Murphy said. I rolled my eyes. Scratch that, I don't like him. He's plain annoying. 
-The name is Clarke. I tell him. 
-But I'm going to call you blondie because you're blonde. Get it? Murphy says and laugh. He's definitely not one of the smart ones. 
-If you don't mind I'm going to class now. I don't want to be late. I tell them. Neither one of the protest or say anything. They let me pass. I'm greatful for that. I do wanna become a doctor. However I haven't really decided a specialty. But I have been thinking about cardio or trauma. My mother works at Washington memorial hospital. She's there practically all the time. All she does is work. My father and I never really saw her since she came home late in the evenings and left early in the morning. Sure I love my mother. But I wish that she would have paid more attention to me and my father. Sometimes I would accidentally get into troubles just for her to notice me. My father on the other hand new about it so he always managed to get me out of trouble. I'm happy not to be in Washington anymore. Even if I miss my father and Wells. Wells was my best friends back in Washington. He wanted to come with me to New York but he got stuck back home. His mother is sick. It's cancer so I understand that he wants to be home with his family and not in New York with me. I do accept that but I miss having someone who cares and know me. I had many reasons for leaving Washington. A few which I hate myself for. 
Surprisingly when it was time for lunch I was asked my Jasper to sit and eat lunch with him, Octavia and the others. Obviously I didn't decline the offer. I think that Octavia actually is a nice girl. But after meeting her brother twice and finding out that they are related, I kinda understand why she is like she is. Even if I yet don't know any of them on a personal level. 
-So tell us something about you Clarke. Raven says kindly. 
-Erm okay. I was born in Texas and I lived there for three months before my parents moved too Washington and have lived there practically my whole life. As you might have realized I'm studying to become a doctor. I said. I hate talking about my personal life.
-We mean something intresting. Monty says. 
-There's nothing intresting or special about me. I said as I started eating my sallad. 
-I call bullshit. There's always something intresting about a person. A dark secret that they don't want anyone to find out. Octavia says. 
-I don't have a dark secret or am intresting whatsoever. I said which was a lie. 
-I still call that bullshit but I won't preasure you. Octavia says. Then she turns around to Raven and the start another conversation which I'm not included in. 
-You don't have to say anything you don't won't. Octavia is just a curious person who likes to know everything about her friends. I know it doesn't seem like it, but she does see you as one of her friends. You just have to get to know her better. She was cold as ice to me at first. Now she's one of my best friends. Harper whispers so that no one else will hear. I give her a small smile. There's totally something weird and different with the Blake siblings. It makes me happy that they see me as one of their friends since I just thought that they didn't want me as their friend. Stop thinking about this Clarke. My phone ran and when I saw who it was I excused myself and left them. 

Wells: Hey girl. How's New York? Got any new friends? 

Clarke: Hello to you too. It was hell at first now I'm starting to like it. I kinda got friends. 

Wells: That's good as long as you don't replace me as your best friend. 

Clarke: How is your mother doing? 

Wells: She's feeling much better then last week. But it's getting worse. 

Clarke: What are the doctors saying? 

Wells: She has a few months left. 

I can hear the sadness in his voice. I wish that I was there to give him a hug. Knowing Wells I had to change the subject. It was getting to hard for him to talk about his mother and the cancer.

Clarke: How's Mallory? 

Why did I have to ask that? Stupid, stupid me! Just as it's hard for Wells to talk about his mother, it's hard for me to talk about Mallory. Why does life has to be so cruel? 

Wells:  She is missing you of course. But she's happy. 

Clarke: Good, that's good. All I want for Mal is to be happy. 

Wells: Are you going to visit? I know you have only been gone a little more than a week. I just had to ask. 

Clarke: I will be home over thanksgiving. That's a promise. 

Wells: Don't promise anything that you can't hold. 

Clarke: Screw you Wells! 

Wells: Keep calm Clarke. Anywho I gotta go now. I hope to hear from you soon again. I'll say hello to Mallory and your father from you. And that you are okay. 

Clarke: Whatever, thanks. 

Then I hung up the phone without a goodbye. I shouldn't have continued that conversation. Now I'm just upset. I walked back to my new friends who were sitting on the bleachers laughing and having fun together. When I sat down with them I faked a smile and tried my best to join their conversation even if I wasn't very happy. 
-Do you want to come to the mall later with us? Octavia asks. 
-It will be fun. Jasper says. 
-Okay. I said with a smile. This time I didn't have to fake my smile. 

Later that day, after all my classes, we were finally at the mall. Octavia and Harper had tried on to many clothes for me to count. Jasper was very honest. If he hated something he said it without even thinking. Not that any of them seemed to be bothered. Raven and Monty had gone to a cafe at the mall since they were bored. I can't blame them. I'm bored to. So I left the store to find Raven and Monty. We sat for a while talking. More like me listening to them talking. I just nodded and agreed on things. As Raven went to order another cup of coffee Monty turned to me. 
-Why don't you let people in? He asks. 
-What? I ask shocked. Why the hell would he ask that question. 
-Is it that obvious? I said and let out a sigh of annoyance.
-They might not see it except for Harper and I. But you have built up walls around you. What made you do that? I'm not trying to push or judge you. Monty asks. 
-I got my reasons. I might tell you one day. I said. As promised, Monty didn't push me any further. I now know that he's going to be a great friend of mine. 
-What are you talking about? Raven says as she sits down infront of us. 
-Nothing special. Just about how long it takes for the others to try on dresses. Monty says. Luckily Raven buys the lie. I'm thankful. 

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