Chapter 4

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~ Clarke ~
*Three years ago*
I had been at a party and gotten way too drunk. Drinking was a way for me to forget my pain. Obviously I felt even more pain when I got sober. That's why every weekend I drank and went to parties. My father and Wells hated how I always partying. I could see the sadness in my fathers eyes everytime I got home, laying on the bathroom floor vomiting. Still he always helped me and he were always there whenever I needed him. He is the best. 
-Come on babe. Let's get on the bike. Billy said. 
-No, you know I don't ride with you. I said as I laughed. Maybe I was a little to drunk. 
-Please, let's get out of here. Ride with me just this once. Billy said. 
-Fine whatever. I said and got up on his motorcycle. I locked my arms around him and he started the engine.
-Hold tight babe. Billy said.
Twenty minutes later we were on a cliff. I was drunk as hell and I barely knew what was going on. I just remember Billy walking around a tree and had a bottle of tequila in his hand. It didn't take long before I had chugged down had the bottle. Not that it was much tequila. Even if I'm small I have a big tolerance of alcohol. After that everything was a blur until I heard someone screaming. And I started to make sense of things around me again. 

-Clarke for fuck sake. Wake up! I heard someone screaming and I woke up from my nightmare. 
-Damn Clarke, what were you dreaming about? Octavia asks. My breathing is irregular and I could feel my heart going a thousand mile an hour. 
-Just a nightmare. I said. 
-No kidding. You probably woke up the whole house. Octavia said. 
-What's the clock? I asked.
-Almost morning. Octavia said. 
-Okay, I won't be able to fall back asleep now. I need a cold shower.  I said and got up from my bed. Octavia didn't say anything else. She let me be alone. 
-I'm not really crazy. I said before I left to go and take a long cold shower.

~ Octavia ~
I'm aware about the fact that I don't know Clarke that well. But she's an interesting person. And whatever her deal is I'll be her friend that she can lean on in hard situations. Even if I might have been a little mean to her in the beginning. But she actually seems like a nice person. And don't we all have something fucked up from our past that we want to forget? Just ask my brother.

~ Bellamy ~
When I woke up I felt really good about myself. This is going to be a great day. I can already feel it.
I send a text to Clarke. I kinda went through my sisters phone and got her number. Not creepy at all.

To Clarke: Wanna grab breakfast?

From Clarke: Who the hell is this?

To Clarke: Guess who princess?

From Clarke: Loose my number Blake!

To Clarke: So I will pick you up in 30 minutes?

From Clarke: I hate you! 

To Clarke: So that's a yes?

From Clarke: You won't take a no huh?

To Clarke: You know me so well princess

Which was a total lie. She doesn't have to know about my past. 

From Clarke: Be here in 10 minutes jackass

To Clarke: Yes  ma'am :) 

From Clarke: Annoying bastard

To Clarke: You're cute when you get mad princess.

From Clarke: 9 minutes idiot

To Clarke: You got so many nice nicknames for me princess. I'm starting to get offended ;) 

From Clarke: 8 minutes... 

To Clarke: On my way, sweetheart.

From Clarke: Now you are just pissing me off, stupid jackass

I didn't reply. Instead I got into my car and drove over.

-I'm one minute early. I said as I walked into Clarke and Octavia's dorm room. Looking around the room I saw my sister still fast asleep. Grabbing the nearest pillow I throw it at her.
-Such a dummy. Clarke said and smirked when she saw me.
-Ah, the princess is in a good mood. I said.
-Get the hell out of here big brother. Octavia mumbled. You can hear the annoyance in her voice.
-Just came to get Clarke. I said with a smile.
-Okay, wait what? Octavia said. Now she's wide awake.
-I'm taking princess out for breakfast. I said.
-Have you gotten a fever? What have you done to my big brother? Octavia said.
-Don't overreact little sister. I said and grabbed Clarke's hand as we walked out leaving Octavia alone and confused.

~ Octavia ~
The door closed behind my brother and Clarke. Just before the door had fully closed I could hear Clarke complaining about something.
My brother is a player who usually sleeps with other girls. I don't think he knows many girls he has boned. Okay, this is getting weird.
Even if I barely know anything about Clarke Griffin, I think she's good for my brother. Maybe she can make my brother open up and be the old Bellamy Blake I once knew and was related to.
I have to make them an item and sure that they won't break each others heart. It sounds even to disgustingly chlicè for me. And I love love even if it doesn't look like. We Blake's aren't that normal to say the least.

~ Clarke ~
I sat in Bellamy's passanger set. I put on some music and I hated it. I argued with him to change songs. Stubborn as he is, he didn't change the music. This day keeps getting better.
-Since you win't change the music you're buying me breakfast. I said.
-Sure princess. I can do that. Just stop being so grumpy. Bellamy said.
-Whatever. I mumbled.
-Just so you know, I got class in a hour. We better make this quick. I said. I just realized how wrong that sounded. Bellamy just smirked.
Then I got a text from Octavia.

From Octavia: How's your date going?

To Octavia: Wtf? It's not a freaking date. So stop it!

From Octavia: Sure it's not. My brother never takes out a girl to get breakfast. He just bangs them.

From Octavia: I didn't mean that you two would hook up now. I'm just saying that he finds you intresting and would like to get to know you.

To Octavia: Stop it!

From Octavia: I can feel the love tonight. 

To Octavia: It's not even night

From Octavia: You so wish it was a date. 

I didn't answer her after that. That didn't stop Octavia from spamming me with text messages. That girl is crazy. But I'm starting to get used to her crazy ideas and what to live. Bellamy parked the car and we walked into a cafe. I wasn't saying anything and neither were Bellamy. We sat down at a booth in silence.
-Aren't we going to orders something? I said annoyed. I ordered a bagel and coffee. I wasn't really hungry. I guess Bellamy wasn't either. All he had was an extra large coffee. I looked at my phone to see what the time was. Forty minutes until my class starts. Ugh, why can't the time go a little bit faster?
-Tell me something about you. Bellamy said. 
-You want to know something about me? I don't know if you find it interesting but my favorite color is all shades of blue. I said and smirked knowing that that wasn't what Bellamy really wanted to know. I faced Bellamy and he also had a smirk on his lips.
-You're right princess. That's very interesting. Tell me something else. Bellamy said.
-Don't push it idiot. What else can I tell you? I'm from Washington DC. I lived in the city. Now tell me something extraordinary about you Blake. I said. This time I smiled.
-I got a little sister named Octavia. She's very annoying but I love her anyway. My favorite color is black and red. Bellamy said and I laughed. 
-No shit captain obvious. I so didn't know that. What a shocker. Is there something else that I don't know? Maybe you got an evil twin or you might be the evil twin.  I said. Bellamy didn't look happy at all.
-Did I hit a nerve? I said. I wasn't trying to mock him this time. 
-I'm sorry Blake. I added. 
-I'll just take you to your class. Let's go princess. Bellamy said. I didn't even get to finish my coffee! That's just mean. 
-Are you mad at me Blake? I asked worried. 
-No. Don't worry. Bellamy mumbled. First he's mean at me, then he stalks me. Not literally since he just went through my stuff. That was kinda creepy to be honest. Then he's nice and take me out to breakfast and now he's upset with me. It's just weird and I don't know what changed his mood so quickly. I might only have known him for barely an hour. Even if we have meet before and Octavia mentioned one or two things about him. 

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