Chapter 9

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Octavia's POV: 
It has been one week since we have seen Clarke. Most of us has tried calling and text her but she never answers. I still see her as a friend but I wish that she could be honest with me about what's going on. I'm a tiny bit worried about Clarke. I was starting to get used not having Clarke at our dorm room now and I miss her. I want her back here.
When I left this morning to go to my first class everything seemed to be just fine. But when I got back the same afternoon I got a surprise. Harper and I walked into my dorm room all Clarke's belongings and clothes were gone. It's like someone got in her trying to rob us but only decided to take Clarke's things. This is officially getting weird and I have a bad feeling.
Everyday for the past week Bellamy has asked me about Clarke. It's starting to get annoying. I always give him the same answer. That I haven't seen her. 
-This is weird. Harper said and sat down on a chair. 
-Tell me about it. I said. I walked out of the dorm room again and knocked on other peoples doors. I asked them if they have seen Clarke coming here. When we get to the last door we finally get some answers. 
-I haven't seen Clarke. However there was a guy walking out of Clarke's room with luggage. The guy was tall, big and had long hair. I asked the guy what he were doing and he gave me a look like I need to owe my own business. Lexa said.
-Okay, thanks alot. Harper says. 
-I hope you find her. Lexa said before she closed the door. I hope so too. There's no way that Clarke could just have disappeared. I need to get to the bottom of this. 
-How much do we even know about Clarke? I bet it isn't much. She's not really one to talk about herself. Murphy says after we gathered all our friends. 
-She's from Washington and got a friend named Wells and Mallory. Bellamy says. 
-Have any of you checked her facebook page? Maybe she has posted something there? Jasper says. Everyone looked at each other. 
-I guess no one is friends with her on facebook, huh? Murphy says. 
-What about the guy that Lexa described? Can't we like try to find him? He might have answers where Clarke might be at. Let's give it a try. I suggested. No one were really on board with my idea. They thought it was a long shot with wouldn't walk. The only one who thought it might work is Raven. 

Clarke's POV:
Mallory got out of the ICU pretty fast. My father got realized from the hospital the next day after I came. I'm still pretty upset with him but I know things will cool down soon. She stayed at the hospital until yesterday when she also got realized. I didn't tell my father about it. Mallory and I got to crash at Talia's apartment for the night. Talia gave me a phone number to one of her friends in New York.
After a five minutes call with him I was allowed to stay at his place in New York for a while until I have sorted out things. He had been nice enough to go over to my dorm room and taken all my belongings, not leaving anything behind. He didn't ask what the reason was why. I can stay at his place with Mallory temporarily. He's not going to the at the apartment since he's going on a business trip for two weeks. 
There are moments when I don't know what the hell I'm doing. My father is right. We have always had a great father daughter relationship. He always supported me throughout my hard times. When my mother wasn't to nice to me, he stood up for me. But yeah, sometimes my temper gets the best out of me and I screw things up. This isn't what the plan was for me in New York. I had managed to get a few of Mallory's things and clothes from my childhood home. 
Two days later Mallory and I were at the apartment in New York where we're staying for a while. There's one thing that my father is right about. I don't know what to do with Mallory when I got classes at my college. I will figure something out. I always do. 
-You don't owe me an explanation. But if Talia says you need somewhere to stay and help when you are welcome to stay for as long as you have too. If you need help with your kid when you attend your classes you can ask the lady three doors down for help. I've known her for years and she's a sweet lady with a good heart. Don't be scared to ask for help. Roan said.
-Thanks Roan. That means alot. I said.
-No problem. I'll leave for my trip now. Give me or Talia a call if you need anything. Roan said before he left. I locked the door after Roan left. 
Just like that I felt alone. Mallory was fast asleep on the sofa and I didn't share a room with Octavia so I have no one to talk to. Octavia! Shit, so much has been going on that I have forgotten about them. I know they have called and so on. But I didn't want to explain things over the phone. Monday is in two days and I have to be back at college then. I can't miss anymore days and classes. I'm lucky that I got a scholarship. Then another thought came crawling into my mind. Money. I have to get a job to earn money so that I can support me and Mallory. 

The next day I decided that I was going to look for work. I have to do everything I possible can for Mallory. She was still sleeping so I took a quick shower in case she wakes up. I can't take forever. I got dressed and made my hair and make up. When I walked into the guest bedroom she were still asleep. She only woke up twice last night but fell back asleep pretty quick both times. I really do hope that I can prove to my father, Talia and Wells that I can do this. That I'm able to manage college, a job and taking good care of Mallory. 
About an hour later Mallory had woken up, I changed her diaper, fed her and put on some clothes. I put Mallory in her stroller and we headed out. It's time for me to look for a job that hopefully pays good money. I need all the money I can get now when I have to support Mallory all on my own.

A few days later it was monday again. I need to go to classes and back to college. I don't want to get kicked out of college just because I got a hard time in my personal life. This weekend I had gone over to the old lady that lives next to us. The one Roan told me I can trust. She is very kind. We actually sat and talked for a long time. She told me about her life. Some of the stories very very touching. I now get why Roan trust her. Mallory seems to like her which is good. She offered to help me babysit Mallory while I got classes this morning. I know that I shouldn't trust strangers, let along leave my own daughter with a stranger. I trust her and I promised that I would come by at lunch.
I parked my car at the college parking lot. I got out of the car and locked it. I took three deep breath. I'm aware that my new friends have a lot of questions and I'm not ready to answer them. I looked at my wristwatch. Three minutes until class starts. I ran through the hallway. I slowed down when I was just outside the right room. I took another deep breath. I had one minute to spare. AS I walked in everyones attention were on me.

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