Chapter 31

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Clarke's POV:
It was now wednesday, two days since I got back to New York, to my family. Bellamy took me and Mallory practically everywhere he went. Not letting us out of my sight. He has become a little to overprotective. He even thought today that he should bring Mallory to school with us so that he can keep an eye on him. I managed to talk him out of it. Miss Davis is babysitting her and we'll go over there during lunch later today. Don't get me wrong, as much as I love how protective he is over us, his girls, as he say it, it gets a bit annoying. I love him so it's okay. 
After first class today, we meet up with Monty and Harper at the bleachers. They wanted to see 'with there own eyes' that I'm back. They are amazing friends who you can count on anything. Harper and Monty were the first ones to support me. Harper were telling me about monday when Mallory followed Bellamy to school. I trust her with taking care of my daughter. Then two people walked forward me and I don't feel like talking to either of them. However I know it's a conversation that I need to have sooner or later. And I'm going to stay as calm as possible. 
-What do you want Reyes? Bellamy says, annoyed by her presence, before I even get to say anything. 
-Come on Blake, give her a chance to explain herself. Murphy says with a smile. He's standing right next to Raven, supporting her. 
-Explain yourself, huh? You already did that when you came knocking on my door last friday. I don't want to hear it. Bellamy says. Harper and Monty are sitting on the bleachers, holding hands. I can tell that they are a little uncomfortable. I'm aware that there's a risk that our friends are going to have to pick sides. The thought of that hurts a little. 
-I want to hear it. I say and put my hand on Bellamy's shoulder. I try to ensure him that it's okay. That everything is going to be okay. Raven looked down on the ground, not saying anything. 
-You're ashamed of your decision, aren't you? You can't even look me in the eyes. I wouldn't be mad at you if you had come earlier telling me the truth. Maybe all of this wouldn't have happened. I let you in in my life, become a part of it. You met my daughter and I told you about my past. You knew that I never wanted to go back to that life, yet you lead them to me. From the moment I saw them at the party and they lead me into the car, there were a risk that Mallory wouldn't get her mother back. She would either have gone into foster care or my father would get custody of her. Mallory would end up back in Washington and I wouldn't want that life for her. I can't allow her to end up in either those places. I say harsh. 
-Bellamy could get custody of her. Raven says and I almost laugh. I'm not laughing because of that really. Bellamy is an amazing father to Mallory and if something ever actually happens to me, I would want Bellamy to get custody. But he's not her legal guardian. I am, her mother. The more I start thinking about it, it wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe he could, if he want to, become her legal guardian too. That's something Bellamy and I have to talk and decide on. No one else has a say in that area. I trust Bellamy with all my heart. 
-Is that really all you got from that? You destroyed our friendship. If you want to be friends one day, you need to earn my trust, respect and friendship again. Because I don't trust people easily. I know where you stand right now. You made your decision and there's no taken it back. I say even harsher this time. Bellamy takes my hand in his and squeeze it gently. 
-It's okay princess. Bellamy says. I guess the roles are reversed now. He's the one who didn't think it was okay before and I'm the one who calmed him. We make a great team. 
-They would hurt Murphy. Ravem says. 
-Your relationship is on and off all the time. Murphy is literally flirting with other girls in front of you when you're not together. You see it at the parties. We both know that he's perfectly capable taking care of himself. Maybe you should think twice about your relationship instead of trying to destroy mine. Bellamy says. Looking over to Murphy, I see that he has a guilty look on his face. We all know that Bellamy is right. 
-I was a pawn in their game. Raven says. 
-Shut up everyone! Raven did what she thought was right at the moment. But she clearly feels really bad about everything. None of it was okay. Raven screwed up. But she shouldn't get all the blame. Those three guys, that I don't want to name off, is the real reason you were seperated from Mallory. You're one hell of a strong woman Clarke. I knew that you would get home to Mallory and Bellamy. After all your stories, I know you always put up a good fight. I get your side of it Clarke. I really do. No mother would want to be seperated from their child or children. I don't know the feeling. But it most be awful and you have my support. Harper says as she's now standing between me, Bellamy, Raven and Murphy. She got a point. But I still can forget any of it. I just can't. At least not now. 
-Let me ask you one question. You better be honest. If you got a second chance, would you help them get to me to save Murphy from getting hurt. Or would you put my family before? There's no right or wrong answer. I ask. Everyone's eyes were on Raven. She stayed quiet for a moment. Raven turns to Murphy.
-I love you. I'm always going to put you before anyone else. Raven says and kiss Murphy. 
-I love you too Reyes. Murphy says and then they continue kissing for about twenty seconds. I can't even look at her. 
-I guess you made your decision. Goodbye Raven. I say, picking up my bad from the bleachers and walked away with Bellamy, Monty and Harper. I'm not sure if they picked a side or just don't want to see the Raven and Murphy making out. A part of me wish, if they had to pick a side, that they would choose mine. However Harper is liked by everyone. And if I know her right, she will always be their friends and ours. Despite the situation, that's something I like about Harper. It's the same with Monty. 
-Thanks Harper. I say with a smile. 
-But for what? She asks, leaning on Monty. They are perfect for each other. 
-For always supporting your friends no matter what. And for trying to reason with me and Raven. I tell her. 
-I guess you're welcome. We love you guys and frankly I want to keep all of us close, but I guess that will be harder now. Harper says. 
-You guys are the best friends ever. I tell both Harper and Monty. Bellamy agrees with me. The sure are the best. 

After school was over for the day Bellamy and I went over to Miss Davis place. We stayed there for about two hours today. We usually never stay but she's an elderly woman who doesn't have any family here in New York and she rarely gets visitors. The only one she really has here is Roan who lives down the hallway. However he travels a lot with his work so he isn't home much. Bellamy was even kind enough to cook her a real home made meal. Just another reason why I love Bellamy so much. He has such a big heart.
-Let's go home sweetheart. I say as Bellamy help Mallory put on her raincoat. It's pouring rain outside right now.
-Take her to the car Bell. I'll be out in a minute. I say. Mallory gives Miss Davis a hug and say goodbye before they leave.
-So, next saturday Mallory turns two. You'rd invited to come. We're going to eat dinner, cake and let Mallory open her presents. That 's pretty much it. I say.
-You have been such a big help with Mallory and we want you there. I add with makes Miss Davis smile.
-I would love to come. I didn't expect to be invited. She says with tears in her eyes. I give hurt a comfort hug.
-Of course you should come and be a part of her birthday party. Bellamy even offered to pick you up if you want to attend the birthday party. I say. He really did offer. Bellamy said that she's done so much for us that the least he can do is pick her up so she doesn't need to take a cab to out apartment.
-That's very kind of him. Miss Davis says. 
-I better get going before he wonders where I am. We'll see you tomorrow morning. I say. 
-Take care of you Clarke. Miss Davis says and then I leave. 

Mallory falls asleep in the car. Since we stayed a while at Miss Davis place she was really tired. Both Bellamy and I managed to finsih writting our essays. Since I was done before Bellamy I got into the shower so that I could get a long hot shower before heading to bed. It's been a long day and I just want to get some rest. Tomorrow I got both school and work. My boss told me that I need to work a few extra hours tomorrow. Apparently Davina can't work her whole shift so I'll be the one how closes the coffee shop. 
I was starting to plan Mallory's birthday. I'm wondering if I should invite my parents. If I do, it can only end in two different ways. Either hell is breaking lose because my parents will try to take Mallory back to Washington there they still are living. Since I won't let that happen we will probably start arguing. And I don't want that. Or if I'm lucky they won't start a scene and accept my living arrangement and that I took Mallory to New York. At the end of the day, I'm her legal guardian and biological mother, who loves her daughter so much, and I won't let anyone try to take her from me. Not even my parents. And if they try, well then I will probably disown them as my parents. Cut them out of my life. 
-What are you thinking of princess? Bellamy says as he gets into bed and pull me closer to him, kissing me. I'm about to tell him but his kisses travels down my jaw, neck, shoulder. What did he ask? I don't even remember. 
-Keep quiet and don't scream to loud princess, we don't want you waking up the baby now, do we? Bellamy says smirking at me. Have I said that I love him? Because I do. I love everything about Bellamy Blake. 

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