Chapter 20

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Clarke's POV:
When Mallory and I came home on Sunday we were surprised that Bellamy had cooked for us. Before we had drove back to New York I send a text to him that we're heading back. He's such a good guy. 
Mallory who wasn't feeling well and had unfortunately now got a fever, were asleep when we walked inside the apartment. I put her to bed and sat down with Bellamy. Since Mallory wasn't going to eat with us tonight, we decided on sitting in the livingroom. For about thirty minutes Bellamy sat and listened to my stories of the weekend while he was eating.
Bellamy looked amused while I was telling him about our little trip. I had fun and it was great to just get away from everything and everyone. Except next time I would like that Bellamy joins us on the trip. Whenever and wherever we go then. 
-You know, you're cute when you talk so passionate about something or when it's about something you have experienced that was fun. Bellamy says, smiling cheeky and continues eating.
-I'm not cute. I say and cross my arms. 
-Stubborn, smart, bossy and way to beautiful for you're own good. Bellamy says and lean a bit foward so that he can kiss me on the lips. For a moment or two, I'm totally caught up in the kiss and everything else doesn't matter.
-I can't argue with that when you're kissing me. I say when we break the kiss. 
-Do you really want to argue about that's actually true? Bellamy says and pull me closer to him. Bellamy is about to kiss me again but I stop him. 
-As much as I love your kisses, you can't just go around and kiss me whenever you feel like it Bell. I say. However I really do want us to continue what he started. Deep down I know that that will get me in trouble because we're not really dating. At the same time we're not seeing others. I want Bellamy and I crave more for his affection and he for mine. We have never gone further than a hot makeout session. I would be lying if I didn't say that he wasn't a good kisser.
-Fine. Bellamy said a bit annoyed but he understood me. 
-Don't be like that Bell. You know I want to, but only with the one I'm in a relationship with. And we're not an official couple. I say. Our closest friends must think that Bellamy and I are crazy. We have admitted that we love each other, more than just as friends, making out on multiple occasions, living together and raising Mallory together. Still we're both singles and not together.
-Yet. Bellamy says and smiles.
-What? I ask confused. 
-Do you, Clarke Griffin, like to go out on an official date with me? Bellamy asks. I can see the hope in his eyes and I don't even have to think about the answer. 
-Yes, I would love to. I say. This time it's my time to lean in and kiss him. 

It's monday, the morning after Mallory and I got home from our little trip. She's still not feeling well but Bellamy and I have to go to college and Miss Davis offered to babysit Mallory despite her being sick. She's such a big help for us. And she babysits for free so that's good. A while back I offered to pay her since she's babysitting Mallory while Bellamy and I can't. She declined the offer since she knew how much I'm actually struggling financially.
We drove our separate cars to college. Bellamy is going to pick up Mallory after all his classes today meanwhile I'm going to work after my own classes.  If not we would just have taken one car. My first class of the day I had with Octavia. When I met her she was smirking and her arms crossed over her chest.
-Good morning O. I said and sat down next to her. 
-So what's going on between my brother and you? She asks without even considering saying hello.
-He's taking me out on a date on thursday. That reminds me, I was thinking about asking you and Lincoln to babysit Mallory for the evening. Since we're not allowed to have kids in the dorm rooms you guys can come over to the apartment. I think that it's a good thing that Mallory spends a little more time with other people. Obviously with people who're close to me and that I trust. I say and Octavia starts to smile.
-Really you would let us babysit and you're going out with my brother? Octavia said loudly and people turn toward us to see what was going on. 
-Shhs O. Don't be so loud. But yeah, we would love if you and Lincoln could do that. I say and our professor walks into the classroom. 

It's finally thursday. Bellamy is with Mallory at our apartment meanwhile I'm with Octavia in my old dorm room. It has been a while since I was in here. I sort of miss those times with her. At the same time I wouldn't change a thing because I love where I am today and my living arrangment with Bellamy. 
-I can't believe that you're finally going out on a date with my big brother. You guys are doing everything out of order. But I guess that makes you guys unique in your own ways. Octavia says as she's going through her wardrobe. I don't have anything special to wear and I really want to look good for Bellamy tonight on our date. I didn't have time to go out buying anything.
-Put this on. Octavia says. 
-O that's to sexy for me, I honestly don't know how to describe it. I say. It's a black lace bodysuit. With that she gave me a pair of ripped high waist shorts.
-It's going to get you laid tonight. Octavia says and laughs. 
-O, that is inappropriate! I say but we both break out in laughter. 
-But seriously, it's barely covering my ass. I say when I stop laughing. 
-Don't be overdramatic Clarke. It's covering everything that needs to be covered up. Now go change so that I can do your hair and make up. Octavia really did go all out with my makeup and hair. Despite her going all out on the makeup it looks pretty natural which I like. Then it came to my hair I got a double braid updo. Then I was pretty much ready for my date with Bellamy tonight. 
-Just like that you're ready for the date. You look gorgeous and sexy at the same time. If I were into girls I would totally hook up with you. Octavia says. I look at my phone. There's only fifteen minutes left until Lincoln, Bellamy and Mallory is here. Lincoln and Mallory is coming so that they can pick up Octavia and go back to our apartment and Bellamy is obviously coming because of the date.
I look at my phone once again. Ten minutes left. 
-O, is it just me or is it getting hard to breath in here? I ask as I'm starting to freak out a bit. Octavia looks up at me. Confusion shows in her eyes.
-Clarke, take a few deep breaths. The date is going to be just fine. Bellamy told me his plans for the evening. Octavia says calmly.
-I know, it's just that Bellamy is my best friend and I don't want to destroy what we already got.  You know that I got a tendency to destroy good things. I say.
-I see your point. Think of it like this instead, how amazing isn't it to fall in love with your best friend and spend your whole life with that person. Octavia says and my breathing is back to normal. She's right. I'm so luck to have Bellamy in my life and I am falling for him. 
-Okay, I'm good. I say and then there were a knock on the door. There were Bellamy Blake, handsome as always. If not more. 
-How do I look? I said and shyly smile at him.
-You look breathtaking. Bellamy says and kisses me on the cheek.
-My work here is done. Don't go to crazy and use protection. Octavia says and makes an evil laugh. I know for a fact that next time Bellamy sees Octavia she's going to be yelled at. I can't wait to see that. I meet Bellamy's eyes, is that embarrassment that I can see? 
-Shall we? Bellamy says. 
-Yeah. I say and we leave the dorm room. 

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