Chapter 19

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Clarke's POV:
It's been about two weeks since mine and Bellamy's talk. I feel like we really are in a better place now. However we still haven't talked about our relationship and I didn't post the patty cake video that's still saved on my phone. Lately I have been working a little over time just to make more money. I'm planning on taking Mallory on a trip for a few days. Also because I deserve an vacation from New York for a few days. I talked with Bellamy about it and he thought that this would be good for me. So we will leave after my last class this friday and probably come back home late sunday.

When friday arrived I took my car and drove over to Miss Davis apartment. She has been babysitting Mallory for the day. I thanked her for helping us out so much. I really do appreciate her help and kindness. So does Bellamy. Miss Davis wishes us a good trip and then we headed back to my own apartment. 
When we got back the apartment were pitch black. Bellamy isn't back from college yet. I wished to say goodbye before we leave for the weekend. I grabbed a notepad and wrote a note for Bellamy when he gets back later. 

I'm going to miss him even though we're only gone for the weekend. 

Bellamy's POV:
It's now friday and Clarke and Mallory left town for the weekend. By now I'm used to spend all weekends with them. I use to spend time with my friends too. But not as much as I used to before. Since they had left Miller and Murphy dragged me out to a party. It's also been a long time since I went our partying. I can barely remember the last time. Last time must have been when Clarke and I started to get really close and spend time together. 
Anyhow we were at a frat party and it's not as fun as I remember it to be. Murphy had poured up a cup with liquid in and given me, after that I had taken another drink with liquid and after that Murphy dragged me with him to do shots with a few other people. 
I don't know what, but something felt off. This isn't who I am anymore. Sure it's fun to spend time with my friends, but I don't think that this fun. I'm not enjoying it the way I used too. 
-Come on Blake, take another drink. Echo said. She's a girl that some dude at the party introduced me to. 
-No, I've had enough drinks for the night. I say. I might have had many shots and drinks tonight, but I'm not totally gone and I still can make some sense of things.
-Just one more. Everyone else does. Echo says. I know that it's a stupid idea but I take the red cup with liquid in and just when I'm about to drink it someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and come face to face with Lincoln.
-You have had enough Blake. Lincoln says and take the red cup from me. Maybe I'm not thinking that clear after all. 
-You can get the drink back if you promise not to do anything stupid. Lincoln says and looks suspiciously at Echo. I have actually never seen her around before.
-I wouldn't do anything stupid. I can take care of myself. You can take the drink with you. I don't want more. I tell Lincoln. 
-I was actually not going to let you drink it. I'm going to throw it out. Lincoln says and walks away before he gives Echo a deadly glare. I wonder what that was about. 
-I can get you a new one. Echo says. 
-Didn't you hear? I don't want more. I say harsh and turned around to walk away, but she grabbed me by my elbow which made me stop. I'm not upset with her. 
-Don't you want to have a little bit fun? Maybe just the two of us? Echo says. I'm disgusted by her words.
-I'm not interested in you. I'm already taken. I say.
-Who is the girl that turned you into this? She said and rolled her eyes. 
-I barely know you so please, just leave my sight and never talk to me again. I said. I left the livingroom and walked outside. I found Lincoln and my sister sitting on a porch making out. Octavia is all grown up and can date whoever she wants. Still the thought of my little sister dating? She can get hurt and used and I don't like that. So I'm greatful that she found somone amazing as Lincoln. He really cares about her.
-Wise choice Blake. Lincoln says when I approach him and Octavia and they stop making out.
-What did I miss? Octavia asks. 
-Nothing. I say. 
-Come on. It must have been something. Octavia says.
-Someone named Echo offered me a drink and wanted to hook up. But I'm no near interested. I love Clarke. Even if we're not an official couple I would never hook up with another person. I want Clarke and she knows it. I'm not going to do anything that will damage that. I tell my sister and she seem proud.
-Good for you, big brother. But can you like get out of here now? Octavia says. 
-Yeah, I will call a cab. I say. 
-She didn't mean that you have to leave the part. Lincoln says.
-I know, but I would rather go home and call Clarke. Will I see you guys tomorrow? The apartment is empty without my girls. I say.
-You called them yours. How cute isn't that. Octavia says. 
-Mallory is calling me dad now and Clarke might have come up with a nickname or two. I said and leave the porch without looking back. 

I got home before midnight. A part of me actually had fun tonight, probably because I'm never going out partying these days. The other part felt relieved when I got home again. On the other hand I'm now alone and have no one to talk too. If I still would live with Miller in our not so nice dormroom I could have hung out with him. Except for now since he's still at the party. But that's not the case now. 
I wouldn't change a thing though. Living with Clarke and Mallory is one of my best decision. Especially because everything with Clarke is just better. Clarke make me want to be a better person. As much as I want to be better for her, she accepts me for who I am. 
I walk into the kitchen and on the kitchen counter I find a note that I didn't saw before.

I wished that I could have seen you before we left. We'll miss you, and we're back in two days as promised. Don't have to much fun without us.

Your princess. 

I really miss her too. When I'm not able to see Clarke life is less fun. I could have had more fun at the party if I wanted to and engage more with people even if I were playing a few games and talked to others. But all I wanted to do was call Clarke and see if she were home so that I could have a reason to leave the party earlier than I did tonight. 
Soon as I sit down on the couch someone knocks on the door. Who could that be? It's almost midnight after all. I walk slowly toward the front door and unlock it. Much to my dislike it's my sister. I love my sister, but I know that she's here to confront me and I don't feel like doing it right now. 
-We need to have a talk. Octavia says and walk into the apartment. Lincoln is with her. He doesn't look to happy. 
-I told her that we should come here tomorrow. Your sister wouldn't budge. Just like you and Clarke she is stubborn. Lincoln says. He looks almost as tired as I am. 
-I'm taking a nap. Lincoln add and lays down on the couch. I wish that I could do the same right now. Since I know my sister, that won't happen until she has confronted me about my last statement earlier this evening.

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