Chapter 5

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~ Clarke ~ 
I talked with my dad for a while and he kept me informed about everything that was happening and has happened back home. It's not like it's my home anymore. I have to keep create my new life here in New York. I hate leaving my life in Washington. Even if it was the best for everyone. I used to be a troublemaker and when something bad happened I understood that I had to change my life and the way I handle things. So last year of high school I made sure that my grades would get better so that I could leave. Before I put effort into studying I used to have the worst grades. However I started studying my ass off and I realized fast that I'm actually smart. Knowing that I always wanted to be a doctor I focused most of my time on studying. Luckily it paid of and I got into college with a scholarship. That was the first time that my mother actually paid attention to me. I was proud of myself and so was she. My father had tears of happiness when I told him that I got a scholarship. Who would have thought that I would been so lucky? I didn't.
-What the hell Clarke? Octavia said as she smashed the door closed. I laid on my stomach on the bed listening to music and thinking for myself. Why does Octavia always have to be so loud? I wish she could learn how to speak with a normal voice. I know that won't happen. I took out my earphones and looked at her.
-What Octavia? I said harsh. 
-My brother were all happy this morning and now he's a bad temper. Angry as hell. What happened on your little 'breakfast date'? I can't stand him having a bad temper. Octavia said.
-How the hell should I know? We were talking and he got upset out of nowhere. Then he told me that we should leave and he took me to my class so that I wouldn't be late. Blake didn't say a word all way to campus. When I got out of the car he said nothing. I told Octavia honest. 
-You better fix this. Octavia said. I stood up, picked up my books and papers from the desk and put them in my backpack. Octavia looked a little bit less annoyed now. She probably thinks that I'm leaving so that I can to talk to Blake. 
-I'm going to the campus library. Don't wait up. I said and left the dorm room. I couldn't hear what Octavia said because I pressed play on my phone again and the music started. Music always makes me relax as long as it's my type of music. I wasn't really going to the library or to see Blake.

~ Bellamy ~
Maybe I wasn't to fair to Clarke. Now she must think that I'm upset with her which I'm not.
And Octavia must think that Clarke did something since not in the mood. Usually I got a bad temper but this is different.
-What's up Bellamy? You don't look happy. Miller said when he approached me.
-I saw Roma when I took the princess out for coffee this morning. She was with Dax. I mumbled. Just thinking about Roma made me angry. Roma is one of my ex-girlfriends. We were never in love or anything like that. Dax were a friend of mine. Not that we were close or anything. Just one of those guys that I usually went out partying with. Anyhow one time at a party I walked in one them sleeping with each other. That bitch cheated on me with a friend of mine. My first instinct were to punch Dax in the face. Which I did and I'm not sorry about it at all. When I broke up with Roma. More like I told her that we were over and I smashed the door closed behind me. Later I found out that they had been screwing each other behind my back. Let's just say that I highly dislike them.
-Damn, what happened? Miller asked.
-I didn't want to make a scene so I pretty much walked out with Clarke and drove here to campus. I didn't say a thing to her. Since I kept quiet she think that I'm angry at her. That isn't true though. I told Miller as I tried my best to keep myself calm. Being calm isn't really my thing. 
-I don't know Clarke so I can't tell you what to do. Why are you even spending time with her? You never  make an attempt to get to know girls. Miller says.
-She's hiding something! Whatever it is I don't want my little sister getting involved in it. I said harsh as I started to get annoyed. 

~ Clarke ~
I drove around in the city as the sun started going down. I have barely been here a month and I'm already screwing things up for myself. And people, also known as Bellamy Blake, is starting to get suspicus about me. I know what he were doing this morning over coffee. It made me mad. I kept my cool. 
I saw a pretty much empty park so I stopped my car, parked it and jumped out before I locked it. I had grabbed my phone, keys and a book. Lately reading books has become on of my favorite things to do. When I read books my mind travels away from the real world and I don't give a fuck about what's happening around me. I close out the real world around me. When I look at my phone I realize that's it very late despite it not being that dark outside. I can still sit and read outside if I wanted to. Even thought I told Octavia not to wait up for me I decided to head back to campus. I don't want to worry her to much.
I was happy to be back at the campus. On the other hand I don't feel like answering to Octavia while she question me where I have been and not called or text her. I might only have known her for a few weeks. But she cares more about me then my own mother does. I got my father who cares too. To my luck Octavia when I got back to my dormroom Lincoln were here. There might not be alot of questioning. I said hello before I went into the bathroom changing clothes. It's time for me to do some homework even how boring it's time to time. Since I don't wanna listen to Octavia and Lincoln talking I put on my headphone and press play on my playlist. Listening to music calms me down. My last thought before I start studying is that I need to talk to Bellamy tomorrow. 

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