Chapter 32

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Clarke's POV:
Octavia and I were walking in the mall with Mallory who's sitting in her stroller. We don't want her to run away. Lately she loves to play hide and seek and since the mall is pretty big, there is many places to hide. So she's safe in the stroller. 
-We need to buy a few things at the grocery store. I'm going to bake Mallory's birthday cake instead of buying one. I say as we walked out to the parking lot. We have finally finished buying everything we need at the mall. 
-So where's my dear old brother now? Octavia ask as we're loading in everything in the car. 
-He went over to Miss Davis apartment to pick her up. I believe they are at our own apartment now. She's done so much for us. It was the right thing to do. Bellamy is a good guy. But we already knew that. I say as I hop into the passanger seat. Octavia is the one who's driving the car. 
-You're lucky to have each other. Not many people find what you guys have which is true love. Octavia says which warmth my heart. Octavia is right. It's really true love. 
-You're right O. I say and turn on the radio. 
-I'm always right Clarke. Octavia says and we both fall into a fit of laughter. I'm not exactly sure what was funny about the whole thing. But hey, if you laugh a lot you live longer. That's what I've heart at least. 
-So how's things with Raven? I haven't brought it up because Harper told me what happened. I'm on your side. You're my family, more than I can say about her, and no one messes with my family. Octavia says. 
-I haven't said a word to her. Every time she tries talking to me I ignore her. It may seem like I'm cold-hearted forward her and maybe I am. But it will take some time for me to get over the whole thing. Thanks for having my back tho. I say and smile at her. 

About an hour later we're home again. I bought everything that we need for the dinner and cake. Miss Davis is very good at baking so she's going to help me. That's pretty much why she's here earlier than everyone else. Plus she couldn't wait any longer. She's such a sweetheart. And she was really looking forward seeing our apartment since she's never really been here. 
-Hey princess. Bellamy says as we walk into the kitchen there Bellamy and Miss Davis are sitting at, drinking coffee and talking. When I'm standing next to there Bellamy is sitting, I lean down and kiss Bellamy on the lips. It's a quick kiss. I'm not really comfortable with the whole public desplay of affection even if I know the people in my surrounding. 
-Lincoln texted earlier. He'll be here in twenty minutes or so. Bellamy says as he take a look at the time on his phone. 
-Great. I've missed him. Octavia says with a smile. Lincoln went back to his hometown a few days ago. His brother Nyko called. Apparently he had gotten injured at work hour. Nyko is a police officer and he had gotten shot as he were taking down some a man who had a gun on him. Nyko needed surgery. It's all information I got from Octavia. I told Lincoln that he doesn't have to stress home. His brother comes first. 
-How is Nyko? Octavia ask. 
-He's going to be just fine. Lincoln says that he will probably be back at work in a few weeks. Despite doctors order to take it easy for a while. 
-I'm so happy to hear that Nyko's going to recover from his injury. Octavia says. 
-Would you like start baking the cake now? I ask Miss Davis. She happily say yes. Within ten minutes Bellamy, Octavia and Mallory has left the kitchen. Mallory wants dad and auntie O to help her picking out a beautiful dress for a princess. I have the most adorable little kid ever. My daughter gives me so much joy and she's the reason I kept fighting for a better future. 

About two hours later, Lincoln, Harper, Monty, Jasper and Miller were here. If you're going to have a birthday party for a two years old you should have kids in their age at the party. I feel like I'm disappointing Mal sometimes. She doesn't have any friends in her own age. Therefore, only a few friends of mine and Bellamy's is here. I feel a little guilty about it. However she loves my friends and they are spoiling her. Especially auntie O. 
I didn't even invite her own grandparents. I'm not on the best terms with my parents and I don't think Mallory cares that much. She never asks about them anyway. 

We all sat down around the dinner table. We sang for Mallory before it was time for her to blow out the candles. However Bellamy had to help Mallory blow out the candles on the cake. Harper told Mallory that she were the first one who could take a bite out of the cake. I do believe that my daughter took it a little to literally because she put her hand in the cake and took a bite. I didn't even get a chance to cut the first peice of the cake. There's no way you can be mad at that. She's two now and just the cutest kid ever. Everyone started laughing at how cute she was. 
-Sweetie, you have to share. I say. And what did she do? She did the same again and gave me the cake. 
-I can't say no to cake. Miller says. He takes his plate and cut out a piece of cake and started eating it. She's a kid, but shouldn't she have at least a little manners? I love her anyway.  In the end no one really cared. Everyone took a piece of the cake and they liked it. 
About thirty minutes later Mallory decided that she should open all her presents. Everyone followed her into the living room there the presents. I didn't get time to clean up the cake that were laying on the floor. Lets just say that Mallory started a cake war with Jasper and Miller. Which she loved so much. It was probably the highlight of the 'party' for Mallory. 
She got many different presents. A warrior and princess dress from Octavia and Lincoln, a new castle from Monty and Jasper. From Harper she got a few puzzles and games. MIller didn't know what he should give Mallory for her birthday. He wasn't sure what a two years old would want. So he had bought her all kind of different flavors of ice cream. Which he apparently had put in our freezer. I wasn't surprised when she said that her favorite present were all the ice cream. 

To say the least, it was a pretty successful day for Mallory after all. I'm really happy about it. She seem to be really happy too. Next year I want her to be able to celebrate her birthday with other kids too. 

Bellamy's POV:
Clarke and I tucked Mallory in for the night together. Usually one of us do it. We read a bednight story for her. After she has fallen asleep we cleaned the apartment so we don't have to do it tomorrow. When we had cleaned the apartment we took a warm shower together. You know, to save water, of course. A while later, we were cuddling in bed together and talking about the day. I thought that it was a pretty successful day. 
-Bell, my back is hurting. Clarke says as her head is laying on my chest. 
-Do you want a massage? I say and kiss her on the head. She mumbles a yes and turns around, laying on her stomach. It's been a while since Clarke and I've had a moment like this. Just the two of us and nothing to worry about. I've missed these moments. 
-There does it hurt the most? I ask Clarke. 
-My lower back. Clarke says in a low voice as my hands travel down her back. 
-You owe me a massage later princess. I say and chuckle as I continue massaging her. 
-We'll see if that happens. If you're lucky to say the least. Clarke says with a smirk on her lips. 
-I always get what I want. I say and kiss her neck. 
-Is that so? Clarke says and giggles. It's not everyday that you hear Clarke Griffin giggle. 
-I wanted you and I got you princess, didn't I? I say. Clarke rolls over underneath me and I kiss her and Clarke deepens the kiss. 
-You're lucky I love you Bell. Clarke says as we parten to get air before connecting our lips again. There's no other place I would want to be at now. 
-Now, keep massaging me Bell. Clarke says as she breaks the kiss to my disapproval. 

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