Chapter 12

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Clarke's POV:
Everything feels so much better now when I have told someone about my past and about my daughter. It felt right to tell Bellamy. He has been amazing. Everyday around six p.m Bellamy comes over with food. We usually sit in the livingroom eating as Mallory watches tv or plays with her dolls and cars. I'm so happy that Mallory likes Bellamy. It makes everything so much easier. When miss Davis can't babysit Mallory, Bellamy usually comes over. I looks after her when I'm at work. There are days I take Mallory with me to work and others when Bellamy has her. 
-Bell? I gotta go to the coffee shop and work for a couple of hours. Miss Davis went out of town for two days and I need someone to look after her. She got a fever so I don't want to take her with me to work and I can't miss a shift. I tell Bellamy when he walks through the front door into the apartment. I look at my wristwatch. My shift starts in thirty minutes. I'm starting to get a tiny bit stress even if it's only a five minutes walk to there I work. 
-Clarke, can you sit down for a moment? We need to talk. Bellamy says and we sit down on the chairs in the kitchen. 
-Mallory is asleep. She's in the bedroom. I tell Bellamy. It's hard to read his facial expression right now and that annoys me. And I'm a tiny bit worried what he's going to say. 
-I need to be at work in about twentyfive minutes. I tell him. 
-That gives us twenty minutes to talk. Don't worry, it's not going to take that long. Bellamy says. 
-Okay, so what do  you want to talk about with me? I ask. If I should be completly honest I'm scared of the answer. If we were in a relationship, this would feel like a breakup. 
-You can't go on like this Clarke. It's unhealthy for you and sooner or later you're going to break. Bellamy says.
-What do you mean? I ask confused. 
-Come on Clarke. You know exactly what I'm talking about. You're a full time mother, part time worker at a coffee shop and not only that, you're a college student and you never miss a class. Bellamy says.
-Mallory is happy, I earn money so that I can take care of her and I'm a straight A student. I don't see what your point is. I tell Bellamy. Obviously I know where he's heading with this conversation. And a part of me knows he's right but I don't want to admit it because so far I have been able to handle everything perfectly fine.
-Of course I know that Clarke. But that's not the point. When did you buy yourself something you like? When were the last time you hung out with your friends or did something you like? Bellamy says. I know he has more to say which he's holding back but I don't want to push it and I also don't have the time for this conversation much longer. I stay quiet.
-You're a great mother to Mallory. That's the truth no one can say otherwise. But you need to take care of yourself for a change. I only want what's best for you and Mallory. I would hate to see you get hurt. Bellamy says. I love how caring he is. 
-I need the money and my college degree. I tell Bellamy. 
-Just think about what we just talked about. Bellamy says. 
-Fine, I'll think about it. I say. 
-You're allowed to go to work now. Bellamy says.
-I cooked dinner for you. It's the least I can do for you. It's not going to be the last time either. See you soon. I tell Bellamy as I grab my bag, jacket and keys before I leave the apartment. If I would have stayed another second or minute Bellamy would probably have protested or something. 

Bellamy's POV:
I'm sinceriously worried about Clarke. I don't know how she does it all. At the same time as I'm worried about her I love how strong she is. I don't think I would be able to do what she's doing. She's an impressing, hard working young woman with lots of love. 
Mallory woke up a while ago so I fed her and changed her clothes since she decided to have a food war. She was not in the mood for anything. After she was done with her dinner, most of it were on the floor and table. She's stubborn like her mother. All the other times I've been babysitting her she's been calm and a happy kid. Clarke told me that she can be a little troublemaker if she wants to. But she's just a little kid who likes to have fun. She became much calmer after I fed her because I let her watch the tv. She usually falls asleep watching the tv apparently. Plus it usually gives Clarke time to study when she's occupeid by what's on the tv. 
While she's being occupied I decide to write my essay that's due in three days and I haven't started with yet. I know it's stupid of me to push it up to the last minute. That might not be the smartest thing to do. But that's what I always do when it comes to school. I get good grades anyway so what's the big deal in it even? When I'm in the middle of writting my essay my phone rings. 

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