Dinner Dance

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Dinner Prep was as Angel said: Morgan and I sliding in and around each other as we cooked. Jessica told Angel "I agree. I love to watch them cook."

As Morgan and I were both also starving, we popped food into each other's mouths to fuel up our ability to get all the way to dinner.

"Here: Try this." Morgan said and popped a slice of roast (slow-roasted and started this morning), rolled up into a tube around a cheese / rice / broccoli casserole filling into my mouth. A sort of impromptu high protein micro-burrito.

"That is delicious. Broccoli is done perfectly too." I said once I swallowed.

"Yeah. I need to find me one of those guys you talked about." Vera told Angel. "Someone that will feed me like that."

"I'll put food in your mouth is that's all you want..." Angel teased.

"It's a start. I brought some toys I can share if you like. Not as if we are getting lucky around here."

"Later." Angel said. I think she is kidding.

We again served our family and friends in the pantry and Library, rather than trying to get into the main dining hall. Helen went down and did all the political greeting and glad-handing this time.

Fiona came up to check on us. "I see you are doing well up here." She commented, surveying everyone sitting around with plates and piles of food. Morgan and I calibrated the quantities of our cooking on the assumption that after the sparring match, everyone would be starved. Vampire starved. As is our way, once ready, we laid it out and let people grab whatever suited their fancy. Angel ate sparingly but took a little of every dish to try it. She pointed at the laden counter and said to Fiona "Plenty there. You have to try the Casserole. Best one they ever made and that is saying something."

Fiona went over to the counter, intrigued. She smelled it, and took a plate and helped herself to some. After some went in, she said "Yes: Very nice. I can see why you all eat up here!"

Helen (back from downstairs more quickly than I would have expected given her love of politics) indicated Morgan and me "Why we married them."

"That reminds me. I am supposed to do this..." Angel took a spoon of the Broccoli/rice/cheese/other veggies casserole and held it over to Vera's mouth. "Open up."

"I was just kidding..." Vera said, embarrassed.

"Open up." Angel insisted.

"Be careful what you wish for. She's an Angel, after all." I said as Vera took her mouthful and looked at me frowning. "If you weren't a Vampire I just watched spin all over the fucking place, I'd kick your ass."

"You'd MOUNT his ass. Well: Near there" Angel said.

"That too." Vera agreed.

"More?" Angel asked Vera, teasing.

"Only if you peel me some grapes." Vera told her.

To which Fiona, standing by the counter and eating casserole, reached into the nearby refrigerator, pulled out a small bunch of grapes, and tossed them to Angel. "Here you go, honey."

"Nice!" Angel enthused and set to work peeling one.

Vera looked up at the ceiling. "Fuck me."

"I told you, that's later." Angel replied, and offered a peeled grape.

"I wanna a grape!' Diana said.

"Diana!" Morgan admonished.

"Please?" Diana amended.

Angel said "Open up, little bit!" and when Diana complied she popped one in. Not peeled.

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