More Arrivals

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Three Diana rest periods later, more people arrived. Diana will play hard as long as you let her, which is why Morgan monitors it so closely.

The entire NorthAm Council came back to the pool area next, led by the ever-present Fiona, including Rachel!

I popped out of the water and gave her a wet hug and kiss before Helen could get there first.

"Hey! I did not know you were coming in this batch! Welcome!" I hugged her again.

Rachel smiled happily. "It was a very tight connection to meet up with everyone. I was in Washinton state: Wrong side of the country. I had fifteen minutes to get all the way from one end of Newark to the other. I MIGHT have used a little extra speed and agility. Maybe."

"I am so glad you could make it! This is awesome." I enthused.

"Me too. I hear we have a celebration to plan. Morgan finally came to her senses?" Rachel asked.

"Or lost them. Depends on how you look at it I suppose. You have been here before so I assume you dropped your stuff in the Master?"

"Oh yes, although last time I was here it was owned by a sarcastic blonde, not a dripping wet man."

"Yeah, well, that's all on paper. Fiona actually owns the place."

Fiona came over and kissed my cheek. "And don't you forget it!"

"That would be difficult." I told her. "On the other hand, I am Diana's dad, so I have leverage against you."

"Oh. You do not play fair." Fiona complained.

"Against you? No way. You are way smarter and more experienced than me. I have to take my advantages where I can get them."

"Hmmm." Fiona said to that.

Helen gave Rachel a wet hug and kiss as Fiona and I sparred verbally. Victoria tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey. Where is MY wet hug and kiss, Mr. Liaison?"

And so it went.

Once the entire NorthAm council was properly greeted not only by us but Jacqueline and her Council members, we restarted swimming activities.

Right before dinner time came a shock for me as Vera and Angel were escorted by Fiona to the pool area. What the entire hell? Is there anyone left in Austin? Are my parents coming next?

I looked over at Morgan, who wore her features under so much control that I know Morgan was fully aware and informed they were coming. As usual, I am the last to know anything. I gave Morgan narrowed eyes to let her know she is not fooling me. The corner of her mouth twitched.

I looked around for Helen, but she is not out here at the moment. I am guessing she is catching up with Rachel in the Master bedroom.

I popped back out of the pool and gave my friends wet hugs and kisses.

"He does that a great deal" Fiona said conversationally to them. "Seems to take nothing at all to get a naked wet kiss from him. Well. He never gave me one, but I think naked Redheads scare him."

I wonder if Fiona did this kind of stuff to Helen.

"I am NOT complaining. I just wish I was naked too." Vera said and went back in for seconds. I am glad Helen is not out here.

"No: That does seem to be the common reaction. So, Lord Claremont... You have guests..." Fiona announced.

"I noticed." I told her. "But thank you for announcing them."

Once Angel was proper greeted with an equivalent to Vera's second kiss, I pointed at the table that had the pile of clothes from the NorthAM Crew, Council, and the Austin family. "If you want to swim, pop your clothes onto that table. We'll sort it out later."

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