Head of Hall

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When we were here before, there was no one present, so we did not see that we would be greeted at the door by a hostess. There is no podium, as there is at 'The Firehouse. The Siren woman stood near the door, waiting, and intercepted us as soon as we entered the hall, and said... Something. From the inflection, it sounded like a question.

Renee spoke to her, and she said: "I speak English, yes."

"Two things then." Renee indicated our troops favorite Siren. Well. Morgan, Angels, and mine anyway. "First: this is Vera, and she is a Siren Sister, from the US. The Hall in Austin. She needs to speak to your sisters over there at that table about an upcoming threat to this Hall."

Inside, it is easy to see that Morgan's read of the room was spot on. The table with six women are obviously all Siren women. The mixed tables on the opposite side of the room by the stage had some female humans mixed in.

Renee's opening got a cocked head in response from the receptionist, and then she licked Vera's face. Traditional Siren female greeting. "Welcome sister. We were not aware you were coming here. We have been talking to our sisters about you, of course. Follow me please."

Vera previously reached out ahead of coming here about the overall situation: She originally planned on dealing with this by, as she put it, 'remote control'.

Vera and Anne followed her, Vera explaining "This is my friend, Anne. She is a Vampire. She can help me explain what is about to happen so we can prepare..."

That caused the hostess to stiffen, stop and turn. "We have never had a Vampire here. Very well: Please, come with me."

We awaited the hostess's return and watched Vera and Anne pull up two more chairs at the Siren Sisters table, over by the window. The Hostess made introductions. There was no more face licking. That identification was accepted.

Once they were settled, and it was clear English is not going to be a problem over there, the hostess returned and asked me "How may I assist you? I assume you are not here for the songs?"

"Hi..." She wore no name-tag, so I stumbled "Sorry: I don't know your name. I'm Adrian."

"I am called Marta." She told me.

Called? As in she has other names? Whatever.

"Thank you, Marta. I am looking for the male Siren who thinks he runs this place, not knowing you actually do. I am the Vampire / Siren Liaison from the same Hall as Vera and I am afraid I need to challenge some Sirens in this Hall for trying to get both myself and you all killed by some humans. By 'you all' I mean every Siren in this Hall."

Marta gave that a two count and a slow blink as she absorbed it.

"I... See. Well. That man is over there, leaning against the bar. He is named Kuzman. I am sure he will love to hear about this."

Marta glanced over at the table with Vera.

"Yes: Vera is filling your sisters in on the situation. You will have all the details." I assured her.

"This does not seem like it will be a good day." Marta said, looking back at me.

"Today should not be so bad. Not as it will be the next time I come here." I both reassured and warned her.

"I shall take that day off." Marta said. "Come with me."

"Good plan." I agreed.

We followed Marta over to Kuzman. He leaned jauntily against the bar, looking over at the tables with the humans with a half-smile: A farmer looking at a good crop.

Marta waved at me when his attention shifted to us. "Kuzman: This is the Vampire Adrian. The one we have heard about: The Liaison. He would like to speak with you."

Kuzman is a typical Siren in build, but rather than there being some gray shot through his grizzled hair, it is solid black. He sports a heavy five o'clock shadow as well. The general impression is that of a big bear.

"Oh? Vampire Liaison. What brings you to my Hall?" Kuzman asked me in flawless English. I assume he took his cue from Marta on that, who backed slowly away and headed to the front door.

I looked over at the tables with the humans, and also at the way the squadron spread out automatically to cover me and get between where I stood and the humans sat.

Kuzman understood my look immediately. "We can step outside if you like. That way you will not need so many ... Guards."

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