No Drama

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"Well, that wasn't very damn dramatic." Renee complained.

"At least we have two weeks to get the fake Conclave going. All the extra time will be helpful." Liann pointed out.

"I am somewhat surprised by Kuzman." Morgan commented. "He is very different from Larry. Much calmer and more in control."

"Yes: I found that interesting as well. Angel: You see anything?" I asked

"Nothing very useful. He is sincere and telling the truth as he understands it. Also, he would like to have sex with me." Angel reported.

"What?" Vera asked, offended by that idea.

"Yes. His visual regards of me were very clear on that. In fact, I seemed to be attractive to all the male Sirens in the Hall for some reason. I noticed a similar thing in the US." Angel said.

"Do not bother." Vera told her. "If they are anything like guys at 'The Firehouse' You'd do better with me, and I'm not even into chicks all that much."

Interesting. I missed the other Siren's scanning Angel. Also, Vera is acting possessive. One night together on an air mattress?

"So: Vera, how did your talk go?" I asked.

"Fairly well, I thought. My sisters understood the issue and why you are going to challenge. They were properly upset with the idea that their Hall was betrayed to Purists by Sirens that come there. They will work to secretly help Kuzman find the people that worked with the HPA. They will plant the information about the Conclave in Hungry and ensure it gets all the way back to the HPA once they know the correct people to feed it to. I will let them know the location and dates.  Kuzman will not be aware he is getting the assist. Males never do. "

I sighed.

"Siren males, fool." Vera amended, irritated.

"I think he does alright, for a boy." Jessica offered.

"Gee." I said.

Vera gave Jessica a sour look which I interpreted as 'I am not going to say what I am thinking right now'. Instead, she said: "I have a way to contact my sisters here with updates. I suppose we drive back to France for a couple of weeks and wait for Kuzman to do his thing. I will be able to find out how he is doing on that as time goes by."

I held up a small card. "I have his direct number as well."

"So, we lay in the pool and eat ourselves into a coma for the next two weeks?" Renee asked.

"I do not know what YOU will be doing, Renee, but my husband will be in training. He has to stay sharp on his fighting skills, which he has not practiced in over a month, while he was out romancing his way to France. Mornings, after breakfast, he will be touring the Winery or the fields. Then two hours of intensive training. We will break for lunch. In the afternoon, we may go horseback riding or similar things. Mid-afternoon, two more hours of training. Then shower, dinner, and pool time. We will work in any planning meetings as required into this, but the training is not optional." Helen explained.

"Not even slightly optional" Morgan agreed.

"Adrian only THINKS he has worked hard on training up to now." Jessica added. "HPA and Sirens, on Siren turf? He will be ready for the pool every night. We'll need to be sure he is not asleep when we throw him into the deep end."

"I think we shall all join in on that. The global Crew has never worked together before. A chance to learn each other's strengths and weaknesses. I like it. I will propose this to the Council when we get to Claremont."

Vera looked over at Angel with a grin. "I am going to watch that like it's a damn movie. Adrian getting his ass kicked by a crowd of Vampire ladies? That will be awesome!"

"Me too. We need to find some popcorn someplace." Angel told her. "I bet Fiona can find some. She can do anything. Does wine go with popcorn?"

"Great honeymoon." I groused.

Morgan shrugged. "It will assist in keeping you alive long enough that we may eventually have a real honeymoon, my heart. A superior option to becoming a widow in a few weeks."

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