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When we pulled up to the so-called 'house' which was even larger and more imposing close-up, a huge door swung in and framed in it stood a young woman with the reddest hair I have ever seen. Not fire-red: Deep, dark, rich red. It fell in thick cascades to just past her shoulders.

We disembarked the electric car and walked up to her. "Hi!" I said to her. "I am Adrian Claremont. Cross Country Hiker. Helen's Husband. All of that."

"Hello, Adrian." She is the woman on the speaker at the gate. She greeted in a rich voice, full of good Irish whiskey. Smooth. Satisfying. The speaker at the gate did not do it justice. She extended a hand and we shook. "It is very nice to meet you. I am Fiona. You had us all quite worried."

"Sorry about that. I took a slight detour at Istanbul. Scenic route and Alps and all that." Her scent revealed to me that Fiona is a Vampire. I wonder how many people that work here are. Considering that this is Helen's setup, I imagine quite a few. Best way to keep the Vampire secret: Surround yourself with other Vampires.

"Fiona is the secret to your success, Adrian. She runs this place. All of it. Perhaps she will give you a tour later." Helen told me.

"I would be happy to, of course. You are now my employer, and I look forward to getting to know you. Since Helen feels about you as she obviously does, you must be a very special man." Fiona said warmly, and it is genuine. No obvious resentment for me suddenly being the new employer in town.

"I would love to learn all you can teach me about this place, Fiona. I hope you plan to be here for a very long time. I am a curious type of person."

"Oh yes. I have no plans beyond here, young sir. Helen brought me to Claremont after my turn about five years ago and gave me charge of this place. I love it here and I cannot imagine not being here. It is my home away from Ireland now."

"Five years? Then we are both young as Vampires." I noted

Helen filled in some details. "Fiona was sixty-five when she was turned. Rogue Male. She previously worked as the head of a large school district before turning. So much experience."

"Rogue Male with a thing for older women it seems. I stayed in shape of course. Still, he called me a MILF." Fiona laughed

I thought her cheer seemed off. "So now you are a VILF? You do not seem unhappy about being turned." I pointed out.

"Oh, I was at first, of course. Aren't we all? I divorced before that happened because I had a career and my Ex could not deal with that. My children are all grown and gone and no longer physically close. Moved away to Canada. There was nothing left to anchor me in Ireland. It was time to retire, even though I still felt young. I went out for a pint after the gym one evening. Got to chatting with a young man, and he was interested in me and made it obvious. I was flattered, and so I had sex with that young man for fun. It was fun! Best sex in years if ever. A male Vampire can show a human woman a hell of a time if they want to, and this one wanted to. He redefined that old canard about being ridden hard and put up wet because I was limp. Suddenly I was also young, and I could not stay there anymore. Helen brought me here. Now I get to use all my life of experience to run this beautiful place. I am happy." Fiona concluded. She then added with a gesture: "There are worse things than the young men around the countryside. Very healthy and very willing. VILF indeed. I always was a bit randy when I was young. Now I am the hunter. VLTF. That does not roll off the tongue at all: Need to work on that."

I am glad Fiona is happy with her new life. "I cannot wait to get to know you better and learn at your knee. I was only twenty-nine when I came over, so I am a babe in the Vampire woods in every sense." I grinned

We are standing talking in a huge foyer, covered in marble, with dark wood accents. The marble is dark and shot with white, and it is everywhere, including a staircase that belongs in a palace. Or a castle.

Fiona noticed me looking about, and pointed out some highlights: "To the left is the sitting room. " Helen's phone chirped and she looked at it.

"Looks like a Library, from the part I can see." I said. The dark wood framed double glass doors are open and it appeared to be decorated like a classic English sitting room, with glass front bookcases generously installed throughout the visible space.

"Oh no. Main Library is to the right. Much bigger. Many more books and some lovely ancient texts and first editions. Up the stairs to the right is the guest wing. To the left is the upstairs pantry, the small Library, and the master suite, plus more bedrooms. My suite is that way as well, and bigger than my house in Ireland. Around the stairs to the right on this level is the main dining hall, where your guests are set up, and further back is the kitchen and breakfast area. Keep on going to the back and you arrive at the back patio, swimming pool, hot tub, and sauna, and the back garden. There is a sign posted that says 'If nudity offends you, please fuck off'. From there, to the left you can go to the Winery campus. To the right, the stables, and related structures. Haybarn. Tack room. Exercise arena. All that sort of thing. The housing for the automobiles is that way as well."

"Given the sign, do people wear chaps when they ride the horses?" I asked.

Fiona shrugged "Sometimes. Sometimes it's Lady Godiva. I assume that since you are married to Helen that this does not bother you?"

"No. I met our wife, Jessica, on a nude beach in fact. Just curious." I answered.

"Are you confused by the fact that I am wearing clothes now?" Fiona asked.

"No. I had a mental image of a person on a horse wearing only chaps and it amused me."

Helen, done looking at her phone, threw out: "He is easy to amuse that way, but is, in fact, a total deviant so be wary of him Fiona. Hetero sex fiend: The kind YOU like. If he gets you alone, with your mane of red hair and accent? Well: sexual deviant. All I am saying. You might wake up hours later wondering what happened. Vampire male you know."

"I assumed he is of that nature. He married you after all. You would settle for nothing less. Was that part not clear when I asked? I should have been more specific." Fiona lobbed back.

I started to wonder if Helen secretly likes to keep people around her that keep her on her toes.

Helen held up her phone and did not respond to the jab. "Jessica's itinerary. I sent it to you Fiona. Could you please arrange a car to retrieve them? Party of three. Morgan, Diana, and Jessica. They will need a car seat for Diana.

Fiona shot an eyebrow up. "Certainly. Morgan as well?"

Helen waved her phone. "It says here she is coming to kick Adrian's ass. We'll sell tickets to that show. She is one of the few people who CAN kick his ass, and never even touch him. It is really fucking annoying. That being the case, I need to get him in front of the guests and then haul his ass to bed for about twelve or fourteen hours. Why I need you to make the arrangements. I have much pillaging to do."

"Indeed." Fiona agreed. She waved grandly to the right of the stairs. "They await you, Lord and Lady Claremont."

I paused as I walked towards the Council and Crew room, turned back to Fiona. "Thank you for not mentioning how I smell."

Fiona dismissed that. "Well, how should you smell after walking across the entire countryside? Like a daisy? Actually, I presumed you would smell far worse. Personally, if it were me in that position? I would have taken you a few times on the stone wall before you even got to the house. But: as we have already learned today, I am a Vampire Who Loves to Fuck. VWLF? Still does not roll off the tongue... Not like you would have off mine, anyway."

God, Fiona is a hoot. It is so good to be ... Err... Home? Can you call being in a Castle being 'home'? Apparently you can if you are the Lord of it.

Oi. Or is that 'Oui'?

Missing Vampire: Reward Available (Hypernaturals 6)Where stories live. Discover now