I Wish I Knew Then

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That prompted a sigh from Morgan. "That look at him? I wished with unrequited lust that he was not the brother of Don. That I met him in a Taproom or some other place than a professional situation. He looked very interesting and I would have liked to have gotten to know him better. He was cute, AND clearly intelligent. Dangerously so, judging by his blue eyes. Hungry for me too. Even though I am older than him, I knew he was interested in me from the way he kept stealing quick looks. It was interesting WHERE he was looking as well. As I am sure you know and have been on the receiving end of, most men look at my breasts. He did too, but not ONLY my breasts. He mentally undressed me, and scanned ALL of me. He looked at my face. He looked into my eyes and stabbed me with his. It was everything I could do not to cross my legs. Electricity right down my spine, and warmth right back up my middle. Bra and black blouse saving me from overt displays." 

"I know what you mean. When he got here after ravishing of women across five countries, I undress in the shower to clean him up, and he stood there, in the shower and looked at me. Every exposed inch. It was like being consumed." Helen agreed. "Not that I did not want to do some of my own consuming, once he was cleaner."

Morgan nodded agreement. "Exactly. If Adrian had made a move of ANY sort, I would have said 'yes' to a date. A drink. A coffee. A trip for some ice cream. A movie. Anything. Even a trip to the backseat of his car! I was ready to stop my sexual dry spell finally, and he was the man to do it. Those eyes... How I came up with the seduction scene in my Vampire story when we hunted the HPA that first time was NOT the scents and the bites on the porch, but what I wanted then. I just changed to the location to Hamilton pool and flavored it with the porch seduction. I have no issues asking a man out and I have. I did not feel it appropriate for me to ask him, given my professional relationship with Don. If he asked ME? Hell yes. How does this belt come off? Give me!"

"How long ago was that?" Jessica asked.

"Years. I would need to count them to remember exactly. Eight or so? Being older than him then was more important than it is now. A human thing. We all look like kids and I am approximately one-third the age of the next youngest woman in this marriage. That was a reason to see if he would ask me. I am not, what they now call a Cougar. I had no issue with the age difference but I wanted to be sure he didn't. He never made a move so I assumed he did. Or that it was Don that held him at bay. It was damnably confusing because I felt in my head he wanted me, after that look. World-class eye fucking. I assumed incorrectly that his reluctance stemmed from one of those types of issues. At the Conclave when he and I talked late into the night, I learned he thought I was interested in his brother, so in a manner of speaking, it was Don holding him at back, but over an incorrect assumption of Don's interest in me or mine in him. It is as you say: When he was a human, he was not good at reading women. I did not know that about him at the time of course. I only saw hunger that he never tried to sate. I made bad assumptions too, however. I should have kicked his feet out from under him."

"So, instead you slowly got to know him better, over the years, and you always maintained your professional distance, when you could have had him all this time." Helen noted sagely.

Morgan shook slowly, negatively. Back and forth. "Knowing what I know NOW, it hurts my heart. If he asked me out back then, at ANY point along the way, I would have said 'yes'. For stupid human reasons, I wanted him to ask me. I wanted him to absolve ME of what I wanted: A younger man and the younger brother of a man I worked with. If we dated, I would have taken him to bed, and very quickly. I am not shy about sex with men I like. First date? Done. I love men, and I love sex if you could not tell, and he would have been the perfect antidote for what ailed me back then. When we went to bed on that theoretical date, I would have felt the total devotion he gives to our pleasure. Even without hypersensitivity. I know from what Jessica says of their first night, when he was human still, that I would have experienced that with him. A long night of total devotion to my pleasure on his part, and of course, total dedication to reciprocation on my part. As it happened with you Jessica, it would have happened with us, I am quite certain. At my house or his. In a hotel, if we could not make it that far. Someplace. We would have had sex all night for an absolute certainty. That night you had on 'Nightwing' Jessica? I would have had instead, someplace else. Maybe many other someplaces. As sure as the sun came up today. I would have bought a BOX of condoms on the way home. The ones I had with me at all times were a little old by then."

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