Chapter 24

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Aria's POV

I wiped my hands nervously on my sweatpants, staring at the large house in front of me. I was instantly regretting not wearing something more professional.

Angelo's arm wrapped around my waist, making sure I didn't collapse. "Babe, whatever happens, remember I love you. Forever and always."

My abdomen clenched. I stood on my tiptoes and planted a light kiss on his lips. "I will never get tired of hearing it."

I swear I felt Jasmine roll her eyes. "Come on, Romeo and Juliet."

I made my way to the front door and rang the bell. My hands subconsciously ran through my hair, anxiety flooding through me. A woman opened the door, the woman that haunted my nightmares. The woman who had created those nightmares. The woman who had lied, believing she was protecting me and my son.

But had destroyed me instead.

It was Nick's adoptive mom.

Red haze filled my vision and I clenched my fists, trying to control my fury. I guess Angelo could sense my anger, as he grabbed onto my waist, putting distance in between me and the ruthless bitch.

In the back of my mind I could hear Jasmine and Angelo exchanging pleasantries with Mrs. Bitch, but I tuned them out. The only thing I was here to do was to meet my son. Nothing else. Not to grant Mrs. Bitch forgiveness for what she did to me. For what she did to Nicholas.

I followed Angelo regally through the house, tightening my grip on his hand. He was my rock right now. He always will be.

I sat down on the sofa in between Angelo and Jasmine. I heard Señora Bitch mumbling something about getting some drinks and that Nick would be here in a few minutes with his dad. I leaned against Angelo for support and took a deep breath. I could do this. How hard could it be?

"Love? You doing okay?" Angelo buried his face in my hair.

"Yeah. I'm okay." I lied. I was definitely not okay. What was I supposed to say? Would he even come near me? Did he even know that Mrs. Bitch wasn't his real mom? My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a door opening and closing, and a man walking in the door. Followed by a little boy. My little boy.

My heart was in my throat, He was so cute, dark hair, blue eyes, dimples. I was transfixed as he slowly walked up to me, a smile covering his adorable face.

"You're my real mommy?" His voice made tears want to spring into my eyes.

"Yes, baby. I'm you're real mommy." I affirmed.

His arms wrapped themselves around my neck and he climbed into my lap. I held him against my chest as if he was my lifeline.

"You're really pretty." Were the words that came out his mouth.

My chest tightened and I gave a little laugh. "Says you. You're the most adorable thing I've ever seen."

His smile grew even larger. "I love you, mommy."

"I love you too, Nick." I couldn't help the grin that spread across my lips.

"So you won't leave now? You'll stay with me?" He questioned, his big, blue eyes staring into mine.

"You can come live with me if you want." I offered.

He shook his head. "Mrs. Jackson won't let me. I want to live with you, mommy."

He wanted me. I was ready to leap across mountaintops. But he wasn't allowed to? "Who's Mrs. Jackson?"

"My fake mom." He started playing with a bit of my hair.

His adoptive dad spoke for the first time. "He has refused to call my wife his mom ever since he found out that she wasn't his biological one." He explained and I felt a shot of pride coursing through me. He wanted me, not Mrs.Bitch. "I'm truly sorry about what she told you. I had no idea until I received a call from Mr. Cavill." He nodded to Angelo.

I turned and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you, Ang. I love you."

"Mommy, I thought you said you loved me?" He looked between Angelo and me.

"I do love you, Nick. I love Angelo, too." I chuckled.

"Do you love me more than him?" He questioned.

"It's a different kind of love, baby."

"Okay. But who is he? And why do you love him a different kind of love?"

"He's my boyfriend, Nick. And he's the man that found you for me."

Nick looked warily at Ang. "Is he nice?"

"Yes, he's very nice." I almost laughed.

"He looks scary." Nick continued sizing up Angelo.

"He does, doesn't he?" I teased. I heard Angelo scoff.

"Yeah. Very much." He turned to my other side, to Jasmine. I almost forgot she was even there, she hasn't said anything the whole time. "Who are you?"

Jasmine smiled her show stopping smile at him. "I'm your Auntie Jasmine."

"You're pretty, too." Nick told her. He was such a flirt.

"Aww, thanks sweetheart." Jasmine pinched his cheek.

My baby turned back to me, serious. "Okay, mommy. They seem nice. They can be your friends."

"Okay. I'm glad you like them." I nodded at him, faking seriousness for his sake.

"Nick." Mr. Jackson interrupted. "You have to get ready for basketball."

"Okay." He turned back to me and poked my cheek. "Will you come?"

"Of course I will come." I turned back to his dad. "I can take him if you'd like."

He nodded. "That should be okay. Nick, go get your stuff."

Nick jumped off my lap and ran up the stairs, probably going to his room to get his stuff.

He came back downstairs a couple minutes later, dressed in a jersey and shorts, a pair of Jordan basketball shoes on his feet. I grabbed his hand and we left the house, all four of us piling into my exotic car.

Everything was perfect, I had an amazing boyfriend, a crazy best friend, and an adorable son.

But it would only last until my arranged marriage's wedding day.

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