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Warlock stared at his phone in boredom as his parents bickered about the hotel they had booked. The beds were too hard. The parking was too far. The room was too small. Etcetera, etcetera.

"Why couldn't I have stayed home? This is dumb," Warlock huffed.

"Your father participating in small town gatherings is good for his political run. Plus it's nice to get away. The local festival is going to be fun. Why don't you look it up, you might find it interesting," His mother said handing a brochure to him.

He flipped through the pages of apple pie contests and horse rides to find the website. It would at least get him away from his parents for a few hours. Taddfield was one the smaller places they had visited and being cooped up with them for long periods of time was already driving him crazy.

Warlock scrolled through the tweets posted on the website and saw a picture of who he could have sworn to be his old Nanny. Or at least her son.

He pulled his twitter up and typed in the name of the person who had tweeted the picture. Adam Young.

He scrolled through his feed to see a couple more pictures from the festival. Most of them had pictures of other kids but there were two others with the man who looked like Nanny. He was with a shorter blonde man who looked far too happy to be there.

Curiosity got the better of Warlock and he sent Adam a private message.


Adam looks down at his phone to see a message from someone on his twitter. Warlock Dowling. He recognized the name instantly. He had heard Crowley and Aziraphale talk about the boy they'd raised several times.

Warlock had seen a picture of Crowley at the festival and wanted to know who he was and if he was related to an Ashtoreth.

Adam could have easily lied but thought that perhaps the angel and demon would like to see their godson again.

"Yeah, he was a Nanny once," Adam responded.

Instantly a new message came through.

"He was my Nanny."

Adam smirked as he grabbed his jacket and headed for the door, "Going to the festival, then to Uncle Crowley's." he called to his mother who was in the kitchen.

"Be home before dark," She called back.

He sent the boy a message telling him to meet at the entrance to the festival.


Warlock pretended to be excited about the apple eating contest and convinced his mother to let him to the festival early. They weren't due to go until the next day. However, he had been forced to be accompanied by two bodyguards.

"Warlock, right?" A voice asked as he approached the festival.


"Yeah, come on, I have something to show you," Adam gestured for Warlock to follow him.

"I have company," Warlock groaned, jabbing a thumb behind him, where the guards stood.

"Ah, don't worry about them, come on," Adam smiled.

Warlock frowned but followed anyway. He was shocked to find the guards didn't follow him.


"I should catch you up to speed on things before we get where we're going. So I'm Adam Young. I'm the antichrist. Or well, I was. I guess I still am, but I cancelled Armageddon. Anyway, your Nanny was a demon. Oh and your gardener was an angel. They thought you were the antichrist but got confused. Anyway they were trying to raise you right so that you wouldn't go through with the end of the world."

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