Forged in the fires of hell

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Crowley had been fetching a bottle of wine when he heard the chime of the front door. The shop was closed and it was far too late for customers to assume it was open. It was nearly half past ten. He carefully made his way from the back only pausing when he heard an all too familiar voice.

"Aziraphale, just the pathetic excuse for an angel I wanted to see," Gabriel sneered down at Aziraphale.

"Gabriel, what are- what are you doing here," Aziraphale hoped Crowley remained hidden. He didn't want to risk Gabriel doing something to him.

"I want to know how you did it. Hellfire should have consumed you," Gabriel took a menacing step towards the angel.

"I-I-" Aziraphale stumbled backwards away from the archangel.

"The other angel's think it's because you've been hanging around that snake too long. But I want to know the real reason. You haven't fallen, somehow."

"I suppose the Almighty had other plans for me," Aziraphale squeaked out.

"Bullshit," Gabriel grabbed the younger angel by his throat.

In an instant he was released, and Gabriel had been thrown back.

Crowley stood beside the angel, all the fury of a demon on his face.

"You don't touch him," Crowley growled out.

"You vile creature. You dare attack an archangel?" Gabriel pulled himself to his feet.

Crowley's wings billowed out in defense as he took a step in front of his angel.

"Me? You attacked one of your own," Crowley narrowed his snake eyes.

"He's not one of us. Hellfire didn't touch him. That's not very angel like. Perhaps the Almighty has a favorite and it's not you," Crowley sneered. He was good at taunting.

Gabriel continued forward.

Crowley had Aziraphale blocked entirely from the archangel's view.

"Move," Gabriel demanded.

"I won't let you hurt him," Crowley didn't know if he could take on an archangel but there was no way in heaven or hell he was letting Aziraphale get hurt.

"Crowley, please," the younger angel begged from behind him. He couldn't bare to see the demon hurt because of him.

"You think you scare me. I'm not intimidated by you. You're a measly demon."

Gabriel snapped his fingers and Aziraphale grasped at Crowley's back, gasping. Whatever Gabriel had done it was hurting Aziraphale.

Crowley grabbed the fire poker near him and lunged at Gabriel. He shoved him back, holding the sharp point above him.

"This was forged in the fires of hell, a gift for my angel," Crowley sneered. "Fix him."

Gabriel with wide eyes snapped his fingers again and Aziraphale was back to normal.

"I should end you," Crowley loved seeing the fear in the angel's eyes. He'd wanted to do this for too long.

"Crowley, don't," Aziraphale pulled gently on the demon's arm.

The demon remained unmoving.

"Crowley, please," the younger angel begged again.

Gabriel's eyes remained full of fear as he waited for Crowley to give in to the angel.

"You're pathetic existence only continues because he wills it, next time you decide to threaten him, remember that," Crowley snapped releasing the archangel.

Aziraphale let out a relieved sigh as Gabriel disappeared.

"Are you alright, angel?" Crowley asked turning to Aziraphale then, his wings folding away.

"Yes, dear, thank you," Aziraphale smiled gently.

"He shouldn't be bothering you again," Crowley twirled the iron rod he'd used as a weapon as he spoke.

"Those weren't forged in the fires of hell, and they weren't a gift from you. I bought them at the shop off Oleander years ago," Aziraphale pointed out.

Crowley grinned widely, "Yeah, but he didn't know that," he winked as he set the poker back in it's place.

Aziraphale tutted with a smirk.

"I should get you a weapon of hell, for instances like that," Crowley waved a hand at where he'd been threating the archangel only moments before.

"I have one already, my dear." Aziraphale smiled fondly. "You."

Crowley felt a swell of pride. He'd defended his angel against the highest ranking douchbag of heaven. He just hoped he never had to again.

He didn't.

(Request for Mythical_Lei, hope it's okay)

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