Chapter 36: Time travel.

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Hiccup POV.

Merida, Rapunzel and Kristoff, went to look for Ralph, who's now have a strange look, even for him.

Kr: So, how difficult is to find a doctor??
R: He's now a new look.

Kr: In what way???

Ra: Hiccup, Punzie, Merida good to see you. Said Ralph behind them.
Kr: Ahhhh, 😟. Shouted Kristoff scared.

Ra: I know, I know, I'm this green and big.

Kr: How??

Ra: Five year's ago we got our asses kicked, but I lost twice first The big one and then Ralph.
So eighteen months, on a lab, I put the brain and the brawn together. Now look at me, the best of both worlds

H: Did you Get my message???
Ra: Yep, go back in time to bring everyone back, I that idea and sounds dangerous, I'm in.

H: Great, because now, we have to make a super strong armor, to make some tests.

H: Great, because now, we have to make a super strong armor, to make some tests

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Back to the compound.

We were at the hangar to do the tests of time travel, we were using one of the most strongest metals on earth.

Ra: Ok here goes, time travel test number #15. Metal: Steel

Merida used that spell, to make that time travel.

Ra: Ok, on the count of three, one, two, three.

When she made the metal come back, the metal came back melted.

H: We have to find something stronger and do it fast, I'll take breath outside.

Ra: Ok

I went outside, to see the sky, when I heard, a car.

And it was Hiro, who parked his car right next to me.

Hi: Hey.
H: Hey, how you doin?

Hi: Fine, Thanks for calling me, this is a really big chance for all of us. I hope we can bring everyone back.

H: We will, I promise you.
Hi: I think your gonna need this.

Hiro went to his trunk to take something out.

And what he took out was my shield.

H: I thought you left it abandoned.
Hi: Here.

H: Hiro I don't know.
Hi: Why?? It belongs to you, plus honestly I have to take it out of my lab before, someone sells it on the internet.

H: You really kept it on your lab??
Hi: I hoped that we could be everyone back together again.

H: You really kept it on your lab??Hi: I hoped that we could be everyone back together again

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