Chapter 27: We don't trade lives

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After rescuing Baymax and Honey Lemon from the children of Kronos, they left Switzerland and went back to Berk City.

Right now, Tadashi was at the compound, talking by hologram to the Secretary.

Sc: Anything new about Lemon and that robot.

T: They were last seen on Switzerland, and there are rumors that aliens attacked them and Haddock and the others went to help them.

Sc: If that's true, then find them and arrest them.

T: Why?? Now that my brother, and best friends are off world, and we might face a tremendous alien invasion, they might be our only chance against them.

Then from the entrance, Hiccup and the others, entered the room.

H: Mr. Secretary. Hiccup greeted him.

Sc: You are so dumbs coming back here.

R: I think you could use that right now.
Sc: The world is on great danger, and you think everything is forgiven.

H: We're not looking for forgiveness, Earth has lost one of his best defenders, so we're here to defend it now, if wanna be an obstacle we will fight you too.

H: We're not looking for forgiveness, Earth has lost one of his best defenders, so we're here to defend it now, if wanna be an obstacle we will fight you too

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Sc: Arrest them Hamada.

T: On it. He turned off the conversation. Wow you all look horrible.

R: Oh, how you been Tadashi.
T: Good. No, but seriously you look terrible.

W: Well the places where we've been weren't at a good quality.

Ra: You don't look that bad, honestly. Ralph appeared in.

W: Ralph. Good to see you again.
Ra: I'm back, yei 😊

H: You know what we're dealing right now don't you?
Ra: Yeah.

At the living room.

Ra: His name is Kronos, he's an intergalactic being, he wipes out half population planet by planet. He wants all the stones, that Drago and Pitch wanted originally.

M: And those aliens who have been attacking, they want...

Ra: The stones, guys listen to me, Kronos has the biggest army in the universe and he's not gonna stop till he has them all. So we're gonna need all help possible.

Ba: Maybe we can destroy this one.
T: How? That's impossible.

Ba: No, but Anna can, her powers share the same energy, so she could be able to destroy it.
Ho: With you in it.

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