Happy Tears

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Holy shit.

Holy shit.

We won.


"I've received word from an anonymous source that Eponine Brodeur is wanted for drug abuse in New Mexico. Therefore she wouldn't have been able to take Chara in even if she didn't have the abuse and neglect charges on her head. Eponine, you are being placed under arrest for drug abuse, child abuse, and child neglect. Custody of Chara goes to Sans Serriff and Toriel Dreemurr. If you two would follow my guard you can get the paperwork signed to get her adopted. Dismissed". The judge banged his gavel on the podium and he was gone.

Niel ushered me down from be platform and I looked across to my aunt. She was screaming bloody murder as she was dragged away in handcuffs.

I ran off the platform and was swept into an enormous group hug. Hands ruffled my hair and pressed my face into shoulders.

I was home.

I broke free of the huddle and looked up at everyone. Smiles. All smiles. I felt the tears slip down my face before I could stop them.

"Hey, kiddo, no need to cry anymore! We won. You're safe now"

I responded with a watery giggle as I wiped my face. "Happy tears Sans. Happy tears."


I feel sorry for the restaurant. We aren't rowdy but we can get noisy.

We'd gone to a little Italian restaurant on the edge of Terse County. Everyone was celebrating. Undyne was already drunk. Love that.

I quietly slurped up my cheesy pasta, listening to the joyous conversations around me. As happy as I was to be out and about, I was tired. So very very tired.

"Hey, kid. Ya with us?"

I nodded despite my yawns. "I'm awake. I swear."

Undyne downed what I assumed to be her fourth tequila. I laughed a little before yawning again.

"Heya Red, what's goin in with you?" I was amazed she could still talk right.

Sans squinted slightly and leaned forward. He whispered something to Undyne I couldn't hear. Her eyes went wide and she poured herself water from the pitcher, immediately downing it while eyeing me nervously.

"I'm good, Undyne. Just tired."

"Eh don't sweat it Red. You had a loooong day"

I nodded. I didn't know what to say to a drunk person.

After awhile, the warm atmosphere of the restaurant combined with my full stomach and happy chatter of my family, I slumped against Sans's shoulder.

I heard a snicker and a "Hey Sans, watch it". There was a soft gasp and a hand on my shoulder before I completely drifted off.


When I came to, all was quiet. I was on a couch back in the bunker with a blanket draped across me. My vest, tie, and shoes were strewn over the back of the couch. I got up and padded into the kitchen.

A few monsters were in there, stirring tea or having cookies before bed. I looked at the clock on the stove. 11:46 PM. I'd slept awhile. I opened the fridge and found a styrofoam box with my name written on it. I opened it to find my leftover pasta. Grinning to myself I grabbed a fork and climbed on top of the counter. No one payed me any attention as I dig into my cold pasta.

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