Suiting Up to Let People Down

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Sans's POV

So Chara's not gonna be happy. This court thing humans do. Well they gotta dress up for it. And I know damn well that the only dress she's got is her maid of honour one that she hates.

And the kid hates to shop. So I called in backup.

When Chara and I had the house to ourselves, I decided to spring the shopping trip on her. We sat in the living room, taking about her training and basically anything but shopping Suddenly a drag queen robot and a hench fish were slamming our door in.

"Oh, hellooo, Chara my little darling!" The metallic rustbucket practically sang. I hated the guy but we needed fashion advice.

"Red-Eyes!" Undyne cheered. She was taking the gentle approach for once.

Chara's eyes lit up at the sight of her aunt (her real aunt) and her uncle. "What are you guys doing here?"

I hissed out my breath and rubbed the back of my skull. "Well, kiddo, we have to go clothes shopping."

Chara's POV

I. HATE. Shopping. It's so annoying. All the frilly shit and the changing rooms and wondering if someone was gonna try and get in there when you were half dressed. It's madness! Madness I tell ya!

"Why do we need to go shopping? I have plenty of clothes!"

"Not formal clothes though. You're waaay too much of a rough and tumble kid to own formal clothes. We gotta find you something you can wear in court. And I know you hate shopping so I brought in some backup" Sans explained to me.

"But that's months away! Can't it wait at least?" I whined. I normally don't whine but shopping is such a pain in the ass that I'd do anything to get out of it.

Sans chuckled at my antics. "C'mon kid. We'll get you something good and make it as fun as we can"

"Yeah, punk! You're in good hands with us tod-"

"Before you fin-ish that sentence Undyne" Sans said with a grin. Undyne responded with a tight lipped frown. "You're gonna have to try stuff on today kiddo. How're ya with changing clothes in public?" It would've been a strange question for most people but I saw the hidden question he was asking.

I shrugged. "I'm fine as long as I'm left alone long enough. I don't like people seeing me.... uncovered."

He nodded. "Well that's not gonna happen. You'll be safe"

"I'll kick the shit outta anyone who tries to get in there kid" Undyne assured me.

I sighed. "Let's do this shit"


Fifteen minutes later, Mettaton's limo was pulling up to the mall. I groaned inwardly. This was gonna suck.

The flamboyant hunk of metal practically sashayed into the first store we found. Suddenly he had vanished among the overly frilly clothes that looked like someone's prom picture gone wrong. Blegh.

The evolved pop-tart reappeared with a dress in his carefully manicured hand. "Well? How's this darling? Would you like to try it on?"

It was a simple white dress with a pale green tie around the waist. Judging by my height it would come to about mid-thigh on me.

Something about this felt wrong but I couldn't put my finger on it. He looked so happy to have found it that I shrugged and nodded.

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