It's Too Late For Self-Control

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On the platform above me, Frisk's indigo fireballs were being shot at Sans. I ducked down to avoid the purple fire mom shot at me and ran for it, firing a red knife behind me.

Sans formed a cage of blue bones around me. I froze instantly upon seeing a cage, but pulled myself back to reality before I could have a breakdown. I looked up to see mom creating a fireball and weighed my options. We had plenty of healing items on hand but a blue attack would take a lot less damage than a fireball. This wasn't like a formal battle with taking turns. I had to heal as little as possible.

So I did what would take the least damage. I broke free of the blue bones. It hurt but I knew the fireball would hurt worse.

Your strength are speed are your good qualities in a fight. Your height is not. Get to a higher vantage point whenever possible. Sans's voice echoed in my ears.

I ran for the swings, ducking to avoid the white bone sailing over my head. I scaled the swing set and was soon at the top. I surveyed the area and found Frisk jumping over a wall of bones that had appeared in front of her. I ducked to avoid the fireball being launched at my head and summoned a cascade of knives to fall on mom. She dodged excellently, except for one knife that hit her in the arm. I winced as I watched her HP go down to 75.

Our goal in this training exercise was simple. Keep our HP at least halfway full while knocking the other team's down at least halfway. For mom and I, we had to keep ours above 40. For Frisk, she had to stay above 10. For Sans it meant, well, stay alive.

Frisk and I had agreed to take down Toriel's HP first because once we hit Sans it was over. I fired a knife at mom and she couldn't dodge it in time.

HP: 70/80

I jumped down off the swingset and took off running. I caught Frisk's eye and signaled to her to distract Toriel. I dodged a bone from Sans. As my counterattack I levitated it and shot it back at him.

As Toriel and Frisk shot their fire at each other, I crept up behind the goat woman and shot a series of knives at her.

HP: 60/80

I took off as fast I could, only to find myself blocked by a wall of blue bones expanding to circle me. I slipped out through the gap and dashed on top of the climbing wall.

From the top platform I was back behind Toriel. I grabbed the monkey bars, tangled down, and kicked her in the back of the head. Then I launched another round of knives at her. Some of them she dodged but a lot of them hit her.

I whipped around to find myself in hand-to-hand with Sans. He grabbed my right arm. I twisted out of her and projected my leg into a roundhouse. He swept to the side and retaliated with a left hook. I ducked to avoid it.

I climbed up on top of the monkey bars and skillfully walked across. Sans was right behind me, and with a body slam, I was on the ground. I looked around and scanned everyone's HP.

HP: 1/1

HP: 45/80

HP: 16/20

HP: 73/80

So mom was close. Frisk and I were fine. Then we just had to take out Sans.

Wordlessly, Frisk and I split up.

I reclaimed my position on top of the swings and turned my attention to mom. I focused everything I had into lifting her.

Too heavy. A goat woman pregnant with twins is not something I could lift.

Instead I took hold of Frisk's body and yanked her out of he way of an attack from Sans she had missed. She nodded her thanks and shot a ball of fire back at Sans. Her counterattack. I got her attention and signed to her.

"Tag team this bitch".

She looked at me for a second then smirked and nodded. I summoned about 7 knives and crept over to mom. I caught Frisk's eye and counted to three with my fingers.

On three we both attacked. Me with knives, her with fire. Mom would only be able to dodge so much.

She managed to sidestep some of Frisk's fireballs but not all of them. The rest hit her in the chest. And a good three or four of my knives hit her in the back.

If I had time to think I probably would've realized I had literally stabbed her in the back.

HP: 37/80

Mom shot her hand in the air, our signal that we had reached half HP or lower. She was okay but she was breathing harder now. She made her way off the playground to the park bench. One down, one to go.

Now that Toriel was out it was us against Sans. On one hand, two against one. On the other, he had to kick it up a notch now that he was alone.

Really it could go either way.

Kick it up a notch he did. The second mom was out of the way he moved into action. He sent his attacks flying everywhere and Frisk and I were sent sprawling trying to avoid him. We only needed one hit but he's an expert at dodging. This was definitely gonna be tricky.

We fired attack after attack with not much luck. He was dodging all over the place and my HP was draining fast. I narrowly avoiding a white bone sailing into my feet and took off running for the top of the play set.

I fired a knife at him, sure he wouldn't suspect it. But he did. He stepped out of the way as if it was the most casual thing in the world. Damn it.

I watched Frisk shoot a ball of fire at him and suddenly got an idea. I knew his dodging patterns by now.

As the flame was about to hit him, he sidestepped. I took hold of the flame in my magic and maneuvered it back to him.

Hit him square in the skull.

"Out!" He called, frantically reaching into his jacket pocket for the cinnabunny he had in there. He ate it rapidly before his HP could drain.

I jumped down off the climbing platform and high fived Frisk.

"Congrats. You figured out how to combine your magic"

Frisk looked at me and I look back. It was clear neither of us knew what he meant.

"What are you talking about?" She asked. But he just winked and motioned towards the picnic blanket mom was laying out for us.

"C'mon. Let's get you two healed up".

We gulped down our water and graciously accepted the monster food. Instant healing is very welcome sometimes.

"So why couldn't Asgore and Asriel join us?" Frisk asked.

"Asriel's trident is a physical weapon. You and Chara's attacks are purely magical. We will have the three of you train together one day but for your current skill level it just would not fit".

I nodded as I chewed my veggie Glamburger.

We continued to talk about training and staying up to date on our work. Out of nowhere a random woman with brown hair comes up behind Sans.

"You creatures are not allowed in here".

I looked up, already sick of this bitch. "Lady its a public park. Fuck you".

"How rude! Your child can not speak to me like that!"

I stood up. "You can't speak to my family like that. I will ask you once to kindly walk away before things get uglier than they already have." I snapped.

"Little girl you are so confused. These hideous creatures are not your family. You deserve-"

I had heard enough. I charged the woman down.

Dagger drawn.

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