There Goes My Last Shred of Happiness

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I don't believe this! That bag of bones proposed to mom?! AND SHE SAID YES?! Good god this went downhill so fast!

Heya. The name's Chara. Well my full name is- nope, nevermind, you can use that against me. I'm nine. Frisk is my sister, Azzy is my brother, and Asgore WAS my dad but momma just HAD to have a bigger bone.

Frisk was the flower girl, Azzy was the ring bearer, which left me thinking they were playing favorites. So when mom asked me to be the maid of honor I was just in shock. I figured Sans wouldn't agree with that, he hates me.

Turns out the bride picks the maid of honor, not the groom. Who knew.

So there I was standing across from Sans as mom walked up to the alter. He would've had tears in his eyes if he had any. Frisk and Asriel were standing patiently. I was restless.

I started messing with my dress. I tugged at the lace- I hate lace- until it tore. I quickly covered the tear and looked up nervously. Sans was glaring at me. I flipped him off and turned back to mom.

Holy shit.

She was glowing. My mother was a vision in white. Her elegant dress was strapless, with a beaded torso and an entirely tule skirt. The train was made of tule as well, and two temmies were holding it behind her.

My mouth fell open at the sight. She was gorgeous.

The two said their disgusting vows, consisting mainly of puns, and kissed, causing me to dry heave then and there. Frisk and Azzy moved to stand by me, and I got a good smack upside the head from Frisk for gagging.

They walked down the alter arm in arm and the rest of us followed.

From there we were allowed to change. I changed into a simple green dress with a short skirt. I was highly uncomfortable in it but I wasn't about to explain to mom why, so I would suffer.

Azzy, Frisk and I stuck to the corner. From there I sat and watched. Undyne and Alphys were dancing normally, Papyrus and Mettaton were doing their normal flashy dancing, and Sans was doing his best to slow dance with mom despite their height difference.

Frisk and Azzy left to go get food which left me dancing by myself. I swayed around to the music. I noticed Sans looking at me throughout. It took all my willpower not to shoot him a dirty look.

Sans invited people to stand up and give speeches. Frisk immediately grabbed my hand and held me back.

First Papyrus stood. "Attention? Attention! Ah yes there we go. Well, I must say im very pleased with my brother for finally finding the girl of his dreams and settling. Though I do suspect that he will continue to adventure, and drag Miss Toriel, well now Mrs Toriel, through those adventures with him. Toriel, I give you my brother. Take care of him. Best of luck to you two. And have a splendid life!" the audience burst into applause as he stepped down.

Frisk got up next, and as soon as she stepped up everyone was cheering. "Hi guys. I know you all think of me as that hero who saved you" I rolled my eyes. "but today im just Tori's daughter. Sans has acted like the father I never had since we were free and continued to act like that towards Chara and Asriel as they were brought back. Today he is officially my father, and I've never been happier" More applause.

Without Frisk there was no one to stop me from running up and grabbing the mic. Everyone fell silent as my hand closed around the microphone. They all hate me. I know it. But that didn't stop me.

"Alright enough of this fluffy shit. It's time for this to get real"

"Watch your mouth kid" Sans called from the front table.

"I am, I'm watching it expose you. Anyway, it's time you all knew the truth. Toriel is exactly who she seems. A sweet little old lady who makes pie and cares for children." I pointed to Sans. "This bitch however, is a different story. He  has killed me AND FRISK in multiple timelines"

At the mention of the timelines everyone fell into hushed whispers. Sans eye sockets went black. "Kid... " he said in his warning tone. But I ignored this.

"Yeah. He straight up murdered me, and Frisk too. And would you look out the window? The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, so maybe people like Sans should be-"

I hit the ground before I could finish. Sans was on top of me breathing hard. His left eye was glowing a steady blue and his left hand had a tight magical hold on my soul. Thank god he turned it blue. I did not need people seeing my horrific soul. I fought against him but he held me down effectively.

"Shut your mouth if you know what's good for you kiddo" he growled.

No one spoke for what felt like hours. Finally Frisk coaxed that idiot off of me and helped me up.

Well, that was that. Sans and Toriel are married. There goes my last shred of happiness.

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