An Offer I Could Definitley Refuse

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I was the last one to leave the room after getting dressed. Everything was on except for my tie, which I had attempted to tie about five times and only succeeded in making a knot of fabric. It dangled limply from my hand as I gazed into the faces of my family.

Mettaton's chiptune voiced chirped. "Chara, my darling, where is your tie?" I flapped the useless strip of fabric around in my hand.

"I don't... I can't... It..." I sighed. It had been a long time since I was so nervous that I couldn't think in English. "...Help" I finally said, dropping my head.

Looking at the ground, I saw black dress shoes shuffling towards me. The wearer stopped and dropped into a kneel, and I was face to face with a concerned skeleton.

"Kiddo? Do you need help with your tie? Is that what you're saying?" He asked softly. I nodded, feeling my face beat up. He took the tie from me and started to undo the giant knot I'd done in it. "Hey, there's no need to cry. It's alright" Was I crying? I didn't remember crying but I was. "You want me to help you?" I nodded furiously. "Okay. I'll help you. Lift your head up for me"

He looped the tie over my neck, tied it in a tight Windsor knot, and tucked it into my vest. "Okay kiddo. Now you just have to keep your head up until we win this trial, got it?"

Even though I nodded, I knew I was gonna fail.

I climbed into the car and slumped against the window. The cool glass felt nice on my overheating face. Azzy climbed in next to me and Frisk followed. In front, Mom positioned the car to pull out and Sans eased into the passenger seat. Everyone was so dressed up. I felt awful that they all had to wear such nice clothes just to watch me get taken away from them.

Behind us, Mettaton, Alphys, Undyne, and Papyrus climbed into The Jeep. I had an entire army behind me but we were still going to lose.

The car pulled out of the driveway.


The wind wasn't even that cold but when I was already shaking anyway it felt like a blizzard.

I was surrounded at all angles. Frisk and Azzy were holding my hands. Mom and Undyne stood behind me, flanking me. Sans was holding my shoulders. Mettaton, Alphys, and Papyrus brought up the rear.

A burly security guard arrived by the door to greet us. "Chariana Dreemurr and family?" I winced hearing  Kah-REE-a-nah instead of SHAH-ree-ah-nah.

"Chariana" I repeated, pronouncing it correctly.

"Sorry about that. Right this way if you would"

He lead us through several back hallways and into what looked like a coat room. Niel was standing against the wall in a tuxedo, looking over a clipboard. Upon seeing us he gave us a huge smile and crossed the room to us.

"Hey Chara. How you been?"

I groaned. "Stressed as fuck"

"Well don't worry. Thanks to the evidence Sans gave me last week, we got this case in the bag" He shot Sans a grin. I shot him a suspicious look.

"Okay I know what the photos are. What the fuck is this recording?"

Sans shook his head. "You'd kill me if you found out. You're gonna kill me when you find out"

I narrowed my eyes. "What do you do" I deadpanned.

"You'll see kiddo. Trust me. I had to"

Niel nodded. "It's a valuable piece of information Chara" As he introduced himself to those who hadn't met him and shook hands, I glared at Sans.

We took off our coats, even though Mettaton's elaborate pink fur coat was the only one, and the guard lead us into the main courtroom. He directed us to a bench and we sat. Sans and Frisk were on each side of me, giving me reassuring looks.

On the other side of the room, a door opened to reveal my aunt and her lawyer, along with a woman who I assumed was her translator. My breath caught in my throat as she made eye contact with me. Frisk immediately squeezed my hand.

My hands flew up to my tie, desperate for something to fidget with. I fussed with it until Sans had to grab my hand.

"Hey" he whispered. "I know you're nervous but the last thing we need right now is for you to look frazzled. C'mere" he turned me toward him and adjusted my tie. I couldn't look him in the eye. "Sorry kiddo. Didn't mean to scold you just then".

I shook my head, trying to communicate that that wasn't the problem. "I'm freaked out right now" I tried to explain.

"All rise!" Called a guard standing by the door. As I stood for the judge I felt my heart beating out of my chest.

The trial began.

"We've gathered today to settle a dispute of who will gain custody of Miss Chariana Reed. Or, as she has asked to be called, Chara Dreemurr. Chara will either be living with Toriel Dreemurr and Sans Serriff, her adoptive parents, or her aunt, Eponine Brodeure. Tucker Jones, please give Eponine's statement. In English, please".

"Certainly". The other lawyer stood and produced a piece of paper.

"I helped my sister to raise Chariana and Celesté since they were born. They grew up seeing me as a mother figure. I cared for them every weekend. I believe that Chariana is better off living with me because I am her last living relation. She is a danger to society and if she's not going to be locked up then she needs to be i the hands of someone who can handle her. I highly doubt these monsters know how to raise a human child, let alone a child with as many mental problems as Chariana has".

"Bullshit!" I snapped.

"Silence!" The judge called. He cleared his throat. "Niel Parks, please read out the statements you received from Sans Serriff and Chara Dreemurr"

Niel stood. "Sans's statement is as follows: Upon meeting Chara, we did not click well. She held resentment towards me, as any child would when faced with a step-parent marrying into the family. However as time went on I discovered she was a brilliant child with a rough past that kept her from living to her full potential. I discovered the traumatic abuse she faced as a young child and I carry a lot of anger towards her parents and her aunt for what they did to her. I believe she's better off with Toriel and myself because I see the dread in her eyes when her aunt's name is spoken. She's fearless, so when I saw her break down at the meer prospect of living with her aunt, I knew something more sinister was at work. Chara has been both physically and mentally scarred by events in her past. I believe the person who has care of her should be healing those scars, not making new ones."

I stayed silent this time. I had no objections. He judge nodded and turned to Neil again. "Parks, please read Chara's statement now".

Niel nodded and read out my words as I'd given them to him only five days ago.

"My life was utter hell growing up. Eponine only made things worse. I originally thought that the weekly trips to her house would be a break from the violent physical and sexual abuse I endured at my parents' house. Instead they were weekends of no sleep and being shouted at in rapidfire French through the bars of a dog cage. They were weekends of being afraid to go near anyone, being afraid to speak, being afraid to even exist. But since living with the Dreemurrs I felt safe. I'm not scared to live. I'm not ready to die anymore".

I stared at the wall. No objections. The judge sighed loudly. "Oh my. Well we have a lot to work though. Alright then. Jones, call your first witness".

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