Apparently Almond Milk Causes Controversy

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TW for disgusting references to rape

Everyone was coming over for dinner. And by everyone I mean Alphys, Undyne, Mettaton, Muffet, Papyrus, Napstablook, Asgore, and even Monster Kid, who had been more or less adopted by Alphys and Undyne. The bad news for me was that they were staying for the weekend, not just for dinner.

Sans and I had agreed to keep my scar situation under "wraps" (he made a stupid pun about my bandages) while everyone was here. First of all, Undyne had gotten very protective of me and Anger Fish ™ is not someone to be challenged. Second of all that was not a conversation I needed to get into at the dinner table. That would just ruin it.

Sans was making hot dogs and fries, since it was pretty much all he knew how to cook. I was mentally preparing myself for a night of explaining why I wasn't touching the meat on my plate, but he said he had it covered.

Before I knew it, cars were pulling up. Papyrus arrived first in his red sports car. I have to admit, he looked pretty cool driving around with the top down like he always did.  Next came The Jeep. Emphasis on "The". It was Undyne's car and she seemed to be appalled at the idea that more than one Jeep existed in the world. So she had named hers The Jeep. I could see Monster Kid sitting in the back, secured by more seatbelts than any human kid would be because he didn't have arms to catch himself if something happened. Pulling up behind them was a dainty little purple Beetle. I just wish I could've seen the looks on the neighbors faces as floods of spiders poured out of the doors. They were Muffet's entourage, and the spider queen soon stepped out and started following the crowd. Next to arrive was Asgore in a beat up grey minivan. Emphasis on the mini. It looked like a SmartCar. Lastly, an enormous magenta and black limo that took up half the block pulled through. Out of the very back door spilled a red carpet and Mettaton came prancing down it. I rolled my eyes from the window. Floating gently after him was Blooky, who was wearing a little hat and bow tie.

Soon everyone was crammed into the living room. Sans was wearing his "Kick the Kook" apron. It originally said "Kiss the Cook" but I had done some scribbling on it to make it more accurate because he's kooky.

...Listen I grew up in the sixties, I use weird words sometimes!

He called Mettaton and I over to him and took us to the kitchen. A piece of paper was clutched in his hand. "Okay. So, Mettaton, you're a vegan, and Chara, you're a vegetarian. I found a tofu dog recipe that I can make. I just need to make sure you guys can eat it. I know next to nothing about your diets". He handed me the paper.

I scanned through the recipe. It was fine for me. I handed it to Mettaton. He had the stricter diet so it might be more difficult for him. But he nodded and handed the paper back to Sans.

"Thank you for taking our eating habits into consideration, Sans. I don't think there's anything in this recipe that conflicts with our dietary habits"

"Uh, Yeah. What he said" I stuttered. I would never understand why Mettaton used thirty words to say something that can be said in five. He's like the real life version of the King James Bible sometimes.

"Sweet. Thanks guys".

Mettaton and I started to leave the room, but Sans stopped me.

"Wait up a second kiddo".

I stayed behind, walking back towards him. "Y-yeah?"

"How's your scars?"

"Which ones?"

"All of them"

"Still in pain". I shrugged. I wasn't really sure what he expected me to say.

"But you liked the pain didn't you?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

I went dead silent. Damn it how could he see through me?

"Goddamn it kid. You're begging for some kind of emotional release right now. But cutting is not the answer. There are so many other things you can do. That's why I've hidden the knives".

I looked around the kitchen. He was right. All the knives were missing. Damn it.

"What do you expect me to do? I was never taught to cope with it I was taught to repress it. I don't know how to feel about my suicidal thoughts Sans."

"We'll talk about that later. Just trust me, okay kid? I know how to deal with this kinda thing"

I nodded.

"You wanna help me finish dinner?"

I did indeed.


An hour later, everyone was seated around our dining table.

"Is milk okay for all the kids?" Toriel asked.

Alphyne was digging in her bag. "Oh sh-shoot. We forgot his juice."  She looked up, blushing. "We recently d-discovered that Monster Kid is lactose intolerant. W-we usually b-bring his juice with us but-"

"It's no problem" I said. "I drink almond milk. He can have some of it". I stood up and walked to the kitchen to get two glasses of milk.

Mom started to stand up. "Chara, I can get it, if you want to sit down".

I sped up. I have a problem with other people pouring my milk. I carefully poured two glasses of almond milk and carried them back into the dining room. Sans was following me with a few plates in his magical grip. I set one glass down at Monster Kids place and sat back down in my chair, between Frisk and Asriel.

Sans walked in and out with the plates and started setting them in front of us. Once he had everyone's food out except mine and Mettaton's, he went back to the kitchen for he last time. He came out with two plates of hot dogs that looked identical to the others, but we knew they were tofu dogs. I gladly dug in.  I love tofu.

"Red-eyes, are you lactose intolerant too? Is that why you drink almond milk?"  Undyne asked me. Even though I hate my eye color, the term coming from her is affectionate.

I shook my head. "I just like the taste of almond milk better".

"Why were you so insistent on pouring it yourself my child?" Toriel asked me, her voice laced with concern.

I took a deep breath, trying to figure out how to phrase this without getting ruining appetites. These people know me too well for me to lie. "Let's just say last time someone poured my milk for me, it wasn't milk". Curious eyebrows went up around the table. "It was a different white liquid"

Sans, Mettaton, Undyne, and Alphys proceeded to choke on their food. I quickly bit into a fry to avoid their stares.

The subject was quickly changed and dinner went smoothly. Until Mettaton decided to question me. "So, Chara, darling, is there a reason you participate in the vegetarian lifestyle?"  I swallowed hard and considered my answer. Sans was focused on me, and I knew he was waiting for my answer. I had to think carefully about my words.

I looked around at the hot dogs everyone was eating and that's when I got my answer. "Lets just say" People visibly tensed at those three words. "Last time I ate a hot dog it wasn't food". I shoved my tofu dog in my mouth, ignoring the pure rage in Sans's and Undyne's eyes. Anger Fish™ had arrived. Fuck my life.

This was gonna be a long weekend.

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