Hell Hath no Fury Like an Angry Second Grader.

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"Your stupid family doesn't stand a chance against the humans! We're a lot stronger than we used to be!"

"Wanna say that to my face, hot shot?!" I fired back from the front of the room. Stupid Jacob trying to act tough again.

"Maybe I would if you'd actually face me instead of yelling at me like the wimp you are! What? Afraid that skeleton guy is gonna smack you around?"

I tried to keep my cool. I couldn't stress mom out. Not now. Sans was keeping us updated on her progress so we'd know what to expect. And right now was a very fragile time for the baby. I couldn't afford to stress her out. I just couldn't.

"Hey freak, I asked you a question!"

Mon dieu, why did Miss Robinson have to pick the day when Jacob was on his man-period to leave the room?

"I asked you a question!" He repeated. "Hey I'm the man here, you answer to me!"

"Is that what your dad tells the little whore you call mom before he beats her?" I shot back. I's never play the wife beater card but this kid deserved it.

"Hey! My dad doesn't beat my mom! And at least my mom is the same species as me!"

"Explain why she's so ugly then? A face like that only happens when someone gets whacked by the ugly stick" Weak comeback but it was what I had.

Jacob was visibly losing his demeanor. "W-well at least I didn't get held back!"

"Bitch please we all know you deserve to be held back more than I do, only reason you made it this far is because your little whore mom is blowing the principal"

"Says the girl who blew her own dad!"

That was it. I calmly stood up and walked over to Jacob. "You seem to think that because you are of the male sex you have power over me. You are quickly going to realize that is not the case. The difference between you and me is it won't hurt me nearly as much if you were to do THIS to me" And with that I kicked him. Straight in his scrawny little dick.

I heard a collective wince from the boys in our class as Jacob doubled over in pain. But I didn't stop there. Hell hath no fury like an angry second grader.

I practically tackled him. It quickly turned into an all out brawl. Fists were flying, hair was pulled, bruises quickly formed, the whole deal. Madness I tell ya.

By the time a guard could yank us off each other Jacob had several broken bones. I don't even know what all I broke. He was breathless and sweaty and I had some bruises on my face. I was banged up. Bad. But that's not even the worst of it.

My jacket sleeves had gotten rolled up in the tussle. Everyone was staring at the bandages.

I yanked my sleeve back down and snarled at the other kids. "What are you looking at?!" I growled.

"Chara...." Oh god. Not Azzy. I can't lie to Azzy. "How did you hurt your arm?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine" I said, a little colder than I intended to. I turned back to the other kids. "Didn't you idiots hear me? Stop staring!"

There was some awkward silence before I got sent to the principal. And Principal Wilson was NOT happy.

"Chariana Elizabeth Dreemurr, do you-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there because you know damn well not to use my full name" I snapped. I was not in the mood for this idiot.

"Watch your attitude, missy!"

"Sir I would appreciate it if you would kindly stop telling my daughter what to do".

It sounded like Sans but there was no way he'd defend me on this, right?

Nope, it was Sans. 

"Mr. Serriff. I understand that this is your child but you cannot day that she is not at fault for this. She attacked another student"

"I was just mindin my own business and she kicked me in my private part!" Jacob whined from across the office.

"BULLSHIT" I snapped. Amanda, his little whore mom was there. She looked so offended it was laughable. "YOU KNOW DAMN WELL YOU'RE  THE ONE WHO STARTED INSULTING MY FAMILY!" I was fuming at this point and tiny red sparks started to shoot out of my fingers. Something Sans took notice of and immediately grabbed my hands.

"Jacob, would you please tell us what happened in that classroom?"

"I was talking with my friends and Chara came up and called my mommy the bad word. Then she attacked me"

"Chara? Is this true?"


"How dare she call my baby boy a liar?!"

"You're a whore and your kid is a lying little shit.  Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Let me tell you what actually happened."

I recounted to the people of the office the real story. I admitted that I used violence first and called Amanda a whore. When I finished, Sans calmly released my hands.

"Chara is a violent kid but doesn't fight without reason. Her story makes more sense to me"

I stood silently. I was honestly shocked that he was on my side about this.

"Mr Serriff I realize that you want your child out of trouble but-"

"That's not what this is about at all. Chara did admit that she started the violence. And for that I would agree that discipline is in order. However you're overlooking the borderline racist remarks that Jacob used against our family. You've had Chara in this school long enough to know that she is very loyal to her family and doesn't tolerate anyone insulting them. I really don't know what you expected to happen, kid" He said that last part to Jacob.

Principal Wilson coughed. "Jacob will be suspended for two days for starting the argument and using violence. Chara will be suspended for three days for using violence"

"The fuck?! He has more crimes on his head and you give me the harsher punishment?! Oh I see what this is about. You don't want your little whore to stop blowing you behind the school just because you gave her son what he deserves. You're a real dick, Wilson. I'm surprised you're allowed around kids at all".

Sans was stifling laughter. He was trying so hard to be serious it that it was almost laughable. I could tell this was a joke to him.

"Mr Serriff please remove your daughter from the equation!"

"Oh I'll be removing all my kids from the equation. As a principal it is your job to make sure that this school is safe for every child, no matter their race. And it's clear to me now that you're biased against my kids because they're monster children. I will be taking them all home today and removing them from this school later tonight. And I will be advising my fellow monsters to do the same. Our kids are not safe here."

Holy shit, Sans.

Principal Wilson's eye was twitching now. But he couldn't argue. Take that you fucking prick.

I lead Sans down to our classroom. I went to my desk to gather my things and then to my cubby.

"Frisk, Asriel, pack up. You're leaving"

Miss Robinson, of course, got all pissy. "Mr Serriff I am teaching a class here"

"And I'm unenrolling my children from this school. What's your point? Let's go, guys"

Frisk and Asriel jumped up to do as they were told.

AN: Welcome to what I like to call the start of something new for Chara

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