Don't Mention It

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"You realize that you're literally training me to get revenge on you for all the times you killed me and Frisk, right?" I asked, trudging down to the basement behind Sans.

"No I'm not. I'm not an idiot. I'd never let you get that strong".

We were about to start training. Asriel had gone to Dad's and Toriel and Frisk were outside. Sans and I were in the basement because I was going to start with levitation. And Lord knows there was a bunch of old junk in the basement to practice on.

"So how are you planning to do this?" I asked. "It's not like I can just summon my powers like you can. Hell I still don't think I have any".

"That's why I wanted to help you. Telekinesis may look simple but it takes a lot of focus until you get used to it. I figured that making you focus on something would help you tap into your magic- if you have it. So....." he drifted off, looking around. He picked up a black button that looked like it was from Mom's coat and set it on a table. He dragged the table over to me and pointed triumphantly at the button. "Imagine that floating. Focus all you've got on imagining that floating".

I rolled my eyes, but obeyed him. I pictured the button rising into the air, floating around the basement for a minute, and then falling. Sans watched me glance around the room and back at the table. What I didn't realize is that I was subconsciously moving my hands in the direction I imagined it floating, and I ended up clicking my fingers as it "fell" back on the table.

When I clicked my fingers, there was a flash of red light. I looked down in confusion and clicked my fingers again.

There was a blast of red light.

"Shit!" I yelped, backing away from the light and falling as a I did. I slid into the wall, banging my right shoulder on it and hissing in pain.

Sans raced over to me. "Fuck, kid are you okay?" He asked, lifting me to my feet.

I clutched my shoulder with my left hand, still wincing. "Y-yeah. Just shocked I guess".

"Well I think we can safely say that we've accessed your magic." He chuckled.

"Whoooooo..." I cheered halfheartedly, still holding my shoulder.

Sans suddenly turned me around. "Shit, kid, I hope your shoulder- It's bleeding!".

I panicked. "No no no no no it's not, it's definitely not". He could NOT have opened the old wounds. I refused to accept it.

I felt a finger on my shoulder. He showed a phalange to me. It was red. Was the blood soaking through my hoodie?

I stripped off the hoodie and reached around to my shoulder. It wasn't bleeding too badly. Which meant tha-

"Chara? What are these scars?"

The scars would be visible through the blood.

"Nothing!" I yelped, trying to cover them.

"Chariana don't you dare lie to me! You and I both know that these are far from nothing. They're- Jesus Christ kid it looks like someone tried to cut you open!"

I stayed silent.

"Chara, you do realize that we're gonna have to clean this up."

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