Plan Motherfuckin' B

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Blood. Blood everywhere. Stab wounds. So many of them.

The woman was dead. I hadn't even known her name. I just killed her.

Before I knew it my dagger was whipped out of my hand and three pairs of arms were grabbing me and yanking me back from the body.

As I came to my senses I realized that we were surrounded. People were on their phones and covering their kids' eyes. In the distance I saw a little boy sobbing and a man holding him back.

"Mommy!" The little boy screamed and ran to the dead woman's side. The man followed him and grabbed him by the arm.

"Don't go near her, Logan! She'll do the same thing to you!" He looked at me with pure terror in his brown eyes as he pulled his kid away from me.

Oh god. I had killed a mother.

"Yes I'd like to report a murder..."

"This crazy kid just stabbed a woman!"

"She killed her, sir. ...Yes I'm serious. The woman is dead".

The phone conversations started to hit me from all angles. Fleshy hands wrapped tighter around me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sans frantically packing up our picnic.

Police sirens. Oh god. The noise was deafening. So many officers. All running towards us. Some with tasers. Some with guns.

Toriel's grip on me tightened as she looked at Sans. Sans looked back. Both of them were heavily panting.

"Plan B". Sans said out of nowhere.

"What?!" Toriel nearly shrieked. "We can't-"

"Plan B, Plan B, PLAN MOTHERFUCKIN' B" Sans was yelling. His magic wrapped tightly around the four of us and I only had a second to close my eyes and brace myself before we vanished in a puff of blue smoke.


When the smoke subsided, I opened my eyes. We were in a large empty room. Well, nearly empty. It was full of beds. Like some kind of fucked up hospital wing.

Sans and Mom were both struggling to catch their breath as they looked around the wide room. Mom basically collapsed onto the closest bed, holding her stomach. Her coughing and panting were turning into crying. Sans, seeing this, flew to her side and held her fluffy hand tightly in both of his bony ones.

"Breathe, Tori, breathe. The kids are safe. You're safe. I'm safe. We're gonna be fine. We're gonna call everyone."

"Asriel!" She choked out through her heavy sobs. "I need my son!"

Sans squeezed her hand tighter. "I'm going to call Asgore right now and tell him, Tori"

"No!" Mom cried. "Go get him. Now! I need my son!" She continued to blubber but it was masked by her sobs.

Sans stood up and vanished in another puff of blue. Frisk and I stood there staring at each other. Neither of us knew exactly what to do.

When Sans appeared less than a minute later, he had both Dad and Azzy in tow. Both were holding giant tridents. Azzy promptly threw his down and ran to hug mom.

"Shh! Don't cry mom. Look, I'm safe!" He said, giving her a wide grin. I saw the pain and confusion behind it. I don't think anyone else did.

Mom was starting to calm down. Mom is, well, a mom. Through and through, she never rests until all her kids are safe. That includes the unborn ones.

Azzy ran to us next and threw his fuzzy arms around my neck and then Frisk's in turn. I hugged him back tightly.

Sans approached me and handed back my dagger. "Normally I wouldn't. But things are about to get crazy and you need all the defense you can get".

I pocketed the knife, making a mental note to clean it later.

"Time to make some phone calls"


It took hours to get everything sorted out. But y the end of the day we had pretty much every monster crowded into this... bunker? Warehouse? Whatever it is.

Sans and Mom were sat on the bed closest to the door. They were holding hands and seemed to be trying to soothe each other. Monsters were shoving suitcases under beds and loudly questioning what was going on.

Undyne came forward with her spear in one hand and a chair in the other. She set the chair down and motioned to mom.

Sans and Undyne helped mom stand up and onto the chair, where she stood and took a deep breath. I saw her back naturally straighten as she pushed her shoulders back and rested her hands at her sides. It was a very regal stance for the former queen to take and it was a stance I knew well. It was the stance that meant it was time to shut up and listen.

"Monsters of Ebbotville!" She said as loud as she could. Immediately, the chatter ceased and all eyes went to the old queen. "I understand your confusion. Many of you were not even aware that this place existed, let alone the circumstances under which it would be used." She steadied herself. "Tension between our races only grows with years. Today the breaking point was reached."

I plugged my ears as she recounted the story of how I stabbed the woman. Azzy kept a hand on my shoulder and Frisk clutched my hand tightly. I tried to keep my mind off of all the eyes I knew were staring at me.

I unplugged my ears at Azzy's signal and was greeted with mom saying. "That is it. It was clearly the last straw for the humans. They raced at our beloved princess ready to kill. It was through the quick work of my husband's magic that we got out safely and that you all are here now. I'm afraid the time has come, monsters. We are not safe in this town."

Mom stopped talking, but I knew she wasn't done. She was just letting the information sink in. She had also employed information that wasn't entirely true, like me being a princess still, but would tug on the monsters' heartstrings. It was a skill she had mastered and it guaranteed that people would stay attentive.

"Papyrus and Undyne have been scoping out this place for some time. With some help from many of you, they have renovated it into a suitable living space should the need for us to hide and stay undercover arise. You see the beds. There is also ample room through the doors you see for training and exercise or play. There are multiple restroooms for all body types. There is a kitchen with a fully stocked fridge and cabinets. It would be a wonderful place to stay should the need arise"

Mom stopped to clear her throat. "Monsters. The need has arisen. We are expecting an attack any day now"

This started the hushed whispers and gasps again. Mom still wasn't done. The final sentence she spoke was the one that shook the monsters to its very core.

"The humans and the monsters are officially at war. Again".

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