Good, Bad, and Even Worse

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Sans's POV

That kid has suffered. She's angry. She's got every right to be. I'm amazed shes opened up to us at all to be honest.

Sometimes I wish I could see what she went through. She's not telling us the full story. I used to hold that against her, but now I understand why. She went through hell.

But now it's more important than ever that Toriel and I know the truth. We need evidence against Eponine if we have any hope of keeping Chara. Not only is she a strong fighter and a hell of a challenge for any human to beat, but she's my daughter.

Hey you, reading my inner monologue right now. Can ya keep a secret? I'm legally adopting the kids. Once Tori and I for sure have custody, Frisk and Chara are officially gonna be Serriff-Dreemurrs. Asriel might too but we think he wants to carry on his father's name. Ultimately it'll be his choice.

I've been doing some research on that hospital she went to and I don't like what I found. They were shut down back in the sixties due to some serious issues. A lacking security system for one, which explained how she escaped. Patients were found with serious injuries they didn't have before they were admitted. One girl was killed because they performed a lobotomy on her. She was only two. Patients arms were locked in position and would never move properly again due to the amount of time they spent in straightjackets. The patients weren't properly fed and it was basically a death sentence. A man who should've been let go over a decade before it shut down was found chained down to his bed and shivering, half dead from cold.

Chara had survived all this? Sheesh. Determination is powerful thing ain't it?

That night I called Chara in to change her bandages. When she came into my room in her tank top, my head was racing. How many times had she been ordered into her parents' room in less clothing than this? Did they even let her wear clothes or was she just expected to walk around naked so her dad could do whatever he wanted?

I didn't miss how she tended to tense up when I touched her shoulder. Even if it was only with an antiseptic soaked cotton ball. Every touch must've brought her back to the day it happened. Every touch must've felt like the knife her mom used on her.

As I studied the scars on her upper back and shoulder I couldn't help but wonder.

How many scars did she have on the bottom half?

Well that was something I was going to be left to wonder. I was not going to do that to her. She was uncomfortable in anything less than a t-shirt. I wasn't gonna make her get those treated unless absolutely necessary and even then I'd let Toriel handle it.

Chara has behaviors you'd never pick up on if you didn't know her. She's always trying to protect her siblings. She doesn't want to lose them like she did her twin. Or at least, I'm thinking that's the reason. She's gonna be great with the twins.

I hate that I don't know how to help. Chara's a wildcard and unpredictable. I can guess how she'll respond to things but sometimes she does a complete 180 on me and does something different. We've worked hard to get her where she is now and she's doing a lot better. But it won't be enough for the court.

Admittedly, I don't know much how custody battles work. I don't think it's the kid's choice but they have to take SOME input from the kid, right?

I really hope Chara can stay calm when the court date comes. I've seen her nervous. I haven't seen her really break down. Ever. And part of me is expecting that to happen during the trial. Is it even called a trial in this case? Human justice systems are weird. Then again the only custody case monsters have ever had was if Undyne and Alphys would be allowed to adopt MK, so what did I know?

As I cleaned up her arm I thought about just how shit that hospital had to be if she had this many scars. There's no way she would've had access to sharp objects. She did say she'd used fingernails before though. Apparently they didn't keep a close eye on her. Or do anything to help her stop cutting in the first place.

Part of me wonders if the fingernails were her own.

How bad was that kid tearing herself up in that place? If she does have scars on her bottom half, are they self inflicted? Has she been cutting her thighs or her stomach?

She's hurting so bad right now. I can't imagine the stress she's under. She probably feels like the world is against her right about now.

Then again I can't assume anything. She's not gonna make it if she doesn't give us some answers. As much as I hate to admit it, she'd probably commit suicide if she had to live with her aunt.

I wouldn't blame her.

I think we can get through this. It'll take some time. But we've got nothing but time until this homeschooling thing starts up. I don't wanna lose my kid.

I treated her horribly before. I see that now. Never even gave the kid a chance. But Toriel and I are gonna change that. She's improving every day and I've never seen her so energetic and full of life. She loves to train her magic and she loves combat training. It's a challenge for her and she likes it.

A course, I can't assume that. But there's some things a dad just knows, ya know?

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