The Villian of My Own Story

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Chara's POV

Yeah, I probably shouldn't have broken free from his grip but I had a brother to talk to. I knelt beside the grave and closed my eyes. Did I have any proof that his spirit was actually here? No. None.

"Je suis ici maintenant. Je sais que je t'ai laissé seul mais tu n'es plus obligé d'être seul. Tu es là-haut au paradis. J'aurais aimé être là-haut avec toi, mon pote. Mais je vais au diable pour sûr.Je l'ai bien ici. Les monstres sont bons pour moi. Je les aime. Mais jamais autant que je t'aime.J'ai commencé à apprendre la magie aujourd'hui. Pas le genre que nous lisons dans le conte. Magie réelle. Votre grande sœur va combattre les méchants humains qui attaquent ma famille. Je vais les protéger. Comme si j'aurais du te protéger.

Non tu as raison. Je vous ai promis de ne pas m'en vouloir.

Sans est toujours un gros malin mais il fait de son mieux pour me mettre à l'aise. Je sais que tu n'as jamais compris ce que papa me faisait, mais Sans comprend. Il s'assure que je n'ai pas de flashback ou quoi que ce soit. Il n'est pas comme notre papa. Il est gentil avec moi. Eh bien, surtout.

Je n'ai pas vu ma tante. Je suis heureux. Elle était méchante. Tu te souviens comme elle était méchante? J'espère ne plus jamais revoir son visage méchant.

Je t'aime Celestè. Tellement de. J'aimerais pouvoir vous dire que je vous reverrai bientôt, mais nous savons tous les deux que je n'entrerai pas au paradis. Mais Frisk le fera. Elle est vraiment gentille Elle m'a sauvé la vie. Tu vas l'aimer.

Je dois y aller maintenant Celestè. Je sais que tu es quelque part là-haut. Étant un des meilleurs anges de Dieu, je parie. On se voit le mois prochain.

Au revoir"

("I'm here now. I know I left you alone but you don't have to be alone anymore. You're up there in heaven. I wish I was headed up there with you buddy. But I'm going to hell for sure.

I have it good here. The monsters are good to me. I love them. But never as much as I love you.

I started learning magic today. Not the kind we read in storytime. Actual magic. Your big sis is gonna fight off the mean humans who are attacking my family. I'm gonna protect them. Like I should've protected you.

No you're right. I promised you I wouldn't blame myself for that.

Sans is still a big goon but he's trying his best to make me comfortable. I know you never understood what dad was doing to me, but Sans does. He's making sure I don't get flashbacks or anything. He's not like our daddy. He's nice to me. Well, mostly.

I haven't seen Auntie. I'm glad. She was mean. Remember how mean she was? I hope I never see her nasty face again.

I love you Celestè. So much. I wish I could say I'll see you soon but we both know I won't get into heaven. But Frisk will. She's really nice. She saved my life. You'll like her.

I gotta go now Celestè. I know you're up there somewhere. Being one of God's best angels I bet. I'll see you next month.


I stood up and brushed off. Sans was staring at me in shock.

Sans's POV

What am I doing? I should be taking her home, not listening to her talk to a coffin in some other language!

Something in these ol' bones was telling me to leave her be. When she finished I could only stare at her. I didn't know what she said. It was all in French. But I had never heard Chara use that tone of voice.

Chara was always bold and brash. She had no filter and didn't think before she spoke. But her voice was whisper quiet and she seemed to be thinking very hard about every word she spoke.

Maybe it was because she had to mentally translate everything. But she's fluent so I didn't think that was an issue. I have a lot to learn about her family history I guess.

"He uh, meant a lot to you"

She seemed taken aback. "You could understand that?"

"Oh hell no, not a single word" I chuckled. "I just assumed based on your tone of voice"

"Oh. Well you're right. He was my world. Life never broke him down. He was always the good one, the innocent one. I took all the abuse because I knew he couldn't handle it. It'd destroy him. He was all I had." She had looked sad until this point, but her sadness suddenly turned into rage. "He didn't deserve the shit he got! Any of it!"

I didn't know what to say. In that moment all I saw was a broken kid. She acts so tough but she's so broken inside. It's heart wrenching to watch her pretend she's okay. Kid has been fighting for her life since birth and yet still put her brother first. Hell, not even just Celestè, Asriel too. That plan they had was all her idea. To try and free us.

But here she was. With all the rape and abuse and death she's experienced, she's still saying her brother was the one who had it worse.

I'm real glad I gave this kid a chance. She needs a better family than what she's had. She's gonna be a good role model for my new son or daughter.

"Ya know, it's not like you deserved it either. You had it worse than he did. You didn't do anything to earn it. No one deserves that kind of abuse kid"

"Don't try and paint me as the hero Sans. We both know I'm the villain of my own story"

I wanted to slap her for that. But I wasn't about to sink to that level. That was the level her birth parents were on. And hadn't I just spent the afternoon reassuring her that I wasn't like them?

That being said, she wasn't off the hook entirely. She had acted really stupid tonight. She probably didn't even know some of the dangers she had gotten herself into.

Toriel and I had long since agreed that I was better suited to handle Chara and that's what I did. Toriel trusted my decision when it came to Chara's discipline. But I had to be careful. The kid was just starting to trust me. I couldn't break that trust now.

"Are ya done here? Because I think it's time you and I had a talk"

"I already know how the birds and the bees work"

I rolled my eyes. "Not that talk. A talk about what happened tonight. Not gettin out of it"

She sighed heavily. "Fine."

I handed her her jacket. Once she put it back on, I took her gently by the wrist and teleported us home.

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