36. Dramatic Silence

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Hello, minna-san.

Bad news. I'll be killing someone here again. Sorry.

Up there, or at the right, you get the point... there is a picture of Gray and Erza in Edolas! Yay! It's one of my favorite arcs, actually. Made me cry when they left Edolas.


Let us begin.


Chapter Thirty-Six - Dramatic Silence



10:07 am


"I-Impossible..." Erza mumbled, "My parents... they died in that fire..."

"Only your mother did," Eras explained, "In that fire, I tried to make her drink the elixir. But, it was already too late. She was gone. And, when I discovered that you were taken away, I became furious. If you hadn't run away that time, I could have saved your mother. We could have left Rosemary immediately! And, this would never have happened.

"I always watched you, Erza. I talked to Hades, or should I say Purehito, to keep an eye on you for me. He got this girl named Ultear to manipulate your friend Jellal when he was being imprisoned. That way, I learned that you escaped. I wanted to find you. But, I didn't know that you had joined a guild. This guild. Fairy Tail.

"I exiled myself somewhere far. And, that happens to be in Algeak. It was a fun place, really. But, I destroyed the fun in it. I couldn't stand it. I see a whole family walking around in amusement parks, eating food together, when, really, that should have been us. When I learned that you became an S-Class mage, I was proud. And, excited. So excited to see you again. But, it was the worst thing that ever happened to me.

"I sent many members of Tornado Requiem to check on you if you were there, but you were always away on a faraway S-Class mission. It ruined me. That was when the monster came over me. The monster of magic. Tornado Magic. And, your very own Magic. It's like, a matching set, yes? It's interesting, right? Now, come with me, Erza. Let's go live normal lives. As a family, even though we're one mother short."

"Never," Erza took out her sword and pointed it at him, "We might be related to each other by blood, but I will never consider you as my father. No father would lie to their own children, am I right? And, I don't need a new family, because I already have one. And, we're just standing right before you."

"Silence!" his powerful magic made the doors shut. Jade was almost cut off from them.

"Close call," Laxus said to her. But, she didn't care about it, really. What made her heart crash to the ground was how Juvia's body turned into yellow bits of magic, and how Lyon cried over her.

"You sadistic man," Natsu went over to Gray and Erza, "You know that not even a wizard saint can stand up to our Erza! She's a monster!"

"That's right," Lucy came to them, "Erza is the toughest person I know, aside from Gildarts and Laxus and Mira and... um... Master?"

"I can send you all down in one blow. How does that sound?"

"Bring it on!" Natsu grinned.

"Natsu, no!" Jade ran to them and quickly shielded them using her magic.

But, even her shield was destroyed. The magic was so powerful, but Eras created it effortlessly. He smirked and decided to manipulate them using his little tornado-like creatures.

"How amusing," he said, "A family, you say? Erza, these people can't even protect you! You would never survive the toughest of the world without me, because your powers came from me and your mother! But, she's dead! So, you have to count on me, not those bastards you call family!"

COMPLETED: Dramatically [GrayZa]Where stories live. Discover now