14. Dramatic Mission

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Chapter Fourteen - Dramatic Mission


"So, Erza," the voice said.

"What?" Erza hissed.

"What are you here for? Why are you here in Algeak, roaming around like it's your island?"

"This island technically belonged to Jade's family!" she yelled.

"Yes, but I killed them, so it's mine now," the man said, "I have lived for almost two-hundred years, Erza Scarlet. You cannot beat me."

"I don't care if I can't beat you! I know Gray and the others will!" Erza shouted, "Fairy Tail will come and demolish you!"

"I'm not so sure about that," he smirked, "After all, I sent them a pretty convincing note."

"What note?" she asked.

"Oh, I put it on a yellow sticky note, just like I did before."

"How dare you trick them again!" Erza tried kicking the steel bars.

"The bars are magically made, and magic does not have an effect on them," the man laughed, "Don't even try, Erza. They're convinced that you're going to finish this 'task' of yours, and once they leave, I'm off to kill you."

"I don't care about my life. Once you hurt my friends, you'll regret everything you said."

"Is that so? The once powerful Jade Greene might be on their side, but still, she has her own insecurities," he laughed merrily again, "There's no way your so-called 'friends' would trigger her true power. Once they do, well, your death might as well be in advance."

The man threw a piece of bread at Erza.

"Eat. I don't want a hungry dog to be killed in front of my people."

Erza hissed again and thought, 'Gray, I know you're somewhere out there. Please, I need you now.'

"There's no way your friends would find you in here, the Heavenward Cloud," the man mumbled, "The heavens don't deserve fairies, after all."

The man walked away, laughing as Erza sat helplessly in her cell.


Jade's eyes widened.

'Did I... hear some sort of voice?'

"Is there anything wrong, Jade-chan?" Juvia asked as she ate her sandwich.

"N-No, it's nothing," Jade answered.

'I'm pretty sure I heard a conversation. It was between Erza and some man.'

"Hey, you sure you're alright? If you bail on us now, we might as well kill you," Laxus said.

"That's wrong, Laxus-san," Wendy said.

'Heavenward Cloud. Erza's being imprisoned there. But why? And, who is that man?'

"I'm fine," Jade nodded before eating a ham and cheese sandwich, "Just a little weird, but no need to worry."

"Good," Laxus said.

Juvia sighed in relief, "But, Jade-chan, that's your third sandwich."

"Sorry, I'm also a little hungry."

"Your stomach is like Lucy's, a bottomless pit!" Natsu laughed.

"Shut up!"

"Are you really dating?"

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