30. Dramatic Arrival

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Yo, minna!

8.87K reads is amazing! Arigato!

Anyway, let's start.

Yay, thirty chapters! This is the longest thing I have worked on!


Chapter Thirty - Dramatic Arrival



1:06 pm


Erza couldn't believe what Jellal said.

"That's not true," she mumbled, "My father died years ago, killed by the followers of Zeref, when I was taken away to the Tower of Heaven. Don't you remember, Jellal? I told you about it when we were still kids, and I didn't even know my last name!"

"But, that was Jade's memory. It was the truth," he replied, "There's a man named... Eras."

Erza was freaking out now, Eras is the name of my father. If Scarlet really was my last name, does that mean the name of my father is Eras Scarlet? If he's alive, then where is he? Why didn't he come looking for me?

"Erza, is that true?" Lucy asked her worriedly.

Much to her dismay, she said, "It's real."

Now, everyone was shocked. It was so similar to Silver's revelation that he was Gray's father. But, here, she didn't know now. She doesn't know how he looks like, she doesn't know where he is... but all she knew was his name, Eras.

Suddenly, the storm calmed down. The storm was gone. They could travel back safely and quickly now.

"Meredy, to Fiore, now!" Jellal yelled, "We have a lot of things to settle, people, so calm down! Laxus, create a plan! We're going straight to Fiore."

Everyone left, except for Gray, Erza and Wendy, who was still healing Jade. Even though they all left, they still wondered. How come Erza didn't tell them that her father's name was Eras? What if Master Makarov knew who Eras was and she could have gone home to whoever Eras is? Many things weren't settled, and Erza was terrified.

Terrified. All over again.

"I..." Gray mumbled, "I'm sorry for you, Erza..."

"It's fine. I didn't know either," she replied.

"In Jade's memory," Jellal went to them, "A man's voice whispered to her. He said, Erza Scarlet's father's name is Eras. And, he's alive. He's alive, little girl. And, he'll kill all of our future enemies without hesitation. It's off that he's addressing Jade as a little girl."

"Her memories were locked up when she was fourteen," Gray said.

"Well, those are her only unlocked memories. It's already over," Jellal sighed, "Too bad, that memory was locked up with Dark Magic. It'll take a while to heal her. Wendy, be careful with her. We don't want her memories to go off, because she might know things we don't, like her cooking recipes or her magic spells."

"I will, Jellal-san," Wendy nodded.

"For the meantime, why don't you help Laxus create a plan?" he insisted, "After all, we don't have a plan yet, and we're quite nearer to Fiore now."

"Alright. Erza, you coming?" Gray turned to her.

"No, I'll stay with Jade and Wendy for a while. I'll go later."

"Okay, if you say so," he smiled at her before leaving.

When he and Jellal were gone, Erza stared at Jade. She knew that Reginald locked that memory up with bad magic. Reginald knew that someday, that memory would be unlocked and decided to give out sensitive information and harm Jade in the process. Still trying to kill a Greene.

COMPLETED: Dramatically [GrayZa]Where stories live. Discover now