part 4

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Mr major and Mrs doctor malhotra

Part 4

Mukti : chocolate giving best friend .....

Manik : some doll....

Mukti : oh...nan....She is about to say name but the signal turned green they bid bye .....And left in their own directions .....

Manik is listening to the radio ...... Neil and raj are talking about deal .....

On radio ....

Good morning people ....Welcome to the show ....We can see many students as the program is in space college ....
There are some ex students ...... And many people from different NGOs and social welfare society ....So let's move on to the dais .......

In space college ......

We can see cabir and navya on stage .....

Cabir: good morning ....Welcome to the show organised by radio o2 ...... Today there are several people to talk about women welfare ....That is against domestic violence and dowry act .......

Navya : now let's welcome ....Mr Rajat malhotra....the trustee of space and also The chief guest of the evening along with his wife  .......Reema malhotra .....The person who runs many ngos for the welfare of poor people ......

Rajat and reema moves to the stage and are welcomed with bouquets and are asked to sit on the chairs......

Neonika is sitting on the front row along with many people...... And students ......

Cabir :now let's have a debate between college  students and ex college students ....Means the old  students of space ....This debate is to know the opinions of several girls ....
What do they feel about family marriage and other related things in their own words ......

Than many girls came and sat on either side .......As team A and team B

Cabir : ok so the thing is we heard many people saying family is one of the reason for domestic Violence .....
What you girls have to say .....large family or small family which one is the reason for domestic violence ......

A girl from side A : according to me large family is the cause of violence bcoz they just need a girl who could serve them..... As according to them a girl coming to their house is like a salary less maid ....

A girl from side B : no ....I don't think so ....Small family is the cause bcoz .....There will be less people but the whole work will be done by  the bahu. ..... If it is a large family there will be several people who could help us ....

A girl from A: what help ...... Asking them to cook more varities if not asking them stay in home without job.....

A girl from B : cooking is what everyone can do ....No need to be a girl ....

A girl from A : yeah right that's why  only 99  houses out of hundred only girls cook ...Where as boys just order ....Marriage means according to them a free maid cleaner cook..
And care taker ....Gardener and what not .....Finally not to forget kids producing machine that too they only need Boys....Not girls bcoz they need to give dowry get her married many problems ....But to give birth they need girls but after giving birth they only need boys ......It's like a male dominated society ......Marriage desicion of parents .....After marriage husband's ruling ....Where is the choice of a girl ..... You should not wear this dress ...Should not do this ....Only restrictions for girls ....y not for boys ....That's y girls are facing the problems of torture mentally and physically ....A girl coming late home is criMe ....A boy can  drink and come late bcoz he is a boy ...... They say girls gained freedom after independence
Never we got that independence bcoz we are still ruled  by men in our society who disgust us by disgusting looks ......

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