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Mr Major and Mrs Doctor Malhotra

Mr Major and Mrs Doctor Malhotra

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Part -75

They both along with the doctor are answering the questions of the family members who came to the hospital but manik is just starring the door , just like a robot ignoring everyone in the hospital he just moved to the door and opened it , he found nurse injecting something to nandu and she is just looking at the door like waiting for him ...

Nandu has tears rolling down her eyes and she tried to sit , Manik ran to her immediately as she winced in pain .... He held her slowly like she is a doll and made her sit on the bed supported by pillows , the nurse left the ward immediately giving them privacy ....

None of the family members disturbed them , they just saw from the glass once and sat on the benches waiting to meet nandu .....

Nandu is just starring him .....

Nandu : I'm sorry , she said like a kid with tears in her eyes which are rolling down on her cheeks ....

Manik didn't understand what the sorry is for.....he gave her a confused look.....

Nandu took his hand and placed it on her stomach , Manik has an idea about what it could be ...

Manik : I love you so much nandini , this is the answer for the surprise , i love u so much to loose you for anything . He said without even letting her say anything . She cried out loud and tried to hug him but winced in pain bcoz of the needles on her hand .....Manik immediately stood beside her and held her tight , she wrapped her hands around his waist as he stood up beside her bed , Manik bent down and placed a kiss on her forehead and rested his head on her head ....

Manik : u are safe with your major , nothing is gonna happen . Don't worry , he said patting her head slowly ....

Nandu : i love u Manik , she said slowly for the first time directly but manik heard it and has tears as well bcoz he is happy he got her back in his arms .....

After few minutes , he made her sleep properly , they heard a knock on the door . They turned around to see shikar , naziya , Raj , neo , they came in .

Shikar kissed her forehead numerous times , naziya thanked Allah for giving her daughter back , she did some supplications of prayer to take away all the evil from her daughter .

Rest all are about to barge in but Mr Batra ( nandu's senior doctor ) asked them all to go home , they went back unwillingly . Even manan parents left to home , Asad , Zain and Chandra came with food for manan as the brothers couldn't wait to meet nandu , finally manan are left alone in the hospital .

Manik just sat there on the chair just looking at a sleeping nandu . He just couldn't close his eyes at the thought of loosing her , though military has provided her with security bcoz her statement is also not taken but still Manik is worried.... He don't know when he fell asleep on the chair wrapping his hand around her waist holding her tightly like he would loose her of he loosened his grip on her.....

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