Interview with @Sarah_Toussaint

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1. What is your favorite genre while writing books?

My favorite genre is drama. I can write any scene in a dramatic way. I can reach an unexpected climax, (literarily if you will.) I also like romance. It's funny that I hate real life romance, (mostly in my own life,) but I love to write about it.

2. Would you say your chapters are long or short?

My chapters are usually the right amount. Just to get my readers hooked and coming back for more.

3. Do you update your books often?

I have updated often. Not really now, as I'm currently doing some editing but when I do write, I update every other week.

4. What is your favorite type of music?

I love Music, period. If you press shuffle through my iPod, you'll be surprised and confused because, you'll hear songs from everywhere and every style. But if I would to choose two specific styles to listen to for the rest of my life, it would have to be old blues and rock.

5. If you could meet anybody from any book you ever read, who would that person be, and what are they like?

I'm not that fascinated with any fictional characters enough to want to meet them, but there are some book characters that I love very much.

6. What would you say is your everyday style?

I describe my everyday style as simple and reflective.

7. How did you find Wattpad in the first place?

I stumbled upon Wattpad by accident one afternoon.

8. Do you do anything else on wattpad other than writing? Like covers and banners?

I do my own covers but I'm not artist, so I don't attempt to do for others.

9. Have you ever took time and became a co-writer?

I have thought about it. But I'm either a leader or a loner. It's not easy for me to cooperate.

10. If you didn't feel like answering all these questions just to get an interview, would you have told me?

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