Interview with @loudlydreamer

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1. What is your favorite genre while writing books?

Well, I have many favorite genres but if I have to choose it would be romance.

2. Would you say your chapters are long or short?

I would say they're short compared to most books in the what's hot

3. Do you update your books often?

In summer yes, now that classes have started I don't even have time for sleeping :/ but I always try my best

4. What is your favorite type of music?

Pop, kpop, 80's music, etc.

5. If you could meet anybody from any book you ever read, who would that person be, and what are they like?

Augustus Waters, because he was so charming, caring and he was always looking a the bright side of things.

6. What would you say is your everyday style?

Random (?

7. How did you find Wattpad in the first place?

I was looking for an app that had free books ;)

8. Do you do anything else on wattpad other than writing? Like covers and banners?

I started just a week ago to make covers and I've been taking tutorials to improve. This counts for the banners too.

9. Have you ever took time and became a co-writer?

I did once with a friend of mine, but we realized we sucked working together and that are styles were very different. That's the biggest irony ever because I keep working with him for school work :/

10. If you didn't feel like answering all these questions just to get an interview, would you have told me?

Yes, of course. Today wasn't the perfect day, but here I am

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