Interview with @llDecemberll

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1. What is your favorite genre while writing books?

Probably romance, haha. I'm actually writing one right now ^.^ (I'm waiting till I get more chapter to post it xD)

2. Would you say your chapters are long or short?

Long.. I really don't know ;3

3. Do you update your books often?


4. What is your favorite type of music?

My music goes from pop to heavy metal. It really depends on what I'm feeling c:

5. If you could meet anybody from any book you ever read, who would that person be, and what are they like?

Oh my god! Probably Jules from My Wattpad Love. It be awesome! She's so confident and everything c:

6. What would you say is your everyday style?

... I like to be creative with my clothing style. One day I'm in sweatpants with a big shirt. The next skinny jeans with a band tee shirt on. It really depends on the day.

7. How did you find Wattpad in the first place?

When I was on Facebook, one of the pages I liked posted something about Wattpad. I was curious so I went on here. Since then, I've been addicted to Wattpad.

8. Do you do anything else on wattpad other than writing? Like covers and banners?

I make Covers for people sometimes. I read TONS of books also.

9. Have you ever took time and became a co-writer?

No one ever asked me XD #loner

10. If you didn't feel like answering all these questions just to get an interview, would you have told me?

Maybe c;

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