Interview with @JustSoWorthIt

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1. What is your favorite genre while writing books?

I plan to write 2 books I have in mind to write about. Coming soon on valentine's day! You're right! Both will be romantic, but one will be romantic action. :D

2. Would you say your chapters are long or short?

I personally prefer long chapters. Plus, I love to right a lot and rant. So long it is!

3. Do you update your books often?


4. What is your favorite type of music?

It honestly depends on my mood, I know I'm a freaking difficult person, :c. But, I can like go from country to rock n roll, or pop even. And! I love too listen to songs that recently come out, to experiment with different things basically. Damn, I sound like a freaking adult! xD

5. If you could meet anybody from any book you ever read, who would that person be, and what are they like?

Well, I would love to meet the hero of any romantic novel, (specifically Parallel Lines found exclusively here on wattpad- and no I'm not advertising, that's one of my biggest pet peeves, because it's the one and only book that literally made me cry- and I'm not even the emotional type! I like to keep my emotions to myself, hehe. ^-^) since I haven't met a single sweet guy... Yet. >.< Not that guys are bad! Definitely not. It's just apparently most of the ones I know are way too cocky for their own good. It's unbelievable. Tough luck you can name it.

6. What would you say is your everyday style?

Lets see... like I've mentioned before, I like to try new things. Be different, this may sound very weird but it's really cool! In my opinion of course, that is. So, em I'd go preppy one day, nerdy the next, sporty, formal, messy, and so on. Yeah, I don't maintain an everyday or signature look, which I indeed would love to discover one. :3

7. How did you find Wattpad in the first place?

My friends introduced it to me. And I simply love it. :)

8. Do you do anything else on wattpad other than writing? Like covers and banners?

Ummm, it would be cool to make covers and stuff (especially because I'm so in to photography and art- my baes lol XD) however, truth to be told I don't have the time, no matter how much I appreciate it. It seems like that I actually don't like photography, but that's absolutely not true. I just go through plenty deep shit everyday and on top of that there's freaking school. Sorry, I just needed to explain myself there, if you don't mind. :) But if chatting in the discussions section or threads in the groups (i.e. The Cafe, General Fiction- despite the fact that I'm young to join that on, believe it or not, hey how about you guess my age huh? Lol, if you have the time, don't wanna disturb ;D) is considerable, then count me in. c:

9. Have you ever took time and became a co-writer?

No, not really (hey! At least I'm honest here. lol I don't lie, or do I? :D).

10. If you didn't feel like answering all these questions just to get an interview, would you have told me?

Oh honey, don't be silly (grandma's way of speaking xD). I wouldn't even waste your time here to even request an interview if that was the scenario. In fact, I enjoyed it! After all, it's the least I can do, or expect. *grins widely*

Thanx and chao! Xoxo

ME: Okay, let me guess..... 17 years old?

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