Interview with @kandyroxy1

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I love this chick because she loves Ronald Dahl books 

1. What is your favorite genre while writing books?

I have never written a book before but if I did write, I would write romance, fantasy and maybe poems? Good news is I am starting to writing soon for a competition. It make me envy writers who are about to write.

2. Would you say your chapters are long or short?

If I'm going to write, I'm going to start with a short one before going proceeding on.

3. Do you update your books often?

Never did it before.

4. What is your favorite type of music? Do you have any specific favorite band?

I love K-pop and J-pop. Especially J-pop since they give me inspirations easily. I do not idolise any band specifically, I just love their voices.

5. If you could meet anybody from any book you ever read, who would that person be, and what are they like?

I would love to meet Ronald Dahl because he was one of my favourite childhood writer and I love always try to buy and collect his books. His books was what accompanied me through my childhood when I had leisure time and he always taught me life lessons that I had not known until years later. His books will always be engraved in my mind as he was the first one to taught me the love of reading and the world of writing. (Sadly he passed away a long time ago) I only know Ronald Dahl through his autobiography Boy: Tales of Childhood. It is both hilarious and indescribable. You will definitely fall in love with it. Looks like I got carried it away whenever I talk about him hahaha.

6. What would you say is your everyday style?

Hmmm... Can I say naggy? Because I really nag like an old grandma 75% of the time.(got it from my mom hahas) I'm nerdy,fun, unpredictable and simple too.

7. How did you find Wattpad in the first place?

I found it when I was browsing for books to read online (I'm a bookworm).I was so addicted to books that books that it got confiscated often during class.

8. Do you do anything else on wattpad other than writing? Like covers and banners?

I mainly do editing and critiquing or whenever writers have blocks.I don't do covers or banner but I'm still in the process of learning therefore I have no confidence in it for now. I love to talk to people and it gets lonely sometimes. :(

9. Have you ever took time and became a co-writer?

I'm more of a consultant and I will give advices but I don't really mind being a co-writer. I have done it before because I have a friend from Wattpad who writes stories and I have helped her before.

10. If you didn't feel like answering all these questions just to get an interview, would you have told me?

I believe that it really depends on different individuals. As for me, I was already mentally preparing myself for any sort of questions. Plus, I believe it's rude not to answer the interviewers since it takes time to think out a question.

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