Chapter 17

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~Fubuki POV~

Fubuki stood in front of the crowd of bladers in the beyclub's gym, watching Heart's conference. It was suddenly shut off by a very enraged Aiger. "How does that guy think he is?" Aiger growled. "What's wrong Aiger? You haven't been yourself for the past few days." Naru said. Fubuki looked at the cyan haired girl and saw the small about of fear that was in her eyes. She's noticed the change in Aiger's behavior. Unfortunately, there's nothing she can do about it. That's for someone who's actually gone through what Aiger is. Fubuki thought. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Aiger suddenly yelled. "Get off of me Ranjiro! I don't need you or anyone else!" Aiger yelled, his eyes had flickered to their purple color before returning to their normal turquoise color. Ranjiro looked hurt by Aiger's words. Aiger shook his head and ran out of the gym. Fubuki, Naru and Ranjiro walked outside only to find that Aiger was nowhere to be seen. "I have an idea to try and help him relax. Meet me in the school's farm yard." Naru said before walking away to look for her brother.

~Katsumi POV~

Katsumi awoke to a dark room. She sat up and a sharp pain erupted in her head. She groaned in pain and held her right hand to her forehead. "Where am I?" Katsumi wondered aloud. No voice in her head responded which to Katsumi was odd and relieving at the same time. I'm free from Ashtem and Phi's control! Katsumi internally cheered. A door to the room she was in opened, revealing a man with tri-colored hair. His hair had the specific colors of brown, yellow, and white. The man wore a solid black suit. His mask had some purple accents and a red mark on the left side. The black lenses of his mask hid the color of his eyes. "Who are you?" Katsumi asked. "I am the person who is going to make you the strongest blader in the world." The man responded. "You didn't really answer my question." Katsumi said, extremely weary of the man in front of her. "I'm surprised Ember Eye never warned you about me. I figured she would want to keep her student safe from what she had to go through two years ago." The man replied. "Ember Eye?" Katsumi asked. "Hmm... I could have sworn Phi told you who she was. No matter, she won't be able to stop me so why should you know who she is? After all, you'll be taking her place her at the Snake Pit, Scarlet Eye." The man said. "Who said I was joining you?" Katsumi challenged. "Oh, you have no choice Scarlet Eye." The man said. He quickly pulled out a gun and shot it at Katsumi. A dart hit her in the left shoulder, the chemicals in it slowly pulling her out of consciousness. Katsumi's vision began to blur and she felt her body begin to go limp. "W-What d-did y-you d-do t-to m-me?" Katsumi managed to ask, her voice wavering. "A very strong sedative of my own creation. You won't be waking up until I want you to." The man replied. Katsumi slumped to the floor and slowly closed her eyes. The last thing she heard was the man's dark laughter as she fell into unconsciousness.

~Fubuki POV~

Fubuki watched as Naru and Aiger walked into the school's farm yard with a bucket of feed each. He noticed how calm Aiger was when he started feeding the animals, the sheep had even started licking the maroon haired blader causing him to fall onto his back and laugh. Aiger even got back to his feet and started tickling the sheep. "How do you like the taste of your own medicine?" Aiger asked playfully. He had seemed to return to his normal self. He had noticed Ranjiro sitting on the ground, looking dejected. Aiger probably feels bad about snapping at Ranjiro earlier. Fubuki thought. He watched as Aiger walked over to Ranjiro and began speaking to him. Due to being too far away, Fubuki couldn't hear what was being said but the two friends had seemed to be getting along now.

~Aiger POV~

Aiger felt one of the sheep nudge his pocket as if asking to be petted again. When Aiger turned to face the sheep, his bey dropped out of his pocket. He turned and looked at the red colored bey before picking it up. He immediately felt the evil version of himself trying to take over. No! Not now! Not in front of my friends! Aiger mentally yelled. "You should be focusing on blading, not your useless friends and certainly not some stupid animals." Evil Aiger snapped. Aiger tried to suppress his evil counterpart, his left eye turned purple while his right stayed turquoise. He felt a sharp pain erupt in his head, just like the night all of this had started. He began to sway a little, he faintly heard the animals panicking and his friends gasping in shock. He turned around and stared at Ranjiro, he was faintly able to see the blond's frightened expression through his blurry vision. Stop! You're scaring them! Just stop! Aiger mentally yelled. He felt the pain in his head begin to fade. "You're safe, for now." Evil Aiger growled before backing down completely. He heard Ranjiro take a step back before everything returned to normal. Aiger's left eye returned to it's normal turquoise color and he was able to see clearly. What he saw caused him to become angry with himself. The frightened expressions on everyone's faces, even his younger sister Naru. They think I'm a monster. Aiger thought. With a yell of frustration, he took off running away from the school's farm yard.

~Fubuki POV~

Ranjiro turned and looked at Fubuki, his expression was one of recognition. "So, that's what you were talking about." Ranjiro said. Fubuki kept silent,he expression was one of determination. I have to tell Shu about this. Fubuki thought. Ranjiro walked away in the direction Aiger had disappeared. Fubuki walked away from the school's farm yard and to the school's roof top. He took his phone out of his pocket and dialed Shu's number. "Hello Fubuki." Shu said. "Shu, I have something important to tell you." Fubuki said. "What is it?" Shu asked. "Well, there's actually two things. The first is about Sora. I know where she is. She's at the Dead Gran. From what Valt told me, she's being held captive there." Fubuki said. "I'm assuming Valt has a plan to get her out?" Shu asked. "Actually, it's Sora's plan. She wants us to follow Aiger to the Dead Gran." Fubuki replied. "She's wanting us to infiltrate the Dead Gran. That's what we would be doing if we went there without an invitation, which I'm not waiting for one." Shu said. "That leads me to the next thing, Aiger's getting worse. He's going to go off the deep end, just like you predicted." Fubuki said. "I see." Shu said. "I don't know what to do to help him." Fubuki said. "I see. Come back to America and we'll talk about this more before we head to the Dead Gran." Shu said before hanging up. Fubuki put his phone back in his pocket before walking down the stairs from the rooftop, through the hallways of the school and out of the building. He continued walking down the sidewalk until he reached his house. He walked inside, down the hallway and towards his room. He quickly packed his suitcase before picking it up and walking out of his room. He walked down the hallway, stopping as he came to his sister's room. He set his suitcase down and walked inside the room. He looked at the broken remains of his sister's bey before picking them up and putting them in a small bag. He walked out of the empty room and put the bag inside his suitcase before picking it up again. He continued down the hallway before reaching the door to his house and walking through it and onto the sidewalk. He walked towards the airport, sighing as he realized that he would be flying to America alone this time.

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