Part 53: Together

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The wood steps on the porch creaked as your boots touched them. You sat and leaned your back on the wood post of the porch steps, right across from Daryl. "We haven't done this in awhile" you commented not allowing Daryl to ignore your presence. He didn't do it because he was mad at you, he was sad but he didn't like showing his emotions and you knew that.

"Ricks having dinner at his house, you
should stop by and grab some" You added trying to engage a conversation. Daryl just gave you a nod.
You sighed and put your head back against the wood railing allowing yourself to look up at the stars. You'd sit here all night and wait for Daryl to talk and he definitely knew that.
"you've been distant" Daryl finally spoke up, when you turned your eyes from the stars back, you saw him finally looking at you. A grin slowly began creeping onto your face. You and Daryl used to sit out of the porch and always have talks together. Being here like this again reminded you of all the other times before.

You had always seen a different side of Daryl then everyone else. He was actually very talkative and very interested about your past and what was going on in your life. Daryl knew things about you that no one did. Over the years you'd learned how to read Daryl like a book so you knew exactly what he was thinking about.

You let out a sigh and scooted over to Daryl until your legs were an inch apart from his. "You're not gonna lose me" you spoke softly nudging him with your elbow. He shook his head and looked you in the eyes, "You almost died. I mean you've gotten hurt so many times before but not like that. And now your dads back-" "Daryl" You cut him off shifting into a criss cross position in order to completely face him. "You raised me, you protected me when i needed it, you saved me multiple times. Not even my dad could take away how important you are to me"

Daryl looked at you with teary eyes, a very rare sight to see. You reached over and embraced him in a tight hug, him returning it. "What did Rick make?" Daryl mumbled letting go of you, you couldn't help but laugh and move back to your sitting position. A smile appeared on Daryls face hearing your laugh. "i'm gonna go get some girl" Daryl gripped onto the stair railing helping himself up, you followed behind him doing the same.

"i'll see you in the morning" Daryl reached over giving you a quick hug before walking down the porch steps, you turned to go to the front door "y/n" you turned on your heel to see Daryl at the bottom of the steps looking up at you. "I like Grimes. Keep him"

The old horror movie played on the tv as you laid on the couch, a blanket draped over you. It was dark out, the only thing lighting the room was the light from the tv. Today completely exhausted you. Your eyes were heavy but you basically forced yourself to stay awake, you didn't know exactly why. You didn't have anything to stay up for.

"Hey" You turned and looked at the doorway. There was your thing to stay up for. Carl was leaned in the door frame his arms crossed over his chest with a slight smile on his face. That signature Carl Grimes smirk. "Hi" you replied returning the smile. He began walking towards you, which made you move your feet so he could sit down. You just brought your knees up giving him room, but you still stayed laying down.

"How do you always get in my house?" Your voice was raspy from being so tired. "How do you not get terrified watching horror movies in the dark?" He replied with a smile as he rested his head on the back of the couch, gazing at you.
"I've dealt with worse things" you muttered back putting your attention back on the tv, Carl gave you a sad understanding nod in return.

"So" Carl whispered, he sounded tired too, Michonne most likely made him clean up after dinner which would explain why he showed up
so late.
You didn't say anything you just kept your gaze on the tv, waiting for him to continue his sentence. "Together?" You still didn't say anything recalling what you had said a few nights ago.
You kept your eyes on the tv even when Carl put his hand on your knee. "Just gonna ignore me?" He put a teasing smile on his face, you simply nodded. Carl chuckled and you felt movement from his side of the couch, your eyes followed him as he got up and walked out of the room.

You raised your eyebrow at him as you could see the glow of a light from down the hallway. It was the hallway light and you heard him digging around in the kitchen. Rolling your eyes you pulled the blanket farther on you and closed your eyes, you were on the verge of falling asleep when you heard Carl come back in the room. You opened your eyes halfway looking at him through your blurry vision.

Carl's footsteps stopped as he saw you trying to look at him half asleep. He smiled and put the chocolate bars that he had grabbed in his back pocket "come on" he said reaching a hand out for you. You reached up and grabbed his hand as he slowly got you off the couch. He turned off the tv and used the hallway light as a guide as he made his way cautiously to your bedroom with you close by, not wanting to run you into something after you were just hurt.

"Thanks" you muttered as you climbed into your bed under the warm blanket. Carl nodded and put the chocolate bar he had grabbed for you on your nightstand for you to wake up to tomorrow.

You watched Carl turning to leave, "Carl". His name came out so quietly you were surprised he even heard it, he turned and tried to see you the best he could through the darkness. Street lights from outside allowed a tiny bit of light but it was still dark. You moved over to one side of the bed, leaving an empty space. You flipped the blanket up a gust of cold air hitting you but allowing a spot open for him, "together."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 ⏰

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