Part 20: Im Right Here

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Silence . It was silent as you laid in your bed cuddled up to the blanket. You blamed yourself. If you would have just went with her or refused to let her go. Maybe she would still be here and Allison would still have her life long best friend. No one bothered you. Jake Enid and Allison all came over and had sat in your room.

You talked about the fun times. Like the time Ella had the wine at the bonfire. Or the sleepovers all you girls would have, Maggie, Michonne, and Jessie would come over with you guys and watch movies or do each other's hair. It felt like there wasn't a care in the world at that time but of course all good things must come to an end.

You knew it was night time. Your room was getting darker and the only energy you had was to get up and turn on the Christmas lights you had hung on your one wall. The door to your room opened and you recognized who is it.


You sat up in your bed he sat on the edge of it. You could tell he was effected by this as well. He always went to El when he needed advice. Probably advice on Enid. You always tried to push her to tell you what he'd ask about but she'd just laugh and shake her head and tell you no. You moved over and he turned wrapping you in a hug. A hug both of you needed. You clung to him with all the strength you had. You slowly laid back down knowing this was gonna be a long hug. You knew the difference between Carls short and long hugs. Carl got under the covers still keeping his arms wrapped around your waist and laid his head on your chest.

After about 20 minutes you still lied awake. It was peaceful until Carl stirred. He shifted his legs, his arms tightened around you , and he dug his face into your chest, trying to hide himself in you from whatever his mind was showing him

Judith's empty car seat
His mother in a pool of blood
The pain of the bullet

It didn't matter. He opened his blurry eyes almost looking for you. Carl said nothing just rested his head back down on your shirt that was damp with a few tears. You stole a glance at his red splotchy cheeks, glistening from tears. His hands clenching at the fabric of your shirt made your heart hurt. You loved him.

"Im right here" you closed your eyes.
Your words were nothing but a whisper loud enough for only Carl to hear....

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