Part 14: Attacked

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Light streamed in from the curtains. You lifted your head from the pillow. You guessed Daryl had carried you into the house. You walked down the stairs your bare feet touching the wooden cold floor each step you took. "Hello?" The house was silent so you looked outside to see Daryl sitting on the porch skinning a rabbit "what you doing" you asked sitting in front of him "morning" he muttered, a little too concentrated on that rabbit. A normal person would be disturbed but you were used to it.

"Morning" you replied confused that he didn't answer your question. "Shouldn't you be hanging out with your group of girls or sum" he asked still not looking at you "I just woke up and besides I like being around you" You said smirking he finally looked at you and returned the smirk.

"Im gonna go get ready ill see you in a bit" you stood up and walked to the door "you should shower too" you said to him swinging around and pointing a finger at him. "yea yea" he replied waving you away.

You stepped outside in a new outfit you left your hair out the way it always was. "Hey y/n wanna go on a run" Glenn ran up the porch steps "oh hell yeah" Glenn smiled and grabbed your hand pulling you behind him as you ran together "I got her!" Glenn yelled running towards a group that was Allison, Ella, Enid and Jake.

"You can drive my bike" Daryl held the keys up your face lit up "really?" "No" he said making the smile fall off your face "but you're riding in the car with them" he shoved the keys back in his pocket "wait it's just us" you asked strapping on the gun holder "Yeah you need to teach them some things" glenn said patting your shoulder. Rick opened the gate and let you all out you waved to him when Allison drove by, him returning a grin and a wave.

You stabbed the walker in the head. "Did you see that?" You turned to face Enid with a wide smile on your face, she nodded looking proud of you "okay psycho lets clear this store!" Allison hollered "Wait I can't get it open" Allison said and pulled on the door knob "I got it" you ran over and stood in front of the door before kicking it the door swung open. Ella pulled you in the store you looked around, holding your knife up just in case.  "its pretty clean" "Yeah and empty" Ella walked past you right in

"I found some cans" Jake yelled shoving them in his bag. "At least it's something" you replied walking around the little store you grabbed some medicine from the cabinet careful not to cut your arm on the shards of glass. It looked like someone had broken the glass to get to the medicine but by the dried blood on the ground in front of it , they didn't make it.

"Look" Enid said from the front cash register you stepped over the glass hearing a few pieces crunch under your boots. Enid held up a picture of a little girl. Her curly blonde hair was in pigtails she had a wide smile on her face and cuddled a pink teddy bear "where are you?" You whispered. Enid looked up at you and sadly smiled. You looked at her making eye contact which was interrupted by Ella "You guys!" Ella yelled you and Enid rushed over "we got trouble" she said. Guys got off bikes there were three of them "is there a back way" you asked stepping away from the window.

"We can check" Allison said everyone ran to the back of the store "here's a door" Jake said running up next to you "fuck" you whispered. "Kids come out we don't want trouble" hearing that voice made your heart drop "back away" You whispered everyone quietly made their way to the back. You grabbed a crow bar that sat near the door placing in the crack of the door you pushed and it opened. You ran out "how do we get back to the car" Ella asked "I don't know" you replied. Hide.

"We need to hide" you said "there's an old car" Allison pointed out. Allison and ella ducked down it the back Jake was able to fit on the ground in front of the drivers seat you and Enid got in the trunk. You heard footsteps and all of the sudden it felt like the world flipped and well, it did. You gripped onto Enids arm as the car flipped. You felt something go in your leg making you squeal out you pulled it out seeing as it was your own knife "we gotta get out" you mumbled, kicking the trunk door  until it finally opened.

"Allison!" You saw her hitting the glass of the car she didn't look good at all. "Help me" Ella had a grip on her arm you ran over and the four of you pulled her out "assholes" she cursed whipping the blood off her lip. Everyone was bloody and bruised covered in dirt. "Hey there" you snapped around seeing the three guys from earlier "look we don't want trouble" the one in the middle said "you already caused us trouble" Allison snapped standing up from the ground. "I like you" the one on the right said taking a step closer, you gripped the gun that was strapped to your thigh.

"We just want what's in your bags your stuff now belongs to negan" you titled your head "Negan?" You asked "what you know him?" You shook your head but the name rang in your head. He couldn't be alive. He wouldn't group with people like this. You knew your dad he would never. "Just give us the bags and a girl"

"What?" Jake asked putting his arms out in front of the four of you. "No way!" He snapped "come on" the one on the left said stepping forward. You pulled the gun out of your pocket and aimed it at him. "youre not strong enough" he said with a smirk "I am strong" You replied cocking the gun getting ready to shoot "how many people had to risk their lives to safe you? You are nothing out here except someone's burden" you pulled the trigger and shot him in his leg.

"You dont scare easy I like that" the one in the middle said watching his friend fall to the ground you pulled the trigger again shooting one in the head "fuck it" Enid pulled a knife out of her pocket and threw it at one hitting him in the chest. You lowered the gun looking at the two dead and one living bodies on the ground "we need to go now" Allison said grabbing your arm.


"What the fuck happened to you guys" Carl asking running towards you with Daryl Rick and Maggie "someone attacked us" You replied shutting the car door "Allison come on" Maggie helped Allison out of the car, her and Ella helped her walk taking her away to get help. "You're bleeding" Carl said pointing to your leg "I'll be fine" you said walking away "y/n" Carl whispered "Carl" you snapped turning around "I'll. Be . Fine"......

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