Part 2: Baby Judith

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Glenn drove up a rode that led up to a huge gate but behind that was the prison Glenn described to you. "Holy shit" you cursed under your breath seeing the group of people waiting for Glenn and Daryl to get back Glenn chuckled beside you hearing your reaction. Someone opened the gates and then closed them once you were inside.

"Be calm" Glenn instructed getting out of the car you slowly opened your door Daryl walked up to you as you shut the door probably as a way of comfort which kinda helped. A group of five people walked up to you, a woman with short brown hair ran to Glenn hugging him kissing him you thought it was probably his girlfriend or wife.

You crossed your arms over you chest "how come no ones jumping on you huh?" You whispered to Daryl he glanced down at you taking note on your sarcasm which made a small smirk appear on his face "Daryl" the deep voice made you turn your attention away from Daryl.

You saw the man he was tall, kinda had a beard and was holding a baby, you also noticed a boy around your age in a sheriffs hat standing next to him. Daryl left from beside you and walked up to the man.

No don't leave me

Was all you could think wanting to reach out and grab him "Maggie this is y/n, this is my wife or fiancé Maggie" Glenn said you looked over and saw the short haired girl that was named Maggie. You know the one who was just all over Glenn a minute ago. "Hi" Maggie said smiling yet keeping an arm around Glenn "Hi" you replied smiling.

She was gorgeous for surviving while the world was ending she was basically flawless,
you could see why Glenn liked her. "This is Beth" Maggie said as a blonde girl around 17-18 walked up beside her she smiled and waved and you waved back. "That's rick" Glenn pointed to the tall guy with a beard "the one in the sheriffs hat is carl and the baby he's holding is baby Judith we'll introduce you to everyone else once your inside"

Carl was cute. He seemed to be a little taller then you but you couldn't really tell from here. "Come on firecracker" Daryl said walking up to you putting a hand on your shoulder.  Rick and Carl walked off and even though Glenn brought you here for Carl as you had heard in the conversation, the glare that Carl gave you when he walked off basically screamed

Fuck you

You walked with Daryl , Glenn and Maggie close behind you could see the sun going down "hey Beth can you show her to a room please?" Daryl asked the blonde she happily smiled and Daryl gave you the okay to follow her. "This is Carl's room, my room , and then yours for now" she moved the curtain and you saw the room it looked pretty clean for being an old prison cell.

"I'll um leave you to it" Beth nervously laughed and walked into her room letting you go into yours. You sat on the bed it making a slight squeaking noise and the pressure. You took the necklace from your jacket pocket and held it. Your dad had given it to you he found it in an old shop and gave it to you as a reminder that he was with you no matter what happened.

You jumped slightly when the curtain to your room was opened Rick sat next to you "I don't know where you were before but here we're a family we work together" he said you looked at the floor at the word family. "You seem like a good kid" you looked up at Rick with a slight smile "Carls not very fond of you already I'm pretty sure you could see that , but don't mind him he'll come around he's been different ever since his mom died" you nodded your head seeing as it was a sensitive subject.

"Get some sleep" Rick patted your knee before leaving the cell. He reminded you of your dad. You slipped of your boots and laid under the blankets it kept getting darker besides the lanterns that were lit in people's rooms but you didn't bother to try with yours.

You turned over and faced the wall finally being able to drink off to sleep. You woke up to the sound of a baby crying . It was dark now almost all around but you saw a light come on "shhhh Judith" you got out of the bed not bothering to put on your shoes you moved the clothe curtain and saw that the room with the only light on was Carls as Beth had told you. You walked over to it moving the curtain away and leaning in the door way, Carl stood in front of the crib with Judith in his arms he moved side to side rocking her back to sleep he turned and saw you which made his expression change.

He didn't have the sheriffs hat on so you could see him better now. Being closer to him you could tell you were wrong when you thought he was taller. You seemed to be about the same height.  "you uh- need help" you asked moving away from the door closer to him "no im fine" he said Judith whimpered a bit "you sure?" You asked he looked from Judith to you and slightly nodded his head you smiled and took Judith from him.

"My mom used to help look after my neighbors baby you know extra money" you sat on Carl's bed rubbing Judith's back she cuddled into your jacket that you forgot to take off when you fell asleep "she seems to like you" he said putting his hands in his pockets "yeah I guess so" you replied smiling. It didn't take long for Judith to fall back asleep you put her in the crib careful not to wake her up again.

"Well Im gonna go-" a noise outside cut you off you looked up at carl nervously "wanna go see?" You asked carl shook his head "Daryl Glenn and Maggie are on watch they wouldn't let anything in" he replied 'oh' you mouthed he sat on his bed you left his room seeing he probably wanted you out. You looked around pressing your lips together before walking quickly to the door.


Good things daryls on watch with Glenn and Maggie

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