Chapter thirty-three

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Chapter thirty-three: Something for you to remember love

"Last thing and the worst thing ever, other then greeting, is dancing." Dream shivered, "It can't be that hard." Killer rolled his pupils, Dream just stared at him for a moment.

You, the reader, might be wondering 'Where are they at the moment' the answer was Dream's room. "Believe it or not I've never done it before."
"So I'm letting someone who has never danced before teach me?" Killer raised an 'eyebrow'. "I've watched other's dance before, I'm not an idiot. I've gone to every hosting since I was a child. I know how," Dream told Killer. Killer rolled his pupils once again.

Dream stood infront of Killer, "Stand up strait you slouching." Dream pointed out, Killer stood up strait. 'My stars he's five inches taller then me when he stands up strait.'
"Are you happy?" Killer asked, "No."

"Look over my right shoulder and smile for once." Dream instructed, "I think you should be the one smiling," Killer 'smiled', it was Dream's turn to roll his pupils. "Smile Dreamy." Killer told the smaller, "Don't call me, 'Dreamy'." Dream stared, "Then smile."
Dream said something under his breath before 'smiling', "There we go." Killer laughed.

Dream held up his left hand, "Now hold my hand, palms together." Dream said, "I'm not sure if I'm injoying this." Killer did as he said once again, "Your making such a big issue out of something as stupid as this." Dream said boredly. Dream put his left hand on Killer's shoulder, "Maybe it's because I was not raised to do this crap." Killer put his free hand on Dream's back, "Well your learning now. Not many monsters or humans, that are not part of the royal family, have the chance to go to one of these stupid things." Dream moved himself slightly to the right.

The two started to move their feet in a box step, "Should I feel happy?" Killer asked, Dream thought for a moment then hesitantly nodded. "Your breath smells like mint for some random reason." Dream attempted to complement the taller. "Yay," Killer laughed "I've always wanted my breath to smell like mint."
They started to walk around more freely across the floor going in circles.

"Your actually doing better then I thought." Dream said, "Cool. I think." Killer shrugged, "You should be proud of yourself." Dream told the other skeleton.
"Same for you."
"Yeah about that-" Killer cut Dream off, "I already know."
"Wait you do?" Dream asked confused, "Let's just say a one eyed goopy skeleton told me," Killer laughed dryly "Fun times."
"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, I understand. But it does explain your teenager attitude." Killer smiled, "I don't have a 'teenager attitude' stuipd." Dream huffed, "Yes you do." Killer argued teasingly, "No I don't," Dream screamed the last as Killer dipped him, Dream held onto him tightly "Killer that's not part of the dance!" Dream yelled his face turning bright yellow.

"I know. I won't let you out of my grip until you admit that you act like a teenager." Killer had a wide smile of mischief plastered on his face. "Never!" Dream loudly whispered, "That's fine with me. The more time I get to spend time with you." Killer told the smaller who's face darkened in yellow blush. "I hate you. . . . . . Fine. I have a personality of a teenager."

"Good boy. That wasn't so bad, was it?" Killer lifted the two back up. "Don't speak." Dream covered his face with scarf, crossing his arms. "Fine then." Killer copied Dream.
Dream looked up at Killer. "What are you doing?" Dream asked, "I'm being you."
"It doesn't look like me at all."

"Yeah your right, I'm not as cute as you are." Killer smiled, 'Wait. What the hell did I just say?' Killer yelled at himself, "E-er. . . . B-Bee might be worried about you. We should go, we've spent enough time." Dream looked away from Killer. "Yeah. Wait how are we even going to get out?" Killer asked, "The window." Dream pointed at the window.

Killer went over to the window, looking down. "That's a long jump Dream." Killer sounded nervous, "Then hope you land in the trees." Dream jumped out the window. Killer watched wide socketed as Dream fell into the trees.
A few seconds later Dream got out of the tree line, he gave Killer a thumbs up.

"No wonder when we visited Ink he said he would love to jump out a window. You got this Killer." Killer talked to himself, then he jumped.

A few seconds later he crashed through trees before hitting the hard ground. "Killer you survived!" Dream exclaimed derimaticly. "Please tell me I'll never have to do that again." Dream went silent for a moment, "Your defiantly going to do it again." Dream told him, "Remind me to have pillows next time." Killer groaned, "No, Anyways come on," Dream helped Killer up.

"Um Killer?" Dream asked, Killer hummed, "You have a um. . . A twig in your eye socket." Dream pointed. "I know. It's painful actually." Killer said, skeletons are not supposed to have anything in their eye sockets, it will cause pain, some skeletons get used to that pain, other's feel it but just ignore it. Dream sighed taking the twig out of Killer's eye socket.
"Thank you."


Bee sat by one of the many market's bored, waiting for her 'toy' to come back.

She looked up hearing voices. She saw Killer and . . . . . . Dream. Ugh, she hated Dream so much. "Killer!" Bee ran up to Killer pulling him into a hug. "Oh I missed you! You where gone for long I thought that I would die for not being able to see you," Bee wined then backed away from Killer, she looked at Dream.

"Oh. Your back. What did you two do with each other. Alone." Bee's voice sounded cold, "Nothin-"

"We danced. And talked. Do you have a problem with that?" Dream stared at her, "Yes. Yes I do! He's mine! So keep your hands off of him!" Bee yelled.
"This is a stupid fight." Killer crossed his arms.

"At least he does not think that I'm annoying!" Dream argued. "Seriously you two."
"I've known him longer! I know almost everything about him. I've already claimed him as mine!" Bee pushed Dream, "I never said anything about him being mine Bee." Dream death stared her. "Oh my stars you two get over it! Here, I'm neither of yours, you both are just my friends. I'm nobody's!" Killer yelled.

Bee looked suprised and Dream tried to look like he didn't care. "But Killer-"
"No. Shut up for once. Dream go home, Bee leave me alone! Jeez." Killer pushed past the two, his blood boiling. Bee gasped looking at Dream.

"It's all your fault!" She yelled at him. "So? At least he said the truth. The truth hurts Bee. Love hurts." Dream walked off.

"If I don't get what I want, I'll take it."

I injoyed writing this chapter. And dang! Bee I think she's overreacting.

Or does she really have feelings for the tear streaked skeleton?


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